1. 首先你要确保当前你使用的Windows账号是有管理员权限的
2. 其次请在打开Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio时,通过右键Run as administrator来打开
3. 如果还是连不上,并且此时你遇到的错误消息类似如下:
Connecting to the Integration Services service on the computer "localhost" failed with the following error: "The specified service does not exist as an installed service.". This error can occur when you try to connect to a SQL Server 2005 Integration Services service from the current version of the SQL Server tools. Instead,add folders to the service configuration file to let the local Integration Services service manage packages on the SQL Server 2005 instance.
答案是:Are you connecting to SSIS from the local server or remotely? The later SSMS versions (16.x and 17.x) will only connect to their respective versions. Microsoft is planning to retire this method in favor of the SSISDB(意思是微软正打算退役Integration Services服务,用SQL Server数据库服务中的Integration Services Catalogs来取代之,从SQL Server 2012开始SSIS项目默认的部署方式都是Integration Services Catalogs了,可见的确Integration Services Catalogs是微软目前推荐的部署方式), which is more secure. Link to the official statement from Microsoft (in the note box).
If connecting remotely, you may need to setup DCOM permissions. Browse to "grant permissions to the service" under the provided link. -- 关于这一点原文链接在此
关于第三点的错误,根本原因还是在于使用了版本不对应的Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio去连接Integration Services服务,例如如果你安装的是SQL Server 2016,那么问题如下:
As noted in the above posts, to manage IS from SSMS, the versions must be compatible. If you have installed SQL and Integration Services 2016, then you have to use SSMS 2016 (not the latest SSMS v17). You can download previous versions of SSMS at the following link:
为何使用Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio连接Integration Services服务失败