Alien Fred wants to destroy the Earth, but he forgot the password that activates the planet destroyer. You are given a string S. Fred remembers that the correct password can be obtained from S by erasing exactly one character. Write a program to calculate the number of different passwords Fred needs to try. 0) "A" Answer: 1 In this case, the only password Fred needs to try is an empty string. 1) "ABA" Answer: 3 The following three passwords are possible in this case: "BA", "AA", "AB". 2) "AABACCCCABAA" Answer: 7 3) "ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ" Answer: 1 Regardless of which character we erase, we will always obtain the same string. Thus there is only one possible password: the string that consists of 49 ‘Z‘s.
The input contains multiple cases.Each case contains a string(length less than 100).
For each case,output the answer of the problem.
1 3 7 1
解题思路:使用string.erase(pos,num),删除从pos索引开始的num个字符, 返回*this,为了不改变目标字符串str,所以用临时的字符串obj保存删除str中每个位置上的字符前的字符串str,这样每次删除后都将其放在容器set中,最后输出容器中元素的个数即可,水过!
1 #include<bits/stdc++.h> 2 using namespace std; 3 int main(){ 4 string str,obj;set<string> st; 5 while(cin>>str){ 6 st.clear();//清空 7 for(size_t i=0;i<str.length();++i){ 8 obj=str;st.insert(obj.erase(i,1)); 9 } 10 cout<<st.size()<<endl; 11 } 12 return 0; 13 }