1 #include<cstdio> 2 #define mid(a,b) ((a+b)>>1) //宏定义中用到移位需要注意! 3 4 using namespace std; 5 6 struct Node{ 7 8 int left, right; 9 Node* pL, *pR; 10 long long sum; 11 long long increase; 12 }Tree[400020]; 13 14 int Count = 0; 15 16 void build(Node *pRoot, int l, int r){ 17 18 pRoot->left = l; 19 pRoot->right = r; 20 pRoot->sum = 0; 21 pRoot->increase = 0; 22 23 if( l == r )//结束条件 24 return; 25 Count ++; 26 pRoot->pL = Tree + Count; 27 Count ++; 28 pRoot->pR = Tree + Count; 29 30 build(pRoot->pL, l, mid(l,r)); 31 build(pRoot->pR, mid(l,r)+1, r); 32 } 33 34 void minsert(Node *pRoot, int pose, int value){ 35 36 if(pRoot->left == pose && pRoot->right == pose){ 37 pRoot->sum = value; 38 return; 39 } 40 pRoot->sum += value;//important!? 41 if(pose <= mid(pRoot->left,pRoot->right)) 42 minsert(pRoot->pL, pose, value); 43 else if(pose > mid(pRoot->left,pRoot->right)) 44 minsert(pRoot->pR,pose,value); 45 } 46 47 void add(Node *pRoot, int l, int r, long long value){ 48 49 if(pRoot->left == l && pRoot->right == r){ 50 pRoot->increase += value; 51 return; 52 } 53 54 pRoot->sum += value*(r - l + 1);//右减左!此时增值为value! 55 if(r <= mid(pRoot->left, pRoot->right)) 56 add(pRoot->pL, l, r, value); 57 else if(l > mid(pRoot->left, pRoot->right)) 58 add(pRoot->pR, l, r, value); 59 else{ 60 add(pRoot->pL, l, mid(pRoot->left, pRoot->right),value); 61 add(pRoot->pR, mid(pRoot->left, pRoot->right) + 1, r, value); 62 } 63 } 64 65 long long query(Node* pRoot, int s, int e){ 66 67 if(pRoot->left == s && pRoot->right == e){ 68 return pRoot->sum + pRoot->increase*(pRoot->right - pRoot->left + 1); 69 } 70 71 pRoot->sum += pRoot->increase*(pRoot->right - pRoot->left + 1); 72 add(pRoot->pL, pRoot->left, mid(pRoot->left, pRoot->right), pRoot->increase);// 73 add(pRoot->pR, mid(pRoot->left, pRoot->right) + 1, pRoot->right, pRoot->increase);//????????????? 74 pRoot->increase = 0; 75 if(e <= mid(pRoot->left, pRoot->right)) 76 return query(pRoot->pL, s, e); 77 else if(s > mid(pRoot->left, pRoot->right)) 78 return query(pRoot->pR, s, e);// 79 else{ 80 return query(pRoot->pL, s, mid(pRoot->left, pRoot->right)) + 81 query(pRoot->pR, mid(pRoot->left, pRoot->right) + 1, e); 82 } 83 } 84 85 int main(){ 86 87 int n, q, num, l, r, value; 88 char op; 89 scanf("%d %d", &n, &q); 90 91 build(Tree, 1, n); 92 93 for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++){ 94 scanf("%d", &num); 95 minsert(Tree, i, num); 96 } 97 while(q --){ 98 99 getchar(); 100 scanf("%c",&op); 101 if(op == ‘C‘){ 102 scanf("%d %d %d", &l, &r, &value); 103 add(Tree, l, r, value); 104 } 105 if(op == ‘Q‘){ 106 scanf("%d %d", &l, &r); 107 printf("%I64d\n",query(Tree,l,r)); 108 } 109 } 110 111 return 0; 112 113 }
实际上还是很渣的线段树,尽管有优化,但是, 效率仍然很低。
140ms 和 1700+ms的区别。。。
POJ 3468 A Simple Problem with Integers,布布扣,bubuko.com
POJ 3468 A Simple Problem with Integers