Given an array of n objects with k different colors (numbered from 1 to k), sort them so that objects of the same color are adjacent, with the colors in the order 1, 2, ... k.
Given colors=[3, 2, 2, 1, 4], k=4, your code should sort colors in-place to [1, 2, 2, 3, 4].
A rather straight forward solution is a two-pass algorithm using counting sort. That will cost O(k) extra memory. Can you do it without using extra memory?
You are not suppose to use the library‘s sort function for this problem.
k <= n
1.因为midColor=()/2是不对称的,会偏小,所以对比colors[left] colors[right]和midColor也不对称。想最极端的只有两色12的情况,mid是1,left要指到2这种>1的才能停,right要指到<=1的都要停。上面加=减=你试试就知道都不行,要么把位置对的换走了,要么根本指不到。
public class Solution { /** * @param colors: A list of integer * @param k: An integer * @return: nothing */ public void sortColors2(int[] colors, int k) { // write your code here int left = 0, right = colors.length - 1; int count = 0; while (count < k) { int min = k, max = 1; for (int i = left; i <= right; i++) { min = Math.min(min, colors[i]); max = Math.max(max, colors[i]); } int ptr = left; while (ptr <= right) { if (colors[ptr] == min) { swap(colors, left, ptr); left++; ptr++; } else if (colors[ptr] == max) { swap(colors, right, ptr); right--; } else { ptr++; } } count+=2; } } private void swap(int[] colors, int i, int j) { int temp = colors[i]; colors[i] = colors[j]; colors[j] = temp; } }
public class Solution { /** * @param colors: A list of integer * @param k: An integer * @return: nothing */ public void sortColors2(int[] colors, int k) { // write your code here if (colors == null || colors.length == 0) { return; } partitionColors(colors, 0, colors.length - 1, 1, k); } private void partitionColors(int[] colors, int start, int end, int startColor, int endColor) { if (start >= end || startColor >= endColor) { return; } int left = start, right = end; int midColor = (startColor + endColor) / 2; while (left < right) { // 注意不是<,因为mid求的时候有偏小。写错对只有两色的情况如21122就会把正确的1换走了 while (left < right && colors[left] <= midColor) { left++; } while (left < right && colors[right] > midColor) { right--; } if (left < right) { int temp = colors[left]; colors[left] = colors[right]; colors[right] = temp; left++; right--; } } if (start == left || end == right) { return; } partitionColors(colors, start, right, startColor, midColor); partitionColors(colors, left, end, midColor, endColor); } }
lintcode143 - Sort Colors II - medium