Exercise 1. Familiarize yourself with the assembly language materials available on the 6.828 reference page. You don‘t have to read them now, but you‘ll almost certainly want to refer to some of this material when reading and writing x86 assembly.
We do recommend reading the section "The Syntax" in Brennan‘s Guide to Inline Assembly. It gives a good (and quite brief) description of the AT&T assembly syntax we‘ll be using with the GNU assembler in JOS.
PC Assembly Language Book是一本学习x86汇编语言的好书,不过要注意此书的例子是为NASM汇编器而设计,而我们课程使用的是GNU汇编器。
NASM汇编器使用Intel语法,而GNU汇编器使用AT&T语法。两者的语法差异可以参考Brennan‘s Guide to Inline Assembly。
Exercise 2. Use GDB‘s si (Step Instruction) command to trace into the ROM BIOS for a few more instructions, and try to guess what it might be doing. You might want to look at Phil Storrs I/O Ports Description, as well as other materials on the 6.828 reference materials page. No need to figure out all the details - just the general idea of what the BIOS is doing first.
使用si命令得到的前22条汇编指令如下。虽然能看懂每条指令的字面意思,但看不懂具体实现的功能,后来参考myk的6.828 Lab1大致理解了基本功能:设置ss和esp寄存器的值,打开A20门(为了兼容老芯片而留下的历史包袱)、进入保护模式(需要设置cr0寄存器的PE标志)。
[f000:fff0] 0xffff0: ljmp $0xf000,$0xe05b
[f000:e05b] 0xfe05b: cmpl $0x0,%cs:0x6ac8
[f000:e062] 0xfe062: jne 0xfd2e1
[f000:e066] 0xfe066: xor %dx,%dx
[f000:e068] 0xfe068: mov %dx,%ss
[f000:e06a] 0xfe06a: mov $0x7000,%esp
[f000:e070] 0xfe070: mov $0xf34c2,%edx
[f000:e076] 0xfe076: jmp 0xfd15c
[f000:d15c] 0xfd15c: mov %eax,%ecx
[f000:d15f] 0xfd15f: cli
[f000:d160] 0xfd160: cld
[f000:d161] 0xfd161: mov $0x8f,%eax
[f000:d167] 0xfd167: out %al,$0x70
[f000:d169] 0xfd169: in $0x71,%al
[f000:d16b] 0xfd16b: in $0x92,%al
[f000:d16d] 0xfd16d: or $0x2,%al
[f000:d16f] 0xfd16f: out %al,$0x92
[f000:d171] 0xfd171: lidtw %cs:0x6ab8
[f000:d177] 0xfd177: lgdtw %cs:0x6a74
[f000:d17d] 0xfd17d: mov %cr0,%eax
[f000:d180] 0xfd180: or $0x1,%eax
[f000:d184] 0xfd184: mov %eax,%cr0
[f000:d187] 0xfd187: ljmpl $0x8,$0xfd18f
CS(CodeSegment)和IP(Instruction Pointer)寄存器一起用于确定下一条指令的地址。
CLI:Clear Interupt,禁止中断发生。STL:Set Interupt,允许中断发生。CLI和STI是用来屏蔽中断和恢复中断用的,如设置栈基址SS和偏移地址SP时,需要CLI,因为如果这两条指令被分开了,那么很有可能SS被修改了,但由于中断,而代码跳去其它地方执行了,SP还没来得及修改,就有可能出错。
CLD: Clear Director。STD:Set Director。在字行块传送时使用的,它们决定了块传送的方向。CLD使得传送方向从低地址到高地址,而STD则相反。
LIDT: 加载中断描述符。LGDT:加载全局描述符。
[f000:fff0] 0xffff0: ljmp $0xf000,$0xe05b
参考Tools Used in 6.828: Compiler Toolchain。根据objdump -i
和gcc -m32 -print-libgcc-file-name
参考Tools Used in 6.828: QEMU Emulator以及Xin Qiu: MIT 6.828 Lab 1。
:编译最小的6.828启动加载器和内核make qemu
:运行QEMU。控制台输出会同时打印在QEMU虚拟VGA显示和虚拟PC的虚拟串口make qemu-nox
:运行QEMU。控制台输出只会打印在虚拟串口当BIOS发现一个可启动的硬盘时,会将512字节的启动扇区加载到地址为0x7c00到0x7dff的内存中,然后使用jmp指令将CS:IP设置为0000:7c00,从而将控制权交给boot loader。
6.828的boot loader由boot/boot.S
Q:make qemu
Q:make qemu-gdb
进入QEMU界面,然后通过关闭终端退出,再次make qemu-gdb
时报错:“qemu-system-i386: -gdb tcp::25000: Failed to bind socket: Address already in use”,怎么解决?
A: 发生这种问题是由于端口被程序绑定而没有释放造成。可以使用netstat -lp
命令查询当前处于连接的程序以及对应的进程信息。然后用ps pid
察看对应的进程,并使用kill pid
《MIT 6.828 Lab1: Booting a PC》实验报告