1. 同时支持文件传输和命令执行功能 2. 部分代码增加异常判断功能 3. 支持空行和#注释功能 4. 支持多并发执行
1. 输出无颜色标识 2. 无执行结果汇总功能 3. 远程执行的部分命令需加绝对路径(有经验的同学指点下) 4. 用map实现的多线程,非多进程
file:::/home/linuxlst/pylear/paramiko/sftp/sftp_v2.py /home/linuxlst/sftp_v2.py put com:::ls /home/linuxlst/sftp_v2.py /home/linuxlst/datafile/songtaoli/paramiko_mabs4.txt com:::/sbin/ifconfig > /home/linuxlst/ifconfig.log #com:::/sbin/ifconfig > /home/linuxlst/ifconfig.log
#iplist内容 linuxlst redhat 22 linuxlst redhat 22 # linuxlst redhat 22
#!/bin/env python #function: upload files throuth ssh protocal and excute command #-*- conding = utf-8 -*- import paramiko import sys import threading import os import re from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool as ThreadPool from time import sleep,ctime MULTI_PROC = 2 #process pool = ThreadPool(MULTI_PROC) def Usage(): print ‘*‘ * 50 print ‘‘‘ Usage: mabs.py command iplist *****cat command***** com:::ls /home/linuxlst/datafile/songtaoli/ file:::/home/linuxlst/pylear/paramiko/sftp/sftp_v2.py /home/linuxlst/sftp_v2.py put *****cat iplist***** linuxlst redhat 22 ‘‘‘ print ‘*‘ * 50 def FileUsage(): print "Usage:" print " file:::/home/linuxlst/pylear/paramiko/sftp/sftp_v2.py /home/linuxlst/sftp_v2.py put" def FileTran(comm,TranType,hostname,username,pwd,port): try: #print ‘hostname:‘,hostname #print ‘port:‘,port t = paramiko.Transport((hostname,int(port))) t.connect(username=username,password=pwd) sftp = paramiko.SFTPClient.from_transport(t) filetran = comm.split(‘ ‘) local = filetran[0].strip(‘\n‘) remote = filetran[1].strip(‘\n‘) if TranType == "put": #print ‘***put file %s to remote %s‘ % (local,remote) sftp.put(local,remote) elif TranType == "get": #print ‘***get remote file %s to local %s‘ % (remote,local) sftp.get(remote,local) else: print "ERROR:lack of tran TranType." sys.exit() t.close() except Exception, e: traceback.print_exc() try: t.close() except: pass def Execu(hostname,username,pwd,port,command): try: #print ‘***Run command {%s} on host {%s} by username {%s}‘ % (command,hostname,username) ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh.load_system_host_keys() #ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.MissingHostKeyPolicy()) ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) ssh.connect(hostname,port=int(port),username=username,password=pwd) stdin,stdout,stderr = ssh.exec_command(command) #stdin,stdout,stderr = ssh.exec_command(‘hostname‘) #print stdin.read() print stdout.read() print stderr.read() except Exception,e: print ‘change file auth or excute file failed:‘,e ssh.close() def main(config): ip = config[0] username = config[1] pwd = config[2] port = config[3] comm = config[4] print ip,username,pwd,port,comm maincomm = [] TranType = ‘‘ sp = comm.split(‘:::‘) if sp[0] == "com": #maincomm = [sp[1].strip(‘\n‘),‘com‘] commandline = sp[1].strip(‘\n‘) Execu(ip,username,pwd,port,commandline) elif sp[0] == "file": m = sp[1].strip(‘\n‘) if re.search(‘put‘,m): TranType = ‘put‘ #maincomm = [sp[1].strip(‘\n‘),TranType] commandline = sp[1].strip(‘\n‘) FileTran(commandline,TranType,ip,username,pwd,port) elif re.search(‘get‘,m): TranType = ‘get‘ #maincomm = [sp[1].strip(‘\n‘),TranType] commandline = sp[1].strip(‘\n‘) FileTran(commandline,TranType,ip,username,pwd,port) else: print ‘ERROR:lack of tran TranType‘ FileUsage() sys.exit() else: print ‘ERROR:lack com or file mark‘ FileUsage() sys.exit() def MyMul(): threads = [] com = open(sys.argv[1],‘r‘) #command file confs = open(sys.argv[2],‘r‘) #config file confs.seek(0) config = [] for conf in confs: com.seek(0) #print ip,username,port if not conf.startswith(‘#‘) and len(conf) > 1: ip,username,pwd,port = conf.strip(‘\r\n‘).split(‘ ‘) #lconf += 1 for comm in com: if not comm.startswith(‘#‘) and len(comm) > 1: config.append([ip,username,pwd,port,comm]) pool.map(main,config) pool.close() pool.join() if len(sys.argv) != 3: Usage() os.sys.exit() if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: MyMul()
本文出自 “linux” 博客,请务必保留此出处http://fengzhilinux.blog.51cto.com/1343279/1440461