There is a straight highway with N storages alongside it labeled by 1,2,3,...,N. Bob asks you to paint all storages with two colors: red and blue. Each storage will be painted with exactly one color.
Bob has a requirement: there are at least M continuous storages (e.g. "2,3,4" are 3 continuous storages) to be painted with red. How many ways can you paint all storages under Bob‘s requirement?
There are multiple test cases.
Each test case consists a single line with two integers: N and M (0<N, M<=100,000).
Process to the end of input.
One line for each case. Output the number of ways module 1000000007.
4 3
dp[i] 为 前i个仓库满足至少M个连续仓库为红色的方法数。
那么dp[M]肯定为1, dp[0,1,2,3,......M-1] 均为0.
一。前i-1个仓库涂色已经符合题意,那么第i个仓库涂什么颜色都可以,有 dp[i] = 2*dp[i-1] ;(有可能超出范围,别忘了mod)
二。加上第i个仓库涂为红色才构成M个连续仓库为红色,那么 区间 [i-m+1, i],为红色,第i-m个仓库肯定是蓝色而且从1到i-m-1个仓库肯定是不符合题意的涂色,所以用1到i-m-1的仓库的所有涂色方法 2^(i-m-1) 减去符合题意的方法数dp[i-m-1] 。所以方法数为2^(i-m-1) - dp[i-m-1]
#include <iostream> #include <string.h> using namespace std; const int mod=1000000007; const int maxn=100005; int power[maxn+1]; int dp[maxn];//前i个仓库满足m个仓库为红色的方法数 int n,m; void getPower()//预处理出2的多少次方 { power[0]=1; for(int i=1;i<=maxn;i++) power[i]=power[i-1]*2%mod; } int main() { getPower(); while(cin>>n>>m) { memset(dp,0,sizeof(dp)); dp[m]=1; for(int i=m+1;i<=n;i++) dp[i]=(dp[i-1]*2%mod+power[i-m-1]-dp[i-m-1])%mod; cout<<dp[n]<<endl; } return 0; }
[ACM] ZOJ 3725 Painting Storages (DP计数+组合),布布扣,
[ACM] ZOJ 3725 Painting Storages (DP计数+组合)