1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-# 2 3 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 # Name: 导航条控件 5 # Description: 6 # Author: lgk 7 # Date: 2018/6/21 8 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 10 import sys 11 from PyQt4.QtGui import * 12 from PyQt4.QtCore import * 13 14 class NavigationWidget(QWidget): 15 currentItemChanged = pyqtSignal([int, str]) 16 def __init__(self, parent=None): 17 super(NavigationWidget, self).__init__(parent) 18 19 self.initUI() 20 21 def initUI(self): 22 self.backgroundColor = ‘#E4E4E4‘ 23 self.selectedColor = ‘#2CA7F8‘ 24 self.rowHeight = 40 25 self.currentIndex = 0 #当前选择的项索引 26 self.listItems = [] 27 self.cursorIndex = -1 #当前光标所在位置的项索引 28 29 self.setMouseTracking(True) 30 self.setMinimumWidth(120) 31 32 def addItem(self, item): 33 self.listItems.append(item) 34 self.update() 35 36 def setItems(self, items): 37 self.listItems = items 38 self.update() 39 40 def setBackgroundColor(self, color): 41 self.backgroundColor = color 42 self.update() 43 44 def setSelectColor(self, color): 45 self.selectedColor = color 46 self.update() 47 48 def setRowHeight(self, height): 49 self.rowHeight = height 50 self.update() 51 52 def setCurrentIndex(self, idx): 53 self.currentIndex = idx 54 self.currentItemChanged.emit(idx, self.listItems[idx]) 55 self.update() 56 57 def paintEvent(self, evt): 58 painter = QPainter(self) 59 painter.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing, True) 60 61 #画背景色 62 painter.setPen(Qt.NoPen) 63 painter.setBrush(QColor(self.backgroundColor)) 64 painter.drawRect(self.rect()) 65 66 #画子项 67 for i in range(len(self.listItems)): 68 itemPath = QPainterPath() 69 itemPath.addRect(QRectF(0, i*self.rowHeight, self.width()-1, self.rowHeight-1)) 70 71 if i == self.currentIndex: 72 painter.setPen(QColor(‘#FFFFFF‘)) 73 painter.fillPath(itemPath, QColor(self.selectedColor)) 74 elif i == self.cursorIndex: 75 painter.setPen(QColor(‘#FFFFFF‘)) 76 painter.fillPath(itemPath, QColor(self.selectedColor)) 77 else: 78 painter.setPen(QColor(‘#202020‘)) 79 painter.fillPath(itemPath, QColor(self.backgroundColor)) 80 81 painter.drawText(QRect(0, i*self.rowHeight, self.width(), self.rowHeight), Qt.AlignVCenter|Qt.AlignHCenter, self.listItems[i]) 82 83 def mouseMoveEvent(self, evt): 84 idx = evt.y() / self.rowHeight 85 if idx >= len(self.listItems): 86 idx = -1 87 if idx < len(self.listItems) and idx != self.cursorIndex: 88 self.update() 89 self.cursorIndex = idx 90 91 def mousePressEvent(self, evt): 92 idx = evt.y()/self.rowHeight 93 if idx< len(self.listItems): 94 self.currentIndex = idx 95 self.currentItemChanged.emit(idx, self.listItems[idx]) 96 self.update() 97 98 def leaveEvent(self, QEvent): 99 self.cursorIndex = -1 100 self.update() 101 102 103 class MainWindow(QMainWindow): 104 def __init__(self): 105 super(MainWindow, self).__init__() 106 self.initUI() 107 108 def initUI(self): 109 self.resize(600, 400) 110 self.setWindowTitle(u‘导航条控件‘) 111 112 mainWidget = QWidget() 113 self.setCentralWidget(mainWidget) 114 115 navigationWidget = NavigationWidget() 116 navigationWidget.setRowHeight(50) 117 navigationWidget.setItems([u‘常规‘, u‘高级‘, u‘管理‘, u‘其它‘, u‘关于‘]) 118 119 self.tipsLabel = QLabel(u"请选择:") 120 121 mainLayout = QHBoxLayout(mainWidget) 122 mainLayout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) 123 mainLayout.setSpacing(10) 124 mainLayout.addWidget(navigationWidget, 1) 125 mainLayout.addWidget(self.tipsLabel, 3, Qt.AlignCenter) 126 127 navigationWidget.currentItemChanged[int, str].connect(self.slotCurrentItemChanged) 128 navigationWidget.setCurrentIndex(2) 129 130 131 132 def slotCurrentItemChanged(self, index, content): 133 self.tipsLabel.setText(u"Current index and content:{} ---- {}".format(index, content)) 134 135 def main(): 136 app = QApplication(sys.argv) 137 mainWnd = MainWindow() 138 sys.exit(app.exec_()) 139 140 if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: 141 main()