‘‘‘ 用户入口 1. 商品信息存在文件里 2. 已购商品,余额记录 商家入口 3. 可以添加商品,修改商品价格 ‘‘‘ filePath = ‘goodslist.txt‘ with open(filePath, ‘r‘) as f: filetext=f.read() filetextlines=filetext.split(‘\n‘) # 每行一个元素,不含换行符 # 提取商品列表 goods = list([]) for k in range(len(filetextlines)): c=filetextlines[k].split() goods.append([c[0],int(c[1])]) goodsLen = len(goods) # 用户入口 salary=int(input("请输入您的工资: ")) balance = salary print(‘编号‘,‘商品名称 ‘,‘价格‘) for k in range(goodsLen): print(k,‘. ‘,goods[k][0],‘ ‘,goods[k][1]) orderList = list([]) while True: selectNum = int(input("请选择商品编号(-1退出):")) if selectNum < 0: break tempBalance = balance-goods[selectNum][1] if tempBalance < 0: print(‘余额不足‘) else: orderList.append(goods[selectNum]) balance=tempBalance print("您的购物清单:") for k in range(len(orderList)): print(orderList[k]) print("您的余额为:%d"%(balance)) # 商家入口 goodskey = list(dict(goods).keys()) print(‘编号‘,‘商品名称 ‘,‘价格‘) for k in range(goodsLen): print(k,‘. ‘,goods[k][0],‘ ‘,goods[k][1]) while True: updateInfo = (input("请选择更新商品(q退出,商品名:修改价格):")) print(updateInfo) if updateInfo==‘q‘: break else: try: ind = goodskey.index(updateInfo) goods[ind][1]=int(input(‘请输入价格: ‘)) except: goods.append([updateInfo,int(input(‘请输入价格:‘))]) goodsstr = ‘‘ for k in range(len(goods)): goodsstr += goods[k][0] +‘\t‘+str(goods[k][1])+‘\n‘ with open(filePath, ‘w‘) as f: f.write(goodsstr)