# python 学习之文件和异常 print("python 文件和异常") # 打开文件 # with关键字指定python自动处理文件打开和关闭,并且文件对象只有在with代码块里面才有效 with open("file.txt") as file: text = file.read() # read()方法读取文本中所有内容 print(text.strip()) # 逐行读取 with open("file.txt") as file: row = 0 for line in file: row += 1 print(str(row) + ": " + line, end="") print("") # 返回由文件各行组成的列表 with open("file.txt") as file: lines = file.readlines() for line in lines: print(line, end="") print("") # 写文件 with open("write.txt", "w") as file: # open()函数附加参数 w-写 r-读 a-附加 r+-读和写 file.write("Hello World, Python!!!\n") #write()函数在文本后面添加字符串 file.write("Hello World, C!!!") with open("write.txt") as file: print(file.read()) # JSON文件的操作 import json number = [2,3,5,7,11,13] filename = "number.json" with open(filename, ‘w‘) as f_json: json.dump(number, f_json) # dump()函数两个参数分别为存储数据以及可用的json文件对象 with open(filename) as f_json: print(json.load(f_json)) # load()函数加载存储在json文件中的信息