计算两个整数的最大公因子的算法,所基于的原理就是GCD(a, b)=GCD(b, a%b). 不断地迭代
/* * mod 运算,模数是一个正数,被模数可以是负数,返回mod数 */ public DecimalBig Mod(DecimalBig modnumber) { DecimalBig tempthis =Zero; if (this.sign==-1) tempthis=this.DivideReminder(modnumber).Add(modnumber); else tempthis=this; return tempthis.DivideReminder(modnumber); } /** * Returns a DecimalBig whose value is the greatest common divisor of * {@code abs(this)} and {@code abs(val)}. Returns 0 if * {@code this == 0 && val == 0}. * * @param val value with which the GCD is to be computed. * @return {@code GCD(abs(this), abs(val))} */ public DecimalBig gcd(DecimalBig val) { if(val==Zero) return this; return val.gcd(this.Mod(val)); }
也就是计算出x和y使得GCD(a, b)=xa+yb;
算法我就引用<introduction to modern Computer Algebra>上的算描述了。
/** * Returns a DecimalBig whose value is the linear representation of * {@code abs(this)} modulus {@code abs(val)}. * * 这里边我们返回的是x使得x*this+yval=GCD(this,val); * 如果return为t0则返回的是y使得x*this+yval=GCD(this,val)。 */ private DecimalBig ExtGCD(DecimalBig val) { DecimalBig r0=this, r1=val; DecimalBig s0=One, s1=Zero; DecimalBig t0=Zero, t1=One; DecimalBig temp_r, temp_s, temp_t; while(r1.Compare(Zero)!=0) { DecimalBig q=r0.Divide(r1); <span style="white-space:pre"> </span>temp_r=r0.Substract(q.Multiply(r1)); <span style="white-space:pre"> </span>temp_s=s0.Substract(q.Multiply(s1)); <span style="white-space:pre"> </span>temp_t=t0.Substract(q.Multiply(t1)); <span style="white-space:pre"> </span> r0=r1;r1=temp_r; s0=s1;r1=temp_s; t0=t1;r1=temp_t; } return s0; }
/** * Returns a DecimalBig whose value is the greatest common divisor of * {@code abs(this)} and {@code abs(val)}. Returns 0 if * {@code this == 0 && val == 0}. * * @param val value with which the GCD is to be computed. * @return {@code GCD(abs(this), abs(val))} */ public DecimalBig Inv_Mod(DecimalBig val) { if (val.sign != 1) throw new ArithmeticException("DecimalBig: modulus not positive"); if (this.gcd(val).Compare(One)==1) throw new ArithmeticException("DecimalBig: modulus and this have commen dividor >1 "); return this.ExtGCD(val); }