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数据结构 - 单源最短路径之迪杰斯特拉(Dijkstra)算法详解(Java)

时间:2018-08-25 16:01:15      阅读:324      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

  给出一个图,求某个端点(goal)到其余端点或者某个端点的最短路径,最容易想到的求法是利用DFS,假设求起点到某个端点走过的平均路径为n条,每个端点的平均邻接端点为m,那求出这个最短路径使用DFS算法的时间复杂度为O(mn), 这显然是十分不理想的。

  于是提出迪杰斯特拉(Dijkstra)算法,为解决有向图中某个端点到其余端点的最短路径, 在端点数为m,时间复杂度为O(m2)的情况下求出结果,前提条件是每条边的权重不能使负值。








 1 // calculate the shortest distance from start point to end point
 2     public void calcDistance(int start, int[][] matrix) {
 3         this.matrix = matrix;
 4         this.start = start;
 5         int cnt = matrix.length; //Point count
 6         this.goalCnt = cnt;
 7         boolean[] found = new boolean[cnt]; //true value indicate the shortest distance from start to n have been found
 8         int[] dis = new int[cnt]; // store the shortest distance from start to n, initial as INT_MAX
 9         int[] preRoute = new int[cnt]; //preRoute[u] = v represent that the previous goal of shortest path to u is v
10         for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
11             dis[i] = start == i ? 0 : matrix[start][i] != 0 ? matrix[start][i] : Integer.MAX_VALUE;
12             preRoute[i] = -1;
13         }
14         found[start] = true;
15         // find out one shortest path in one iteration
16         for (int i = 0; i < cnt - 1; i++) {
17             // the shortest distance of the index of goal was found in current iteration
18             int tDis = Integer.MAX_VALUE,
19                     tInd = -1;
20             for (int j = 0; j < cnt; j++) {
21                 if (!found[j] && dis[j] < tDis) {
22                     tInd = j;
23                     tDis = dis[j];
24                 }
25             }
26             if (-1 == tInd) {
27                 //The left goal is unreachable
28                 break;
29             }
30             found[tInd] = true;
31             distance.put(tInd, dis[tInd]);
32             // find out the route of the tInd goal
33             int e = tInd;
34             Stack<Integer> stack = new Stack<>();
35             while (-1 != e) {
36                 stack.push(e);
37                 e = preRoute[e];
38             }
39             route.put(tInd, stack);
40             //update the shorter path
41             for (int j = 0; j < cnt; j ++) {
42                 if (matrix[tInd][j] != 0) {
43                     int newDis = dis[tInd] + matrix[tInd][j];
44                     if (!found[j] && newDis < dis[j]) {
45                         dis[j] = newDis;
46                         preRoute[j] = tInd; // tInd is the previous goal of the shortest path to j goal
47                     }
48                 }
49             }
50         }
51     }





public static void main(String[] args) {
        // test data
        int[][] matrix = {
        Dijkstra dijkstra = new Dijkstra();
        dijkstra.calcDistance(0, matrix);
        for (int i = 1; i < dijkstra.getGoalCnt(); i++) {
            System.out.println("Destination: " + i);
            System.out.println("Distance: " + dijkstra.getDistance(i));
            System.out.println("Path: " + dijkstra.getRouteMap(i));


Destination: 1
Distance: 2
Path: 0->2->1

Destination: 2
Distance: 1
Path: 0->2

Destination: 3
Distance: 1
Path: 0->3

Destination: 4
Distance: 3
Path: 0->2->4

Destination: 5
Distance: 2
Path: 0->2->5

Destination: 6
Distance: 3
Path: 0->3->6

Destination: 7
Distance: 2
Path: 0->3->7

Destination: 8
Distance: 3
Path: 0->3->7->8

Destination: 9
Distance: 4
Path: 0->2->4->9

Destination: 10
Distance: 3
Path: 0->2->5->10

Destination: 11
Distance: 4
Path: 0->2->5->10->11

Destination: 12
Distance: 5
Path: 0->2->5->12

Destination: 13
Distance: 5
Path: 0->3->7->8->14->13

Destination: 14
Distance: 4
Path: 0->3->7->8->14

Destination: 15
Distance: 5
Path: 0->3->7->8->14->15

Destination: 16
Distance: 5
Path: 0->2->5->10->11->16

Destination: 17
Distance: 6
Path: 0->3->7->8->14->13->17







数据结构 - 单源最短路径之迪杰斯特拉(Dijkstra)算法详解(Java)


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