# pip3 install pymysql import pymysql client=pymysql.connect( host=‘‘, port=3306, user=‘root‘, password=‘‘, database=‘db5‘, charset=‘utf8‘ ) cursor=client.cursor() sql=‘insert into t1 values(1,"egon"); ‘ try: res=cursor.execute(sql) # res=cursor.execute(sql) # res=cursor.execute(sql) # res=cursor.execute(sql) print(res) client.commit() except Exception: client.rollback() cursor.close() client.close() # 基于pymysql模块的增删改 # pip3 install pymysql import pymysql client=pymysql.connect( host=‘‘, port=3306, user=‘root‘, password=‘‘, database=‘db5‘, charset=‘utf8‘ ) cursor=client.cursor() # 增 # userinfo=[ # (3,"alex"), # (4,"lxx"), # (5,"xxx") # ] # # for user in userinfo: # sql=‘insert into t1 values(%s,"%s"); ‘%(user[0],user[1]) # print(sql) # cursor.execute(sql) # 增简便方法 # userinfo=[ # (3,"alex"), # (4,"lxx"), # (5,"xxx") # ] # sql=‘insert into t1 values(%s,%s);‘ # cursor.executemany(sql,userinfo) # 删 # cursor.execute(‘delete from t1 where id =3;‘) # 改 # sql=‘alter table t1 add age int; ‘ sql=‘alter table t1 modify name varchar(20); ‘ cursor.execute(sql) client.commit() cursor.close() client.close() # 基于mysql模块的查询 import pymysql client=pymysql.connect( host=‘‘, port=3306, user=‘root‘, password=‘‘, database=‘db5‘, charset=‘utf8‘ ) cursor=client.cursor() inp_user=input(‘输入账号:‘).strip() inp_pwd=input(‘输入密码:‘).strip() # sql=‘select id from user where name="%s" and pwd=password("%s");‘%(inp_user,inp_pwd) sql=‘select id from user where name="%s" and pwd="%s";‘%(inp_user,inp_pwd) print(sql) rows=cursor.execute(sql) #rows行数 如果有证明存在 if rows: print(‘\033[45m登录成功\033[0m‘) else: print(‘\033[46m用户或密码错误\033[0m‘) cursor.execute(sql) client.commit() cursor.close() client.close() # 输入:egon" -- xxxxx # xxx" or 1=1 -- hellosb 可以登录 # 解决sql 注入问题 import pymysql client=pymysql.connect( host=‘‘, port=3306, user=‘root‘, password=‘‘, database=‘db5‘, charset=‘utf8‘ ) cursor=client.cursor() #查询 inp_user=input(‘输入账号名: ‘).strip() inp_pwd=input(‘输入密码: ‘).strip() sql=‘select id from user where name = %s and pwd = %s;‘ rows=cursor.execute(sql,(inp_user,inp_pwd)) #不进行字符串拼接,放在execute执行 if rows: print(‘\033[45m登陆成功\033[0m‘) else: print(‘\033[46m用户名或密码错误\033[0m‘) cursor.close() client.close() # 提交查询语句并且拿到查询结果 import pymysql client=pymysql.connect( host=‘‘, port=3306, user=‘root‘, password=‘egon123‘, database=‘db6‘, charset=‘utf8‘ ) cursor=client.cursor(pymysql.cursors.DictCursor) #查询 sql=‘select * from user where id > 3‘ rows=cursor.execute(sql) # print(rows) # print(cursor.fetchall()) # print(cursor.fetchall()) # print(cursor.fetchone()) # print(cursor.fetchone()) # print(cursor.fetchone()) # print(cursor.fetchmany(2)) # print(cursor.fetchone()) # print(cursor.fetchall()) # # cursor.scroll(0,mode=‘absolute‘) # 绝对位置移动 # # cursor.scroll(1,mode=‘absolute‘) # 绝对位置移动 # print(cursor.fetchall()) # print(cursor.fetchone()) # cursor.scroll(2,mode=‘relative‘) # 相对当前位置移动 # print(cursor.fetchone()) cursor.close() client.close() # 在Python3中调用存储过程: import pymysql client=pymysql.connect( host=‘‘, port=3306, user=‘root‘, password=‘‘, database=‘db5‘, charset=‘utf8‘ ) cursor=client.cursor(pymysql.cursors.DictCursor) res=cursor.callproc(‘p4‘,(3,111)) # set @_p4_0 = 3 ;set @_p4_1 = 111 print(cursor.fetchall()) cursor.execute(‘select @_p4_1;‘) print(cursor.fetchone()) cursor.close() client.close()