A gene string can be represented by an 8-character long string, with choices from "A"
, "C"
, "G"
, "T"
Suppose we need to investigate about a mutation (mutation from "start" to "end"), where ONE mutation is defined as ONE single character changed in the gene string.
For example, "AACCGGTT"
is 1 mutation.
Also, there is a given gene "bank", which records all the valid gene mutations. A gene must be in the bank to make it a valid gene string.
Now, given 3 things - start, end, bank, your task is to determine what is the minimum number of mutations needed to mutate from "start" to "end". If there is no such a mutation, return -1.
Example 1:
start: "AACCGGTT" end: "AACCGGTA" bank: ["AACCGGTA"] return: 1
Example 2:
start: "AACCGGTT" end: "AAACGGTA" bank: ["AACCGGTA", "AACCGCTA", "AAACGGTA"] return: 2
Example 3:
start: "AAAAACCC" end: "AACCCCCC" bank: ["AAAACCCC", "AAACCCCC", "AACCCCCC"] return: 3
这道题可以用bfs来解答,与word ladder十分相似。
1.gene从{‘A‘, ‘C‘, ‘G‘, ‘T‘ }中选择。
我们用queue来存储当前的gene string,并且用另一个queue来存储变化次数。
1. 是否已经访问过
2. 是否在bank中可以找到
class Solution { public: int minMutation(string start, string end, vector<string>& bank) { vector<char> genes = {‘A‘, ‘T‘, ‘C‘, ‘G‘}; unordered_set<string> s(bank.begin(), bank.end()); if(s.count(end) == 0) return -1; unordered_set<string> visited; queue<string> q; queue<int> distance_q; q.push(start); distance_q.push(0); while(!q.empty()){ string cur = q.front(); q.pop(); int dis = distance_q.front(); distance_q.pop(); for(int i = 0 ; i < 8; i++){ for(int j = 0; j < 4; j++){ string temp = cur; if(genes[j] == temp[i]) continue; temp[i] = genes[j]; if(temp == end) return dis+1; if(visited.count(temp) == 0 && s.count(temp) != 0){ visited.insert(temp); q.push(temp); distance_q.push(dis+1); } } } } return -1; } };