Situation two: you have downloaded the source code to an open source package and after an hour or so of minor edits, you manage to make it compile on your system. You would like to make your work available to other programmers, or to the authors of the package, without redistributing the entire modified package. Now you are in a situation where you need to create a patch of your own, and the tool you need is diff.
This is a quick guide to diff and patch which will help you in these situations by describing the tools as they are most commonly used. It tells you enough to get started right away. Later, you can learn the ins and outs of diff and patch at your leisure, using the man pages.
To apply a patch to a single file, change to the directory where the file is located and call patch:
patch < foo.patch
These instructions assume the patch is distributed in unified format, which identifies the file the patch should be applied to. If not, you can specify the file on the command line:
patch foo.txt < bar.patch
Applying patches to entire directories (perhaps the more common case) is similar, but you have to be careful about setting a "p level". What this means is that, within patch files, the files to be patched are identified by path names which may be different now that the files are located on your computer rather than on the computer where the patch was created. The p level instructs patch to ignore parts of the path name so that it can identify the files correctly. Most often a p level of one will work, so you use:
patch -p1 < baz.patch
You should change to the top level source directory before running this command. If a patch level of one does not correctly identify any files to patch, inspect the patch file for file names. If you see a name like
and you are working in a directory that contains net/http.c, use
patch -p5 < baz.patch
In general, count up one for each path separator (slash character) that you remove from the beginning of the path, until what‘s left is a path that exists in your working directory. The count you reach is the p level.
To remove a patch, use the -R flag, ie
patch -p5 -R < baz.patch
Using diff is simple whether you are working with single files or entire source directories. To create a patch for a single file, use the form:
diff -u original.c new.c > original.patch
To create a patch for an entire source tree, make a copy of the tree:
cp -R original new
Make any changes required in the directory new/. Then create a patch with the following command:
diff -rupN original/ new/ > original.patch
That‘s all you need to get started with diff and patch. For more information use:
man diff
man patch
This article has been translated and republished in the following languages:
Spanish: Guia de 10 minutos de diff y patch
Portuguese: O Guia de Dez Minutos de diff e patch
French: diff et patch en dix minutes
Polish: 10 minut z diff i patch
German diff und patch in zehn Minuten
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Copyright by Stephen Jungels. Written permission is required to repost or reprint this article
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The Ten Minute Guide to diff and patch,布布扣,
The Ten Minute Guide to diff and patch