"**********BASIC********** "设置行号 set nu "不要swap文件 set nobackup "设置兼容性关闭 set nocompatible "高亮显示搜索结果 set hlsearch "自动显示搜索情况 set showmatch "编码 set encoding=utf-8 set fencs=utf-8,ucs-bom,shift-jis,gb18030,gbk,gb2312,cp936 set fileencodings=utf-8,ucs-bom,chinese "语言 set langmenu=zh_CN.UTF-8 "语法开关 syntax enable syntax on "缩进 set tabstop=4 set softtabstop=4 set shiftwidth=4 "自动缩进 set autoindent "C语言缩进 set cindent "智能缩进 set smartindent "文件检测 filetype on filetype plugin indent on "vim保存历史记录 set history=400 "自动换行 set wrap "整词换行 set linebreak "显示制表符 "set list "显示状态栏 set ruler "显示命令 show cmd "**********COLOR********** "colorscheme solarized,you must download it from , then you should add it in you vimrc file syntax enable set background=dark colorscheme solarized "**********ELSE********** "pathogen makes it super easy to install plugins and runtime files in their own private directories.You can download it from , you should creat a folder named autoload under your ~/vimXX on Unix systems, or $VIM\vimXX on Windows , put pathogen.vim into folder autoload.After done all , you should add ‘call pathogen#infect()‘ in you vimrc file.You should read more in upon website. call pathogen#infect()