2.使用标准的JPA annotation,即: @@OneToMany等;
3.提供Sessionless API,也就是说没有merge,flush等方法。(这也是Ebean与Hibernatet等ORM的重要区别之一);
6.L1、L2 缓存
package models;
import com.avaje.ebean.Ebean;
import com.avaje.ebean.annotation.Formula;
import com.avaje.ebean.annotation.Transactional;
import com.avaje.ebean.cache.ServerCacheManager;
import play.data.validation.Constraints;
import play.db.ebean.Model;
import util.Util;
import javax.persistence.*;
import java.util.List;
* Created by wangjun on 14-3-26.
@Entity // ebean 所用的注解是jpa
//@Table(name = "user")
public class User extends Model {
@Id //@EmbeddedId 复杂id
public Long id; //默认命名约定:first_name maps to firstName
public String username;
//@Column(name = "password")
public String password;
@ManyToOne(cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
//会加载address_id ,但不会加载整个address,这个和hibernate有区别,Ebean的延迟加载对于性能的影响不打,默认EAGER,最好打开
public Address address; //出身地
public User mate;//配偶*/
/* @OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.PERSIST)
public List<Address> addresses;//曾居住地 会在address端要求user_id 字段,可以用?ManyToMany代替*/
@ManyToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, cascade = CascadeType.DETACH)
//cascade = CascadeType.ALL 级联情况下会自动插入car个中间表数据,默认不级联 ,对于一些级联更新很是有必要
public List<Car> cars;
@Formula(select = "(select count(*) from user_car c where c.user_id = ${ta}.id )")
// 计算拥有车的数量 ${ta} 代表表的别名 ,还可以写join
public int carSize;
public String validate() {
if (username.equals("1")) {
return "Invalid email or password";
return null;
/* public List<ValidationError> validate() {
if ( username.equals("1")) {
return null;
return null;
public Map<ValidationError> validate() {
if ( username.equals("1")) {
return null;
return null;
public static Model.Finder<Long, User> find = new Model.Finder(Long.class, User.class);
public static User findById(Long id) {
User user = find.byId(id); //不抓取car,LAZY不select address_id
return user;
public static User findById(Long id, int loadType) {
User user = find.byId(id); //不抓取car,不抓取address
String name = null;
int size = 0;
if (loadType == 1)
name = user.address.province; //每次都会加载user
else if (loadType == 2)
size = user.cars.size(); //每次都会加载car
Util.report(size + "");
return user;
public static User findByIdLoadAddress(Long id) {
return find.fetch("address").fetch("cars").where().eq("id", id).findUnique(); // fetch= 生成join查询 不用fetch延迟加载,且不会生成join查询;
* *
* TxType Descriptions
* TxType Description
* REQUIRED Runs in a Transaction. Will use an existing transaction if it exists, otherwise will create a new Transaction.
* REQUIRES_NEW Runs in a new Transaction. If a current transaction exists it will be suspended.
* MANDATORY Runs in the existing Transaction. If there is no current existing transaction an exception is thrown.
* SUPPORTS Use a transaction if it already exists. If it does not then the method runs without a transaction.
* NOT_SUPPORTS Always runs without a transaction. If one already exists then it is suspended.
* NEVER Always runs without a transaction. If one already exists then it throws an exception.
* @param type
@Transactional// 打开事务,或通过beginTr.... endTr.. 或TxRunnable
public void saveUser(int type) {
if (type == 0) { //不级联情况保存
this.address.save(); // 保存用户前将用户输入的出生地也保存到数据库
this.save(); // 保存用户数据
this.saveManyToManyAssociations("cars"); //保存中间表
} else if (type == 1) { //如果设置级联car
this.save(); // 会级联插入car和中间表数据
public void deleteUser(Long id) {
Ebean.delete(User.class, id);
* *********************other test*********************
* public void updateUser() {
* this.update();
* }
* <p/>
* //批量操作
* public void deleteUser(List<User> users) {
* Ebean.delete(users);//批量删除
* Ebean.save(users);//批量保存
* }
* <p/>
* public void deleteUser() {
* this.delete();
* }
* ***************
//L1 测试 事务级缓存或持久化上下文缓存
public static User find() {
Car car1 = Car.find.byId(Long.valueOf(7));
Car car2 = Car.find.byId(Long.valueOf(8));
User user = User.findById(Long.valueOf(45));
if (user.cars.get(0).id == 7) { // 查到的car实例属于同一个实例
Util.report((user.cars.get(0) == car1) + "");
} else if (user.cars.get(0).id == 8) {
Util.report((user.cars.get(0) == car2) + "");
return user;
//L2 测试 bean cache and query cache
public static Address findAddress() {//手动指定使用缓存,同时设置为只读,可以在model使用注解指定缓存策略,如果有修改缓存的bean,会自动维持缓存
Address address_ = Ebean.find(Address.class).setUseCache(true).setReadOnly(true).setId(56).findUnique();
List<Address> addressList = Ebean.find(Address.class).setUseQueryCache(true).setReadOnly(true).findList();
Util.report(addressList.size() + "");
return address_;
// 测试 不用cache 查询10000次
public static Car findCar() {
Car car = null;
for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {
Car car_ = Ebean.find(Car.class, 1);
Util.report((car == car_) + "");
car = car_;
return car;
// 测试 不用cache 查询10000次
public static Car findCar2() {
Car car = null;
for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { // 只查1次
Car car_ = Ebean.getReference(Car.class, 1); // getReference 只会加载创建存在id属性的bean,不会查询数据库,当得到这个bean,用id外的其它属性就会引发查询
Util.report((car == car_) + "");
car = car_;
return car;
//L1 测试 查询10000次
public static Address findAddressInL1() { // 只查1次
// Address address_ = Ebean.find(Address.class, "56");
Address address = null;
for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
Address address_ = Ebean.find(Address.class, 56);
Util.report((address == address_) + "");
address = address_;
return address;
//L2 测试 查询10000次
public static Address findAddressInL2() {
Address address = null;
for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { // 查了数据库
Address address_ = Ebean.find(Address.class, 56);
// Address address_ = Ebean.find(Address.class).setUseCache(true).setReadOnly(true).setId(56).findUnique();
Util.report((address == address_) + "");
address = address_;
return address;
//L2 测试 查询10000次
public static Address findAddressInL22() {
Address address = null;
for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { // 测试查了数据库
// Address address_ = Ebean.getReference(Address.class,56);
Address address_ = Ebean.find(Address.class).setUseCache(true).setReadOnly(true).setId(56).findUnique();
Util.report((address == address_) + "");
address = address_;
return address;
//L2 测试 抓取Address10000次 当第一次查询的时候会查询address,之后会从缓存取
public static Address findAddressInL222() {
Address address = null;
for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { // 测试查了数据库
User user = User.findById(Long.valueOf(41));
Address address_ = user.address; // 数据从缓存内得到
Util.report((address == address_) + (address == null ? null : address.province));
address = address_;
return address;
* **
* Handling External Modification (
* via stored procedures etc
* )
* When you save/delete beans via Ebean.save() and Ebean.delete() etc Ebean will
* automatically maintain its cache (removing cached beans and cached queries as
* appropriate). However, you may often find yourself modifying the database outside of
* Ebean.
* For example, you could be using other frameworks, your own JDBC code, stored
* procedures, batch systems etc. When you do so (and you are using Ebean caching) then
* you can inform Ebean so that it invalidates appropriate parts of its cache.
public void test() {
boolean inserts = true;
boolean updates = true;
boolean deletes = false;
// inform Ebean that some rows have been inserted and updated on address table Ebean will maintain the appropriate caches.
Ebean.externalModification("address", inserts, updates, deletes);
// clearAll() caches via the ServerCacheManager ...
ServerCacheManager serverCacheManager = Ebean.getServerCacheManager();
// Clear all the caches on the default/primary EbeanServer
// clear both the bean and query cache for Country beans ...
// Warm the cache of Country beans
public String toString() {
String result = "";
if (address == null)
return result;
}Ebean Demo,布布扣,bubuko.com
Ebean Demo