An inorder binary tree traversal can be implemented in a non-recursive way with a stack. For example, suppose that when a 6-node binary tree (with the keys numbered from 1 to 6) is traversed, the stack operations are: push(1); push(2); push(3); pop(); pop(); push(4); pop(); pop(); push(5); push(6); pop(); pop(). Then a unique binary tree (shown in Figure 1) can be generated from this sequence of operations. Your task is to give the postorder traversal sequence of this tree.
Each input file contains one test case. For each case, the first line contains a positive integer N (≤30) which is the total number of nodes in a tree (and hence the nodes are numbered from 1 to N). Then 2N lines follow, each describes a stack operation in the format: "Push X" where X is the index of the node being pushed onto the stack; or "Pop" meaning to pop one node from the stack.
For each test case, print the postorder traversal sequence of the corresponding tree in one line. A solution is guaranteed to exist. All the numbers must be separated by exactly one space, and there must be no extra space at the end of the line.
Push 1
Push 2
Push 3
Push 4
Push 5
Push 6
3 4 2 6 5 1
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Net; using System.Text; using System.Xml; struct Point { public string C; public string X; public string Y; public Point(string v1, string v2, string v3) : this() { this.C = v1; this.X = v2; this.Y = v3; } } public class Link { public Link() { } public string v; public Link left; public Link right; public Link Father => this; } class P { public XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); public P(string v2) : this(int.Parse(v2)) { } List<Point> tempList = new List<Point>(); public P(int v1) { if (v1 > 0) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < v1; i++) { var temp = Console.ReadLine().Split(new[] { " " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); tempList.Add(new Point(i.ToString(), temp[0], temp[1])); sb.Append(temp[0]); sb.Append(temp[1]); } var item = new Point(); string sss = sb.ToString(); for (int i = 0; i < v1; i++) { if (!sss.Contains(i + "")) { item = tempList[i]; } } var xNode = doc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "item", ""); var attr1 = doc.CreateAttribute("x"); attr1.Value = item.X; var attr2 = doc.CreateAttribute("y"); attr2.Value = item.Y; var attr3 = doc.CreateAttribute("n"); attr3.Value = item.C; xNode.Attributes.Append(attr1); xNode.Attributes.Append(attr2); xNode.Attributes.Append(attr3); GetNodes(xNode); doc.AppendChild(xNode); } } private void GetNodes(XmlNode xNode) { int x = -1; int y = -1; if (int.TryParse(xNode.Attributes["x"].Value, out x)) { var item = tempList[x]; var node = doc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "item", ""); var attr1 = doc.CreateAttribute("x"); attr1.Value = item.X; var attr2 = doc.CreateAttribute("y"); attr2.Value = item.Y; var attr3 = doc.CreateAttribute("n"); attr3.Value = item.C; node.Attributes.Append(attr1); node.Attributes.Append(attr2); node.Attributes.Append(attr3); GetNodes(node); xNode.AppendChild(node); } if (int.TryParse(xNode.Attributes["y"].Value, out y)) { var item = tempList[y]; var node = doc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "item", ""); var attr1 = doc.CreateAttribute("x"); attr1.Value = item.X; var attr2 = doc.CreateAttribute("y"); attr2.Value = item.Y; var attr3 = doc.CreateAttribute("n"); attr3.Value = item.C; node.Attributes.Append(attr1); node.Attributes.Append(attr2); node.Attributes.Append(attr3); GetNodes(node); xNode.AppendChild(node); } } List<XmlNode> xnList = new List<XmlNode>(); public string 获取子叶上为先(XmlNode node) { xnList.Add(node); string s = ""; for (int i = 0; i < xnList.Count; i++) { if (xnList[i].HasChildNodes) { foreach (XmlNode item in xnList[i].ChildNodes) { xnList.Add(item); } } else { s += xnList[i].Attributes["n"].Value + " "; } } return s; } public string 获取子叶左为先(XmlNode node) { string s = ""; if (node.HasChildNodes) { foreach (XmlNode item in node.ChildNodes) { s += 获取子叶左为先(item); } } else { s += node.Attributes["n"].Value + " "; } return s; } } class PP { public XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); public PP(string v2) : this(int.Parse(v2)) { } public XmlElement ele; public PP(int v1) { var first = true; if (v1 > 0) { ele = doc.CreateElement("item"); var link = ele; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < v1 * 2; i++) { var temp = Console.ReadLine().Split(new[] { " " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); switch (temp[0]) { case "Push": if (link.Attributes["value"] != null && link.Attributes["value"].Value != "") { var node = doc.CreateElement("item"); node.SetAttribute("value", temp[1]); node.SetAttribute("poped", "false"); link.AppendChild(node); link = node; } else { link.SetAttribute("value", temp[1]); link.SetAttribute("poped", "false"); } break; case "Pop": DDD: if (link != null) { if (link.GetAttribute("poped") == "false") { link.SetAttribute("poped", "true"); } else { link = link.ParentNode as XmlElement; goto DDD; } } break; } } } } } class T { static bool 对比(XmlNode p1, XmlNode p2) { if (p1.Attributes["n"].Value == p2.Attributes["n"].Value) { if (p1.ChildNodes.Count == 0 && p2.ChildNodes.Count == 0) { return true; } if (p1.ChildNodes.Count == 1 && p2.ChildNodes.Count == 1) { return 对比(p1.ChildNodes[0], p2.ChildNodes[0]); } if (p1.ChildNodes.Count == 2 && p2.ChildNodes.Count == 2) { var b00 = 对比(p1.ChildNodes[0], p2.ChildNodes[0]); var b11 = 对比(p1.ChildNodes[1], p2.ChildNodes[1]); var b10 = 对比(p1.ChildNodes[1], p2.ChildNodes[0]); var b01 = 对比(p1.ChildNodes[0], p2.ChildNodes[1]); return (b00 && b11) || (b10 && b01); } } return false; } static string digui(XmlElement x) { string s = ""; if (x.HasChildNodes) { s += digui(x.FirstChild as XmlElement); } else { s += x.Attributes["value"].Value + " "; if (x.NextSibling != null) { x = x.NextSibling as XmlElement; x.ParentNode.RemoveChild(x.ParentNode.FirstChild); s += digui(x); } else { if (x.ParentNode == null) { return s; } else { x = x.ParentNode as XmlElement; while (x.HasChildNodes) { x.RemoveChild(x.FirstChild); } s += digui(x); } } } return s; } static void Main(string[] args) { PP p1 = new PP(Console.ReadLine()); XmlElement x = p1.ele; gotoa(x); return; } static void gotoa(XmlElement x) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); BBB: while (x.HasChildNodes) { x = x.FirstChild as XmlElement; } AAA: sb.Append(x.Attributes["value"].Value + " "); if (x.NextSibling != null) { x = x.NextSibling as XmlElement; x.ParentNode.RemoveChild(x.ParentNode.FirstChild); goto BBB; } if (x.ParentNode == null) { goto CCC; } x = x.ParentNode as XmlElement; while (x.HasChildNodes) { x.RemoveChild(x.FirstChild); } goto AAA; CCC: Console.WriteLine(sb.ToString().Trim()); } }
03-树3 Tree Traversals Again (25 分)