usage: im2rec.py [-h] [--list] [--exts EXTS [EXTS ...]] [--chunks CHUNKS] [--train-ratio TRAIN_RATIO] [--test-ratio TEST_RATIO] [--recursive] [--no-shuffle] [--pass-through] [--resize RESIZE] [--center-crop] [--quality QUALITY] [--num-thread NUM_THREAD] [--color {-1,0,1}] [--encoding {.jpg,.png}] [--pack-label] prefix root Create an image list or make a record database by reading from an image list positional arguments: prefix prefix of input/output lst and rec files. root path to folder containing images. optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit Options for creating image lists: --list If this is set im2rec will create image list(s) by traversing root folder and output to <prefix>.lst. Otherwise im2rec will read <prefix>.lst and create a database at <prefix>.rec (default: False) --exts EXTS [EXTS ...] list of acceptable image extensions. (default: [‘.jpeg‘, ‘.jpg‘, ‘.png‘]) --chunks CHUNKS number of chunks. (default: 1) --train-ratio TRAIN_RATIO Ratio of images to use for training. (default: 1.0) --test-ratio TEST_RATIO Ratio of images to use for testing. (default: 0) --recursive If true recursively walk through subdirs and assign an unique label to images in each folder. Otherwise only include images in the root folder and give them label 0. (default: False) --no-shuffle If this is passed, im2rec will not randomize the image order in <prefix>.lst (default: True) Options for creating database: --pass-through whether to skip transformation and save image as is (default: False) --resize RESIZE resize the shorter edge of image to the newsize, original images will be packed by default. (default: 0) --center-crop specify whether to crop the center image to make it rectangular. (default: False) --quality QUALITY JPEG quality for encoding, 1-100; or PNG compression for encoding, 1-9 (default: 95) --num-thread NUM_THREAD number of thread to use for encoding. order of images will be different from the input list if >1. the input list will be modified to match the resulting order. (default: 1) --color {-1,0,1} specify the color mode of the loaded image. 1: Loads a color image. Any transparency of image will be neglected. It is the default flag. 0: Loads image in grayscale mode. -1:Loads image as such including alpha channel. (default: 1) --encoding {.jpg,.png} specify the encoding of the images. (default: .jpg) --pack-label Whether to also pack multi dimensional label in the record file (default: False)