感想:以前学数据结构关注于方法及实现,为了完成作业和手写代码,没有从设计层面考虑过,第一章设计一个bag ADT,借助于Java interface实现ADT的规范说明,然后在实现之前通过Java语句来确认或者修改方法的设计决策及相关文档,且这些代码可以作为后续测试实现。
描述它的数据,并详细说明对应于包行为的方法。(命名方法,选择它们的参数,确定它们的返回值类型,写出注释充分描述它们对包数据的影响)---> Java头和注释
1.1 UML描述
返回包中当前的项数:+getCurrentSize(): Integer
判断是否为空:+isEmpty(): Boolean
注:通过getCurrentSize是否为0就可判断是否为空,并不是真的需要操作isEmpty,但是它是所谓的便利方法(convenience method)
添加给定的对象:+add(newEntry: T): boolean
删除包中所有项:+clear(): void
删除一项:+remove(): T
删除特定项:+remove(anEntry: T): Boolean(或者返回T)
统计某个对象的次数:+getFrequencyOf(anEntry: T): integer
包中是否含有某对象:+contains(anEntry: T): boolean
返回数组:+toArray(): T[](定义一个方法返回保存这些项的数组,通常定义一个新的数组来返回)
1.2 设计决策(特殊条件)
1.3 一个接口
/** * An interface that describes the operations of a bag of objects. * @author Administrator * */ public interface BagInterface <T> { /** * Gets the current number of entries in this bag. * @return: The integer number of entries currently in the bag. */ public int getCurrentSize(); /** * Sees whether this bag is empty. * @return: True if the bag is empty, or false if not. */ public boolean isEmpty(); /** * Adds a new entry to this bag. * @param newEntry: The object to be added as a new entry. * @return: True if the addition is successful, or false if not. */ public boolean add(T newEntry); /** * Removes one unspecified entry from this bag, if possible. * @return: Either the removed entry, if the removel was successful, or null. */ public T remove(); /** * Removes one occurrence of a given entry from this bag, if possible. * @param anEntry: The entry to be removed. * @return: True if the removal was successful, or false if not. */ public boolean remove(T anEntry); /** * Removes all entries from this bag. */ public void clear(); /** * Counts the number of times a given entry appears in this bag. * @param anEntry: The entry to counted. * @return: The number of times anEntry appears in the bag. */ public int getFrequencyOf(T anEntry); /** * Tests whether this bag contains a given entry. * @param anEntry: The entry to locate. * @return: True if the bag contains anEntry, or false if not. */ public boolean contains(T anEntry); /** * Retrieves all entries that are in this bag. * @return: A newly allocated array of all the entries in the bag. * Note: If the bag is empty, the returned array is empty. */ public T[] toArray(); } // end BagInterface
2. 使用ADT包
/** * A class of items for sale. * @author Administrator * */ public class Item { private String description; private int price; public Item(String productDescription, int productPrice) { description = productDescription; price = productPrice; } // end constructor public String getDescription() { return description; } // end getDescription public int getPrice() { return price; } // end getPrice public String toString() { return description + "\t$" + price / 100 + "." + price % 100; } // end toString } // end Item
/** * A class that maintains a shopping cart for an online store. * @author Administrator * */ public class OnlineShopper { public static void main(String[] args) { Item[] items = { new Item("Bird feeder", 2050), new Item("Squirrel guard", 1547), new Item("Bird bath", 4499), new Item("Sunflower seeds", 1295) }; BagInterface<Item> shoppingCart = new Bag<>(); int totalCost = 0; // Statements that add selected items to the shopping cart: for(int index = 0; index < items.length; index++) { Item nextItem = items[index]; // Simulate getting item from shopper shoppingCart.add(newEntry); totalCost = totalCost + nextItem.getPrice(); } // end for // Simulate checkout while(!shoppingCart.isEmpty()) { System.out.println(shoppingCart.remove()); } System.out.println("Total cost: \t$" + totalCost / 100 + "." + totalCost % 100); } // end main } // end OnlineShopper /* output: Sunflower seeds $12.95 Bird bath $44.99 Squirrel guard $15.47 Bird feeder $20.50 Total cost: $93.91 *
3. ADT集合
/** * An interface that describes the operations of a set of objects. * @author Administrator * */ public interface SetInterface<T> { public int getCurrentSize(); public boolean isEmpty(); /** * Adds a new entry to this set, avoiding duplicates(副本). * @param newRntry: The object to be added as a new entry. * @return: True if the addtion is successful, or false if the item already is in the set. */ public boolean add(T newRntry); /** * Removes a specific entry from this set, if possible. * @param anEntry: The entry to be removed * @return: True if the removal was successful, or false if not. */ public boolean remove(T anEntry); public T remove(); public void clear(); public boolean contains(T anEntry); public T[] toArray(); } // end SetInterface
4. java类库:接口Set
java类库是类和接口的集合,这是程序员要学习的。Java集合框架(Java Collections Framework)是这个库的一个子库,它为我们提供了表示及处理集合的统一方式。我们将说明的Java类库中的大多数类和接口都是这个框架的一部分。
Public Boolean add(T newEntry) Public Boolean remove(Object anEntry) Public void clear() Public Boolean contains(Object anEntry) Public Boolean isEmpty() Public int size() Public Object[] toArray() |