//根据数据源结构创建ACCESS表1:生成脚本 Function CreateAccessTable(dSource:TDataSet; sTableName:String; sIgnoreFields:Array of String):String; Var SQL:TStringList; oField:TField; i, n:Integer; sF:String; Begin Result:=‘‘; SQL:=TStringList.Create; With SQL do Try n:=0; // SQL.Text:=‘Create Table ‘+sTableName+‘ ‘; SQL.Add(‘( ‘); For i:=0 to dSource.FieldCount-1 do Begin oField:=dSource.Fields[i]; if IndexOfStrArray(oField.FieldName,sIgnoreFields)>=0 then Continue; // if n>0 then sF:=‘,‘ else sF:=‘‘; sF:=sF+oField.FieldName+‘ ‘+GetFieldTypeString(oField)+‘ Null‘; SQL.Add(‘ ‘+sF); Inc(n); End; //添加主键 //sql.add(‘, Primary Key(sStoreID, sItemID) ‘); //结束 SQL.Add(‘) ‘); //完成 Result:=SQL.Text; SQL.Free; Except On E:Exception do Begin Try SQL.Free; Except End; Raise Exception.Create(‘[CreateAccessTable-1]创建ACCESS表‘+sTableName+‘出错!‘+#13+E.Message); End; End; End; //创建ACCESS表,执行2 Function CreateAccessTable(dSource:TDataSet; Qry_Access:TAdoQuery; sTableName:String; sIgnoreFields:Array of String; lTryDropExist:Boolean=True):Boolean; OverLoad; label lbl_iProcEnd; Var Qry:TAdoQuery; s, s2, sScript, sError:String; i:integer; L, lTrans:Boolean; Begin Result:=False; Qry:=Qry_Access; With Qry do Try sError:=‘‘; //检查是否存在此表 L:=TableExists(connection, sTableName); //删除原表,检查有无此表 If lTryDropExist then begin Close; If lTryDropExist And ((Qry.ConnectionString=‘‘) And (Not Qry.Connection.InTransaction)) then Begin Connection.BeginTrans; lTrans:=True; End; //找到了,删除 if L then Try DoSQL(Qry,‘Drop Table ‘+sTableName); Except On E:Exception do ; End; end else if L then begin //不用删除,已经有表了,忽略 goto lbl_iProcEnd; end; //创建表 sScript:=CreateAccessTable(dSource,sTableName,sIgnoreFields); if sScript=‘‘ then Raise Exception.Create(‘[CreateAccessTable-1-2]生成脚本出错!‘); SQL.Text:=sScript; {$IFDef DebugClipBoard} clipBoard.asText:=sql.text; {$EndIF} //调试 ExecSQL; // lbl_iProcEnd: if lTrans then Connection.CommitTrans; Result:=True; Except On E:Exception do Begin if lTrans then Connection.RollbackTrans; sError:=‘[CreateAccessTable-2]执行ACCESS表‘+sTableName+‘创建出错!‘+#13+E.Message; End; End; if sError<>‘‘ then Raise Exception.Create(sError); End; //创建Access数据库 Function CreateAccessDB(sFileName:String; sPassWord:String=‘‘): Boolean; Const //默认语言标志Locale Identifier=2057 sOleLink=‘Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Locale Identifier=2057;Data Source= %s ;Jet OLEDB:Database Password= %s‘; Var CreateAccess: OleVariant; Begin Result := False; Try CreateAccess := CreateOleObject(‘ADOX.Catalog‘); CreateAccess.Create(Format(sOleLink,[sFileName,sPassWord])); CreateAccess:=null; Result := True; Except On E:Exception do Raise Exception.Create(‘[CreateAccessDB]创建MDB数据库‘+sFileName+‘出错!‘+#13+E.message); End; End; //创建一个新字段 function createNewField(oDB:TDataSet; sFieldName:String; oType:TFieldType; nSize:integer=-1):TField; var d:TDataSet; begin result:=nil; d:=oDB; case oType of ftString : result:=TStringField.Create(d); ftInteger : result:=TIntegerField.Create(d); ftFloat : result:=TFloatField.Create(d); ftBoolean : result:=TBooleanField.Create(d); ftDateTime : result:=TDateTimeField.Create(d); end; result.FieldName:=sFieldName; if nSize>0 then result.Size:=nSize; //result.SetFieldType(oType); //result.DefaultExpression:=‘‘; //默认值 //必须设置其所在数据集,放在最后一行不易出错 result.DataSet:=d; end; //返回字段的类型字符串 Function GetFieldTypeString(oField:TField):String; Var n:Integer; s:String; Begin Result:=‘‘; Try n:=oField.Size; s:=‘‘; // if oField is TStringField then Begin if n>nAccessStringMaxLength then s:=‘Memo‘ Else begin n:=nAccessStringMaxLength; s:=‘VarChar(‘+Inttostr(n)+‘)‘; End; End Else if oField is TLargeintField then s:=‘Int‘ Else if oField is TSmallIntField then s:=‘Int‘ Else if oField is TIntegerField then s:=‘Int‘ Else if oField is TNumericField then s:=‘Numeric(20,4)‘ Else if oField is TBooleanField then s:=‘Bit‘ Else if oField is TBlobField then s:=‘Image‘ Else if oField is TDateTimeField then s:=‘DateTime‘ Else if oField is TBinaryField then s:=‘Binary‘ Else if oField is TMemoField then s:=‘Memo‘ Else s:=‘VarChar(50)‘; // Result:=Trim(s); Except On E:Exception do Raise Exception.Create(‘[GetFieldTypeString]获取字段类型描述出错‘+#13+E.Message); End; End;