;create interrupt vector table for C6000 DSP ;-------------------------------------------------------------- ;This file can be modified to add Interrupt Service Routine(ISR) ;for an interrupt, the steps are: ;1,reference to the externally defined ISR, for example ; .ref EDMA_ISR ;2,modify the corresponding entry in the interrupt vector table. ; For example, if interrupt 8 is used for EDMA, then you should ; modify the entry number 8 like below: ; VEC_ENTRY EDMA_ISR ;interrupt 8 ;reference to the externally defined ISR .ref _c_int00 .ref Exception_service_routine .ref Nested_Exception_service_routine .ref LL2_EDC_ISR .ref SL2_EDC_ISR .ref Timer_ISR .ref exception_record .global vectors ;-------------------------------------------------------------- .sect ".text" ;NMI_ISR代码将保存在.text段中 ;interrupt vector for NMI NMI_ISR: STW B1,*-B15[1] ;save some key registers when exception happens MVKL exception_record,B1 MVKH exception_record,B1 STW B3, *+B1[0] STW A4, *+B1[1] STW B4, *+B1[2] STW B14, *+B1[3] STW B15, *+B1[4] ;jump to exception service routine MVKL Exception_service_routine, B1 MVKH Exception_service_routine, B1 B B1 LDW *-B15[1],B1 NOP 4 ;-------------------------------------------------------------- ;create interrupt vector for reset (interrupt 0),".macro .endm"为定义汇编语句的宏,类似于C中的#define,调用时可用用宏,如:VEC_RESET NMI_ISR, 参数addr就等于NMI_ISR。 VEC_RESET .macro addr MVKL addr,B0 MVKH addr,B0 B B0 MVC PCE1,B0 NOP 4 .align 32 .endm ;create interrupt vector for other used interrupts VEC_ENTRY .macro addr STW B0,*--B15 MVKL addr,B0 MVKH addr,B0 B B0 LDW *B15++,B0 NOP 4 .align 32 .endm ;create interrupt vector for unused interrupts ,不带参数的宏,使用时直接使用宏名:VEC_DUMMY。 VEC_DUMMY .macro unused_int?: B unused_int? ;dead loop for unused interrupts,如果代码进入没有使用的中断vector中,将执行死循环。 NOP 5 .align 32 .endm ;--------------------------------------------------------------------;interrupt vector table .sect "vecs" ;作用是创建vecs段,下面的中断向量代码vectors将存储在vecs段中。 .align 1024 ;.align伪汇编的作用是告诉汇编程序,本伪指令下面的内存变量必须从下一个能被1024整除的地址开始分配。如果下一个地址正好能被1024整除,那么,该伪指令不起作用,否则,汇编程序将空出若干个字节,直到下一个地址能被1024整除为止。 vectors: VEC_ENTRY Nested_Exception_service_routine ;RESET VEC_ENTRY NMI_ISR ;NMI/Exception VEC_DUMMY ;RSVD VEC_DUMMY ;RSVD VEC_ENTRY LL2_EDC_ISR ;interrupt 4 VEC_ENTRY SL2_EDC_ISR ;interrupt 5 VEC_DUMMY ;interrupt 6 VEC_DUMMY ;interrupt 7 VEC_DUMMY ;interrupt 8 VEC_DUMMY ;interrupt 9 VEC_DUMMY ;interrupt 10 VEC_DUMMY ;interrupt 11 VEC_DUMMY ;interrupt 12 VEC_DUMMY ;interrupt 13 VEC_ENTRY Timer_ISR ;interrupt 14 VEC_DUMMY ;interrupt 15 .end
TI C66x DSP 系统events及其应用 - 5.12(vector的创建),布布扣,bubuko.com
TI C66x DSP 系统events及其应用 - 5.12(vector的创建)