#字典 classmates=[‘Michael‘,‘Bob‘,‘Tracy‘] scores=[95,75,85] cs=dict(zip(classmates,scores)) print(cs) #取值 print(cs[‘Michael‘]) #长度 print(len(‘Michael‘)) #删除 cs.pop(‘Bob‘) print(cs) #遍历 print(cs.keys()) print((cs.items())) print(cs.values()) #判断Thomas是否在d中 print(‘Thomas‘ in classmates) #添加或修改 cs[‘Rose‘]=88 print(cs)
classmates=[‘Michael‘,‘Bob‘,‘Tracy‘,‘李三‘,‘Tracy‘,‘56‘] #取元素 print(classmates[1]) #取片段 print(classmates[1:3]) #取属性 print(len(classmates)) print((max(classmates))) print((min(classmates))) #取元素的索引 print((classmates.index(‘Tracy‘))) #修改 classmates[1]=‘Sarah‘ print(classmates) #排序 classmates.sort() print(classmates) #计数 print(classmates.count(‘Tracy‘)) #追加 classmates.append(‘Adam‘) print(classmates) #弹出 classmates.pop() print(classmates) #删除 classmates.pop(1) print(classmates) del classmates[-1] print(classmates) #插入 classmates.insert(1,‘Jack‘) print(classmates) #扩展 new=[‘yuli‘,‘huating‘] classmates.extend(new) print(classmates) #排序 classmates.sort() print(classmates)
#集合 classmates=[‘Michael‘,‘Bob‘,‘Tracy‘] classmatesSet=set(classmates) print(classmatesSet) #集合增加元素 classmatesSet.add(‘Jack‘) print(classmatesSet) #集合删除元素 classmatesSet.remove(‘Jack‘) print(classmatesSet) #生成集合 s=set([1,1,2,2,3,3]) print(s) #集合交运算 s1=set([1,2,3]) s2=set([2,3,4]) s1&s2 print(s1&s2) #集合差运算 s1-s2 print(s1-s2) #集合并运算 s1|s2 print(s1|s2)
#元组 tuple=(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) print(tuple) tuple=(‘a,b,c,d‘) print(tuple) #取属性 print(len(tuple))
strLines=(‘‘‘Another weekend, oh I was with my friends that is true But you were sneaking, oh You forgot you said you‘d drive me home So took a taxi home Cold and alone and in the dark on my own So we‘re not speaking, no Read between the silence on the phone I‘m not the kind of girl that would go fucking you off But you‘re the kind of guy that get‘s nothing when taking it off You‘ll be acting like you don‘t know what you did that was wrong So I hope you pay attention when I‘m singing this song Lines, oh oh oh, there‘s a thing called lines, oh oh oh And I said don‘t care, but maybe I might Baby there‘s a thing called lines Oh oh oh, but yours aren‘t white, oh oh oh I wrote your sorry soul, and I crossed them out A thing called lines, oh oh oh, lines, oh oh oh Lines, oh oh oh, there‘s a thing called lines My girl was swiping, through Funny how she came across you So she swiped right on, you Didn‘t think you‘d swipe right too I‘ve had about enough Losing trust and there‘s nothing left to do You put an X on us, and you‘ve got a lot to undo I‘m not the kind of girl that would go fucking you off But you‘re the kind of guy that get‘s nothing when taking it off You‘ll be acting like you don‘t know what you did that was wrong So I hope you pay attention when I‘m singing this song Lines, oh oh oh, there‘s a thing called lines, oh oh oh And I said don‘t care, but maybe I might Baby there‘s a thing called lines Oh oh oh, but yours aren‘t white, oh oh oh I wrote your sorry soul, and I crossed them out A thing called lines, oh oh oh, lines, oh oh oh Lines, oh oh oh, there‘s a thing called lines So this is it, your final strike I‘ve given you chances, you‘re a lucky guy Love is pure, as cure as seen Love is pure, as cure as seen Neither of us are perfect, but you‘re just being mean So cross my heart, and made to die Stick a needle, in my eye If only once, if only twice But one more time, and you‘ve crossed the Line, oh oh oh, there‘s a thing called lines, oh oh oh And I said don‘t care, but maybe I might Baby there‘s a thing called lines Oh oh oh, but yours aren‘t white, oh oh oh I wrote your sorry soul, and I crossed them out A thing called lines, oh oh oh, lines, oh oh oh A thing called lines, oh oh oh, lines, oh oh oh Lines, oh oh oh, there‘s a thing called lines‘‘‘) #转化为列表 strList=strLines.split() print(strList) # 全部转化为大写 h1=str.upper(strLines) print(h1) #全部转化为小写 h2=str.lower(strLines) print(h2) #首字母大写其余小写 h3=str.capitalize(strLines) print(h3) #首字母大写 h4=str.title(strLines) print(h4) #大小写互换 h5=str.swapcase(strLines) print(h5) print(‘constellation‘.center(46,‘-‘)) print(‘开始执行‘.center(50,‘-‘)) #计数 print(strLines.count(‘oh‘)) #替换 print(strLines.replace(‘sorry‘,‘love‘)) #字母出现的字数 print(len(strList),strList) strSet=set(strList) print(len(strSet),strSet) strDict={} for word in strSet: strDict[word]=strList.count(word) print(len(strDict),strDict) h6=max(strLines) print(h6) h7=min(strLines) print(h7)
元组的遍历 : 元组的遍历借助 range() 函数,基本思想是通过元组的长度使用for循环进行遍历
列表的遍历:列表的遍历可以直接使用for循环,也可以借助 range() 函数