UT :程序命名规范1 测试类的命名 测试类的命名规则是:被测试类的类名 + Test 比如有一个类叫ConfigManager,那么它的测试类的命名就是ConfigManagerTest 。 2 测试用例的命名 测试用例的命名规则是: test + 用例方法名称 比如要测试的方法叫connectPointAdd,那么测试用例的命名就是testConnectPointAdd (说明:“用例方法”就是指被测试的类中所包含的方法,而“测试用例”就是指测试类中所包含的方法) 比如ConfigManager类中有一个方法叫做connectPointAdd,那么在ConfigManagerTest中对应的测试用例名称就是testConnectPointAdd。 保持测试的独立性每项单元测试都必须独立于其他所有单元测试而运行,因为单元测试须能以任何顺序运行。 测试数据的覆盖率测试时所准备的测试数据要覆盖程序中所有可能出现的CASE。 测试粒度选择测试粒度的原则: 1、被测试类中所有public、protected方法都要测到。 2、对于简单的set和get方法没有必要做测试。 FT用例编写规范FT自动化测试用例我们当前均采用junit编写实现,在测试用例编写中的规范与UT测试用例基本一致,除了参考UT规范外,还有以下的要求 FT用例的业务覆盖FT用例当前是采用基于MainServiceBase基类的功能测试框架进行业务组件的功能测试,通过各个组件配合,实现的业务流程,测试用例需要穷尽各种业务的组合情况。 FT用例主要测试业务流程FT用例是比UT用例高一个层级,主要测试组件间的功能配合,而不像UT用例主要关注接口、文件等.
工作心得: 能自动化实现的测试功能,就尝试用自动化。自动化的收益在后续整个开发过程中会体现出来。当然,自动化的代码也需要易维护,这样自动化也容易扩充。 FT的作用:版本迭代过程中,通过FT验证,减小新增代码引入bug的担心。 |
makefile中:链接需要-lgtest_main ; 头文件-I inc/gtest
makefile #当前模块的配置 CURRENT_MODULE_PATH:=$(shell pwd) #工程的公共配置 ROOT_PATH:=$(CURRENT_MODULE_PATH)/../.. PROJECT_COMMON_PATH:=$(ROOT_PATH)/common
INC_FLAGS:=-I$(CURRENT_MODULE_PATH)/inc #加入模块头文件路径 INC_FLAGS+=-I$(PROJECT_COMMON_PATH)/inc INC_FLAGS+=-I$(PROJECT_COMMON_PATH)/inc/test # gtest头文件 LIB_FLAGS:=-L$(PROJECT_COMMON_PATH)/lib #加入工程公共库文件路径 gtest mockcpp #中间文件相关 CURRENT_MODULE_BUILD_PATH:=$(CURRENT_MODULE_PATH)/build MODULE_SRC:=$(notdir $(wildcard $(CURRENT_MODULE_PATH)/src/*.cpp)) MODULE_DEBUG_OBJS:=$(addprefix $(CURRENT_MODULE_BUILD_PATH)/debug/,$(patsubst %.cpp,%.o,$(MODULE_SRC)))
TEST_SRC:=$(notdir $(wildcard $(CURRENT_MODULE_PATH)/test/*.cpp)) TEST_DEBUG_OBJS:=$(addprefix $(CURRENT_MODULE_BUILD_PATH)/debug/,$(patsubst %.cpp,%.o,$(TEST_SRC))) #需要链接的库 TEST_LIBS:= -lgtest_main -lmockcpp -lpthread #链接库 GCOVRFLAGS:= -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage #覆盖率
.PHONY:default release debug test clean pre_build
pre_build: mkdir -p $(CURRENT_MODULE_BUILD_PATH)/debug rm -f $(CURRENT_MODULE_BUILD_PATH)/Simulation
#编译调试版本 debug:pre_build $(DEBUG_TARGET) ./build/Simulation #--gtest_output=xml:./build/gtest.xml #&& \ #gcovr -r . && \ #lizard src -l cpp -C 8 -L 100 -a 6
#清除 clean: rm -rf $(CURRENT_MODULE_BUILD_PATH)
# debug 版本 $(CURRENT_MODULE_BUILD_PATH)/debug/%.o:$(CURRENT_MODULE_PATH)/src/%.cpp $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(DEBUG_FLAGS) $(INC_FLAGS) -o $@ -c $^ $(CURRENT_MODULE_BUILD_PATH)/debug/%.o:$(CURRENT_MODULE_PATH)/test/%.cpp $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(DEBUG_FLAGS) $(INC_FLAGS) -o $@ -c $^ |
示例代码: #include <cassert> #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <cstring> #include <cmath>
#include <arpa/inet.h> #include <test/gtest/gtest.h> //#include <test/mockcpp/mockcpp.hpp> #include "LcSimulation.hpp"
using std::cout; using std::endl; using std::string;
/*<说明> * *<说明>*/
namespace {
/*测试用例类*/ class CaseEventHandle : public testing::Test { protected: static void SetUpTestCase() { } static void TearDownTestCase() { }
virtual void SetUp() { } virtual void TearDown() {
} };
/***************************** 桩 *****************************/ int stubPub( const void* data, unsigned int dataLen) { gPubInfoVec.emplace_back(data,dataLen); return 0; }
void mockPubSuccess() { #define pubFunc (ErrCode (*)(const void*,U32,const void*,U32)) MOCKER(pubFunc pub) .stubs() .will(invoke(stubPub)); } /***************************** 检查 *****************************/
/***************************** tests *****************************/ /* testing power on*/ TEST_F(CaseEventHandle,TestInitOK) {
Simulation* lc = Simulation::getInstance(); ASSERT_EQ(1,lc->test()); } |
ASSERT_* 检查点失败,退出当前函数
EXPECT_* 检查点失败,继续往下执行
EXPECT_EQ(x[i], y[i]) << "Vectors x and y differ at index " << i;
数值型数据检查:ASSERT_EQ(expected, actual);等
字符串检查:ASSERT_STRNE(str1, str2);
浮点型检查:ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(expected, actual);
1. 全局的,所有案例执行前后。
2. TestSuite级别的,在某一批案例中第一个案例前,最后一个案例执行后。
3. TestCase级别的,每个TestCase前后。
1. --gtest_filter
2. --gtest_output=xml[:DIRECTORY_PATH\|:FILE_PATH]
需要的编译条件:GCOVRFLAGS:= -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage #覆盖率
usage: lizard [options] [PATH or FILE] [PATH] ...
lizard is an extensible Cyclomatic Complexity Analyzer for many programming
languages including C/C++ (doesn‘t require all the header files). For more
information visit http://www.lizard.ws
示例:lizard src -l cpp -C 8 -L 100 -a 6
positional arguments: paths list of the filename/paths.
optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --version show program‘s version number and exit -l LANGUAGES, --languages LANGUAGES List the programming languages you want to analyze. if left empty, it‘ll search for all languages it knows. `lizard -l cpp -l java`searches for C++ and Java code. The available languages are: cpp, java, csharp, javascript, python, objectivec, ttcn, ruby, php, swift, scala, GDScript -V, --verbose Output in verbose mode (long function name) -C CCN, --CCN CCN Threshold for cyclomatic complexity number warning. The default value is 15. Functions with CCN bigger than it will generate warning -f INPUT_FILE, --input_file INPUT_FILE get a list of filenames from the given file -L LENGTH, --length LENGTH Threshold for maximum function length warning. The default value is 1000. Functions length bigger than it will generate warning -a ARGUMENTS, --arguments ARGUMENTS Limit for number of parameters -w, --warnings_only Show warnings only, using clang/gcc‘s warning format for printing warnings. http://clang.llvm.org/docs/UsersManual.html#cmdoption- fdiagnostics-format --warning-msvs Show warnings only, using Visual Studio‘s warning format for printing warnings. https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/yxkt8b26.aspx -i NUMBER, --ignore_warnings NUMBER If the number of warnings is equal or less than the number, the tool will exit normally; otherwise, it will generate error. If the number is negative, the tool exits normally regardless of the number of warnings. Useful in makefile for legacy code. -x EXCLUDE, --exclude EXCLUDE Exclude files that match this pattern. * matches everything, ? matches any single character, "./folder/*" exclude everything in the folder recursively. Multiple patterns can be specified. Don‘t forget to add "" around the pattern. -t WORKING_THREADS, --working_threads WORKING_THREADS number of working threads. The default value is 1. Using a bigger number can fully utilize the CPU and often faster. -X, --xml Generate XML in cppncss style instead of the tabular output. Useful to generate report in Jenkins server -H, --html Output HTML report -m, --modified Calculate modified cyclomatic complexity number -E EXTENSIONS, --extension EXTENSIONS User the extensions. The available extensions are: -Ecpre: it will ignore code in the #else branch. -Ewordcount: count word frequencies and generate tag cloud. -Eoutside: include the global code as one function. -EIgnoreAssert: to ignore all code in assert. -ENS: count nested control structures. -s SORTING, --sort SORTING Sort the warning with field. The field can be nloc, cyclomatic_complexity, token_count, p#arameter_count, etc. Or an customized field. -T THRESHOLDS, --Threshold THRESHOLDS Set the limit for a field. The field can be nloc, cyclomatic_complexity, token_count, parameter_count, etc. Or an customized file. Lizard will report warning if a function exceed the limit -W WHITELIST, --whitelist WHITELIST The path and file name to the whitelist file. It‘s ‘./whitelizard.txt‘ by default. Find more information in README. |