Mobile Services批量提交数据,参考了文章:Inserting multiple items at once in Azure Mobile Services。里面其实已经介绍得比较清楚了,但由于是英文,而且有些地方交待得不清楚,也没有Android的示例,故下文以Android版本的开发为例作个补充。
首先在Mobile Services项目里新建AllToDoItems以及ToDoItem表,点击AllToDoItems,再点击script标签,将里面的内容替换如下:
function insert(item, user, request) { var table = tables.getTable('ToDoItem'); populateTable(table, request, item.todos); } function populateTable(table, request, films) { var index = 0; films.forEach(changeReleaseDate); var insertNext = function () { if (index >= films.length) { request.respond(201, { id: 1, status: 'Table populated successfully' }); } else { var toInsert = films[index]; table.insert(toInsert, { success: function () { index++; if ((index % 20) === 0) { console.log('Inserted %d items', index); } insertNext(); } }); } }; insertNext(); } function changeReleaseDate(obj) { var releaseDate = obj.ReleaseDate; if (typeof releaseDate === 'string') { releaseDate = new Date(releaseDate); obj.ReleaseDate = releaseDate; } }
package com.example.ecodriveiot; /** * Represents an item in a ToDo list */ public class ToDoItem { /** * Item text */"text") private String mText; /** * Item Id */"id") private String mId; /** * Indicates if the item is completed */"complete") private boolean mComplete; /** * ToDoItem constructor */ public ToDoItem() { } @Override public String toString() { return getText(); } /** * Initializes a new ToDoItem * * @param text * The item text * @param id * The item id */ public ToDoItem(String text, String id) { this.setText(text); this.setId(id); } /** * Returns the item text */ public String getText() { return mText; } /** * Sets the item text * * @param text * text to set */ public final void setText(String text) { mText = text; } /** * Returns the item id */ public String getId() { return mId; } /** * Sets the item id * * @param id * id to set */ public final void setId(String id) { mId = id; } /** * Indicates if the item is marked as completed */ public boolean isComplete() { return mComplete; } /** * Marks the item as completed or incompleted */ public void setComplete(boolean complete) { mComplete = complete; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { return o instanceof ToDoItem && ((ToDoItem) o).mId == mId; } }
package com.example.ecodriveiot; public class AllToDoItems {"id") public String id; public String status; public ToDoItem[] todos; }
ToDoItem item = new ToDoItem(); item.setText("test"); item.setComplete(false); ToDoItem[] items = new ToDoItem[2]; items[0]=item; items[1]=item; // Insert the new item /*mToDoTable.insert(item, new TableOperationCallback<ToDoItem>() { public void onCompleted(ToDoItem entity, Exception exception, ServiceFilterResponse response) { if (exception == null) { if (!entity.isComplete()) { mAdapter.add(entity); } } else { createAndShowDialog(exception, "Error"); } } });*/ AllToDoItems allToDoItems = new AllToDoItems(); allToDoItems.todos=items; mClient.getTable(AllToDoItems.class).insert(allToDoItems, new TableOperationCallback<AllToDoItems>() { public void onCompleted(AllToDoItems entity, Exception exception, ServiceFilterResponse response) { if (exception == null) { Log.i("Debug", "status:"+entity.status); } else { createAndShowDialog(exception, "Error"); } } });
Mobile Services批量提交数据,布布扣,