#一.流程控制之if ..else语句 if 条件1: pass elif 条件2: pass elif 条件3: pass else: pass #1.简单的if打印 age_of_girl=31 if age_of_girl > 30: print(‘阿姨好‘) #2.if ..else 单分支 age_of_girl=31 if age_of_girl > 30: print(‘阿姨好‘) else: print(‘小姐好‘) #3.多个条件判断 age_of_girl=18 height=171 weight=99 is_pretty=True if age_of_girl >= 18 and age_of_girl < 22 and height > 170 weight < 100 and is_pretty == True: print(‘表白‘) else: print(‘阿姨好‘) #4.多分支if..else score=input(‘>>: ‘) score=int(score) if score >= 90: print(‘优秀‘) elif score >=80: print(‘良好‘) elif print(‘普通‘) else: print(‘很差‘) #二流程控制之while循环 #1.打印0-10 count=0 while count <= 10: print(‘loop‘,count) count+=1 #2.打印0-10之间的偶数 count=0 while count <= 10: if count%2 == 0: print(‘loop‘,count) count+=1 #3.打印0-10之间的奇数 count=0 while count <= 10: if count %2 == 1: print(‘loop‘,count) count+=1 #break用于退出本层循环 while True: print "123" break print "456" #continue用于退出本次循环,继续下一次循环 while True: print "123" continue print "456" #4.使用while循环输出1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 count=1 while count <= 10: if count == 7: count+=1 continue print(count) count+=1 #5.求100内的所有数的和 count=0 while count <= 100: res+=count count+=1 print(res) #6.输出1-100内的所有的奇数 count=0 while count <= 100: if count%2 != 0: print(count) count+=1 #7.输出1-100内的所有的偶数 count=0 while count <= 100: if count%2 = 0: print(count) count+=1 #8.求1-2+3-4+5....99的所有数的和 res=0 count=1 while count <= 5: if count%2 == 0 res-=count else: res+=count count+=1 print(res) #9 用户登陆(三次机会重试) count=0 while count < 3: name=input(‘请输入用户名:‘) password=input(‘请输入密码:‘) if name == ‘egon‘ and password == ‘123‘: print(‘login succcess‘) else: print(‘用户名或者密码错误‘) count+=1 #10.猜年龄游戏 #允许用户最多尝试3次 每尝试3次后,如果还没猜对,就问用户是否还想继续玩,如果回答Y或y, 就继续让其猜3次,以此往复,如果回答N或n,就退出程序 #如果猜对了,就直接退出 age=73 count=0 while True: if count == 3: choice=input(‘继续Y/N‘) if choice == ‘Y‘ or choice == y: count=0 else: break guess=int(input(‘>>>‘)) if guess == age: print(‘you got it‘) break count+=1 #三.流程控制之for循环 打印金字塔 max_level=5 for current_level in range(1,max_level+1): for i in range(max_level-current_level): print(‘ ‘,end=‘‘) #在一行中连续打印多个空格 for j in range(2*current_level-1): print(‘*‘,end=‘‘) #在一行中连续打印多个空格 print()