create tablespace LTLOBDATA01
datafile ‘d:\database\LTLOBDATA01.def‘ size 1G
autoextend on next 100M maxsize unlimited logging
extent management local autoallocate
segment space management auto;
-- 1 create user username
create user bj1220
identified by "1"
default tablespace LTSYSDATA01
temporary tablespace TEMP
profile default
account unlock;
-- 3 grant role tempuser_role to username
--grant tempuser_role to username;
grant comment any table to bj1220;
grant create any sequence to bj1220;
grant create any table to bj1220;
grant create any view to bj1220;
grant alter any procedure to bj1220;
grant create any procedure to bj1220;
grant unlimited tablespace to bj1220;
grant dba to bj1220;
drop user 用户名 cascade;
select * from v$session where username =‘用户名‘
drop user EFM_PORTAL_LH01 cascade;
select * from v$session where username =‘EFM_PORTAL_LH01‘
select saddr,sid,serial#,paddr,username,status from v$session where username is not null and username = ‘EFM_PORTAL_LH01‘
alter system kill session‘74,52833‘
set username=HUILAI2017
set password=HUILAI2017
set filename=huilai.dmp
set servername=
set cd=F:\gx\export
exp %username%/%password%@%servername% file=%cd%\%filename% log=%cd%\%username%.log
set username=EFM_PORTAL_GX
set password=EFM_PORTAL_GX
set filename=efm_portal_650205.dmp
set servername=
set cd=F:\gx
imp %username%/%password%@%servername% file=%cd%\%filename% full=y ignore=y buffer=40960000 commit=y