Implicit Free Lists
Any practical allocator needs some data structure that allows it to distinguish block boundaries and to distinguish between allocated and free blocks. Most allocators embed this information in the blocks themselves.
One simple approach is shown in Figure 9.35.
在payload之前还有一个header的区域,这个区域记录了block size,这里作者有点误导,由于是8byte align
首先要理解malloc中block size的原理
This problem touches on some core ideas such as alignment requirements, minimum block sizes, and header encodings. The general approach for determining the block size is to round the sum of the requested payload
and the header size to the nearest multiple of the alignment requirement (in this case 8 bytes). For
example, the block size for the malloc(1) request is 4 + 1 = 5 rounded up to 8. The block size for the malloc(13)request is 13 + 4 = 17 rounded up to 24.
Request Block size (decimal bytes) Block header (hex)
malloc(1) 8 0x9
malloc(5) 16 0x11
malloc(12) 16 0x11
malloc(13) 24 0x19
在linux 64bit的 Ubuntu上做测试:
这里申请 42byte的空间,malloc返回的连续内存空间是 64byte的
42 byte,由于开始有8byte的block size 区域,
42+8 = 50;
至于最后的temp == 65 ,那是因为最后一位是用来提示该内存区域是否allocated。由于该bit 位等于1,于是,是allocated
/*********************************************************** code writer : EOF code date : 2014.07.27 e-mail:jasonleaster@gmail.com code purpose: Find out what beyond the payload location. :) ************************************************************/ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define MACHINE_ADDRESS_LENGTH 64 void print_dec2bin(int dec_number) //Just a simple function which translate decimal number into binary numebr { int temp = 0; int to_be_print = 0; int array[MACHINE_ADDRESS_LENGTH]; for(temp = 0;temp < MACHINE_ADDRESS_LENGTH; temp++) { array[MACHINE_ADDRESS_LENGTH-temp-1] = dec_number%2; dec_number >>=1; } for(temp = 0;temp < MACHINE_ADDRESS_LENGTH; temp++) { printf("%d",array[temp]); } printf("\n"); } int main() { int *ptr = NULL; int temp = 42;//how many bytes to be allocated printf("byte to be allocated, temp : %d\n",temp); ptr = (int *)malloc(temp); if(ptr == NULL) { printf("malloc failed\n"); return 0; } else { *ptr = 2014;//just write some data into payload location. } temp = *(ptr - 2);//You may never forget that this code must be run on 64-bits machine, and ptr point to 'int'!!!Attention!! // otherwise you have to change 'ptr-2' into 'ptr-1' print_dec2bin(temp); printf("temp : %d\n",temp); free(ptr); return 0; }
malloc中 heap block 的 blocksize 大小问题,布布扣,bubuko.com
malloc中 heap block 的 blocksize 大小问题