groucho_grammer = nltk.CFG.fromstring("""
s -> NP VP
VP -> V NP | V NP PP
PP -> P NP
V -> "saw" | "ate" | "walked"
NP -> "John" | "Mary" | "Bob" | Det N | Det N PP
Det -> "a" | "an" | "the" | "my"
N -> "man" | "dog" | "cat" | "telescope" | "park"
P -> "in" | "on" | "by" | "with"
sent = [‘Mary‘,‘saw‘ ,‘Bob‘]
parser = nltk.RecursiveDescentParser(groucho_grammer)
trees = parser.parse(sent)
for tree in trees:
print(tree) #(s (NP Mary) (VP (V saw) (NP Bob)))
grammar1 =‘file:mygrammar.cfg‘)
sent = ‘Mary saw Bob‘.split()
rd_parser = nltk.RecursiveDescentParser(grammer1,trace=2)
for tree in rd_parser.parse(sent):
print(tree)#(s (NP Mary) (VP (V saw) (NP Bob)))
for p in
rd_parser = nltk.RecursiveDescentParser(grammar1)
sent = ‘Mary saw a dog‘.split()
for t in rd_parser.parse_all(sent):
print(t)#(s (NP Mary) (VP (V saw) (NP (Det a) (N dog))))
sr_parse = nltk.ShiftReduceParser(grammar1)
sent = ‘Mary saw a dog‘.split()
for t in sr_parse.parse(sent):
print(t)#(s (NP Mary) (VP (V saw) (NP (Det a) (N dog))))
# 分析器每次考虑产生式时,它会检查下一个输入词是否与左角落表格中至少一种非终结符的类别相容。
# 采用动态规划存储中间结果,并在适当的时候重用它们,能显著提高效率。——图表分析
def init_wfst(tokens, grammar):
numtokens = len(tokens)
wfst = [[None for i in range(numtokens+1)] for j in range(numtokens+1)]
for i in range(numtokens):
productions =[i])
wfst[i][i+1] = productions[0].lhs()
return wfst
def complete_wfst(wfst, tokens, grammar, trace=False):
index = dict((p.rhs(), p.lhs()) for p in
numtokens = len(tokens)
for span in range(2, numtokens + 1):
for start in range(numtokens + 1):
end = start + span
if end > numtokens: break
for mid in range(start+1, end):
nt1, nt2 = wfst[start][mid], wfst[mid][end]
if nt1 and nt2 and (nt1, nt2) in index:
wfst[start][end] = index[(nt1, nt2)]
if trace:
print("[%s] %3s [%s] %3s [%s] ==> [%s] %3s [%s]"
%(start, nt1, mid, nt2, end, start, index[(nt1, nt2)], end))
return wfst
def display(wfst, tokens):
print(‘\nWFST ‘ + ‘ ‘.join([("%-4d" % i) for i in range(1, len(wfst))]))
for i in range(len(wfst)-1):
print("%d " %i, end="")
for j in range(1, len(wfst)):
print("%-4s" % (wfst[i][j] or ‘.‘), end="")
tokens = "I shot an elephant in my pajamas".split()
wfst0 = init_wfst(tokens, grammar1)
display(wfst0, tokens)
WFST 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 NP . . . . . .
1 . V . . . . .
2 . . Det . . . .
3 . . . N . . .
4 . . . . P . .
5 . . . . . Det .
6 . . . . . . N
wfst1 = complete_wfst(wfst0,tokens,grammar1,trace=True)
[2] Det [3] N [4] ==> [2] NP [4]
[5] Det [6] N [7] ==> [5] NP [7]
[1] V [2] NP [4] ==> [1] VP [4]
[4] P [5] NP [7] ==> [4] PP [7]
[0] NP [1] VP [4] ==> [0] S [4]
[1] VP [4] PP [7] ==> [1] VP [7]
[0] NP [1] VP [7] ==> [0] S [7]
WFST 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 NP . . S . . S
1 . V . VP . . VP
2 . . Det NP . . .
3 . . . N . . .
4 . . . . P . PP
5 . . . . . Det NP
6 . . . . . . N
groucho_dep_grammer = nltk.grammar.DependencyGrammar.fromstring("""
‘shot‘ -> ‘I‘ | ‘elephant‘ | ‘in‘
‘elephant‘ -> ‘an‘ | ‘in‘
‘in‘ -> ‘pajamas‘
‘pajamas‘ -> ‘my‘
Dependency grammar with 7 productions
‘shot‘ -> ‘I‘
‘shot‘ -> ‘elephant‘
‘shot‘ -> ‘in‘
‘elephant‘ -> ‘an‘
‘elephant‘ -> ‘in‘
‘in‘ -> ‘pajamas‘
‘pajamas‘ -> ‘my‘
pdp = nltk.ProjectiveDependencyParser(groucho_dep_grammer)
sent = ‘I shot an elephant in my pajamas‘.split()
trees = pdp.parse(sent)
for tree in trees:
(shot I (elephant an (in (pajamas my))))
(shot I (elephant an) (in (pajamas my)))
from nltk.corpus import treebank
t = treebank.parsed_sents(‘wsj_0001.mrg‘)[0]
(NP (NNP Pierre) (NNP Vinken))
(, ,)
(ADJP (NP (CD 61) (NNS years)) (JJ old))
(, ,))
(MD will)
(VB join)
(NP (DT the) (NN board))
(PP-CLR (IN as) (NP (DT a) (JJ nonexecutive) (NN director)))
(NP-TMP (NNP Nov.) (CD 29))))
(. .))
def filter(tree):
child_nodes = [child.label() for child in tree if isinstance(child, nltk.Tree)]
return (tree.label() == ‘VP‘) and (‘S‘ in child_nodes)
from nltk.corpus import treebank
res = [subtree for tree in treebank.parsed_sents()
for subtree in tree.subtrees(filter)]
entries = nltk.corpus.ppattach.attachments(‘training‘)
table = nltk.defaultdict(lambda: nltk.defaultdict(set))
for entry in entries:
key = entry.noun1 + ‘-‘ + entry.prep + ‘-‘ + entry.noun2
for key in sorted(table):
if len(table[key]) > 1:
print(key, ‘N:‘, sorted(table[key][‘N‘]), ‘V:‘, sorted(table[key][‘V‘]))
%-below-level N: [‘left‘] V: [‘be‘]
%-from-year N: [‘was‘] V: [‘declined‘, ‘dropped‘, ‘fell‘, ‘grew‘, ‘increased‘, ‘plunged‘, ‘rose‘, ‘was‘]
grammar = nltk.CFG.fromstring("""
S -> NP V NP
NP -> NP Sbar
Sbar -> NP V
NP -> ‘fish‘
V -> ‘fish‘
tokens = ["fish"] * 5
cp = nltk.ChartParser(grammar)
for tree in cp.parse(tokens):
print(tree)#(S (NP fish) (V fish) (NP (NP fish) (Sbar (NP fish) (V fish))))
(S (NP (NP fish) (Sbar (NP fish) (V fish))) (V fish) (NP fish))
def give(t):
return (t.label() == ‘VP‘ and len(t) > 2 and t[1].label() == ‘NP‘
and (t[2].label() == ‘PP-DTV‘ or t[2].label() == ‘NP‘)
and (‘give‘ in t[0].leaves() or ‘gave‘ in t[0].leaves()))
def sent(t):
return ‘ ‘.join(token for token in t.leaves() if token[0] not in ‘*-0‘)
def print_node(t, width):
output = "%s %s: %s / %s: %s" % (sent(t[0]), t[1].label(), sent(t[1]), t[2].label(), sent(t[2]))
if len(output) > width:
output = output[:width] + "..."
for tree in nltk.corpus.treebank.parsed_sents():
for t in tree.subtrees(give):
print_node(t, 72)
gave NP: the chefs / NP: a standing ovation
give NP: advertisers / NP: discounts for maintaining or increasing ad sp...
give NP: it / PP-DTV: to the politicians
gave NP: them / NP: similar help
give NP: them / NP:
give NP: only French history questions / PP-DTV: to students in a Europe...
give NP: federal judges / NP: a raise
give NP: consumers / NP: the straight scoop on the U.S. waste crisis
gave NP: Mitsui / NP: access to a high-tech medical product
give NP: Mitsubishi / NP: a window on the U.S. glass industry
give NP: much thought / PP-DTV: to the rates she was receiving , nor to ...
give NP: your Foster Savings Institution / NP: the gift of hope and free...
give NP: market operators / NP: the authority to suspend trading in futu...
gave NP: quick approval / PP-DTV: to $ 3.18 billion in supplemental appr...
give NP: the Transportation Department / NP: up to 50 days to review any...
give NP: the president / NP: such power
give NP: me / NP: the heebie-jeebies
give NP: holders / NP: the right , but not the obligation , to buy a cal...
gave NP: Mr. Thomas / NP: only a `` qualified ‘‘ rating , rather than ``...
give NP: the president / NP: line-item veto power
#概率上下文无关文法 所有产生式给定的左侧的概率之和必须为1
grammar = nltk.PCFG.fromstring("""
S -> NP VP [1.0]
VP -> TV NP [0.4]
VP -> IV [0.3]
VP -> DatV NP NP [0.3]
TV -> ‘saw‘ [1.0]
IV -> ‘ate‘ [1.0]
DatV -> ‘gave‘ [1.0]
NP -> ‘telescopes‘ [0.8]
NP -> ‘Jack‘ [0.2]
Grammar with 9 productions (start state = S)
S -> NP VP [1.0]
VP -> TV NP [0.4]
VP -> IV [0.3]
VP -> DatV NP NP [0.3]
TV -> ‘saw‘ [1.0]
IV -> ‘ate‘ [1.0]
DatV -> ‘gave‘ [1.0]
NP -> ‘telescopes‘ [0.8]
NP -> ‘Jack‘ [0.2]
viterbi_parser = nltk.ViterbiParser(grammar)
for t in viterbi_parser.parse([‘Jack‘,‘saw‘,‘telescopes‘]):#parse返回的分析树中包含了概率
print(t) #(S (NP Jack) (VP (TV saw) (NP telescopes))) (p=0.064)