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`define marcos usage in system verilog

时间:2014-02-12 23:58:36      阅读:799      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

Note it is not supported in verilog

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1 `define xyz(I,R)\
2 assign abc[I].clk = R.du``I``_clk_x;


`define xyz(I,R)\
assign abc(I).clk = ``R``.du``I``_clk_x;


in the macro, R by itself is the argument that gets substituted. ``R`` is not needed.

However, the argument I shows up twice in the body of the macro; first by itself, and then surrounded by ``I``. The `` is a token separator used to build identifiers and strings. Without it, the bare argument I would disappear into an identifier duI_clk_x. You want the macro


to be replaced with

assign abc(1).clk = a.du1_clk_x;

`define marcos usage in system verilog


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