hc_<SID>.dat files is shared with other databases' instances. Example : ----------- #lsof /u0n COMMAND PID USER FD TYPE DEVICE SIZE/OFF NODE NAME oracle 8167 oracle 60r VREG 388,50 1544 48967 hc_sqa2d101.dat oracle 8167 oracle 72r VREG 388,50 1544 78760 hc_sqa2e101.dat ... oracle 8563 oracle 60r VREG 388,50 1544 48967 hc_sqa2d101.dat oracle 8563 oracle 72r VREG 388,50 1544 78760 hc_sqa2e101.dat ... oracle 20049 oracle 60r VREG 388,50 1544 48967 hc_sqa2d101.dat ===> ora_pz99_s20dv101 oracle 20049 oracle 72r VREG 388,50 1544 78760 hc_sqa2e101.dat ===> ora_pz99_s20dv101 . hc_sqa2e101.dat file is used by ora_pz99_s20dv101 of s20dv101 instance. #ps -ef | egrep ' 8167 | 8563 |20049' oracle 8167 1 0 23:45:33 ? 0:11 ora_cjq0_sqa1d101 oracle 8563 1 0 23:46:54 ? 0:02 ora_smco_sqa1e101 oracle 1074 28732 0 12:04:05 pts/1 0:00 egrep 8167 | 8563 |20049 oracle 20049 1 0 00:24:22 ? 0:25 ora_pz99_s20dv101