Animesh has N empty candy jars, numbered from 1 to N, with infinite capacity. He performs M operations. Each operation is described by 3 integers a, b and k. Here, a and b are index of the jars, and k is the number of candies to be added inside each jar whose index lies between a and b (both inclusive). Can you tell the average number of candies after M operations?
Input Format
The first line contains two integers N and M separated by a single space.
M lines follow. Each of the M lines contain three integers a, b and k separated by single space.
Output Format
A single line containing the average number of candies across N jars, rounded down to the nearest integer.
Rounded down means finding the greatest integer which is less than or equal to given number. Eg, 13.65 and 13.23 is rounded down to 13, while 12.98 is rounded down to 12.
3 <= N <= 107
1 <= M <= 105
1 <= a <= b <= N
1 import*; 2 import java.util.*; 3 4 5 public class Solution { 6 7 public static void main(String[] args) { 8 Scanner in = new Scanner(; 9 int n = in.nextInt(); 10 int m = in.nextInt(); 11 Long result = new Long(0); 12 for(int i = 0; i < m; i++){ 13 Long a = in.nextLong(); 14 Long b = in.nextLong(); 15 Long k = in.nextLong(); 16 result += k*(b-a+1); 17 } 18 System.out.println(result/n); 19 } 20 21 22 23 }
0 <= k <= 106
【HackerRank】 Filling Jars,布布扣,