闭包的概念:闭包(Closure)是词法闭包(Lexical Closure)的简称,是引用了自由变量的函数。这个被引用的自由变量将和这个函数一同存在,即使已经离开了创造它的环境也不例外。所以,闭包是由函数和与其相关的引用环境组合而成的实体。
偏函数,装饰器 是否采用了闭包机制 延迟了一个函数部分执行?
Short answer: closure is the mechanism, while functools.partial and decorators are typical uses of that mechanism.
The key difference between a closure and more typical namespaces is that the names and values in the "closed-over" namespace don‘t vanish when control flow leaves the top-level function. They‘re preserved in a mini-namespace associated with one instance of the inner function, and which survives as long as that instance does.
functools.partial uses that ability to "remember" some arguments to a pre-existing function. Decorators also typically use that ability for the same reasons.
Note that a decorator is more flexible than that. Any callable that takes one parameter and returns something can serve as a decorator. It doesn‘t have to make use of Python closures, or even return a function. Many decorators return a callable object instead. (As an aside, a closure and inner function can be simulated using an object for the namespace and a method for the inner function.)
Whatever the decorator returns is assigned to the name the decorated function would have had. (Decorators with parentheses after them, like @decorator(‘args‘) ... are slightly more complicated.) The typical decorator syntax:
def function():
...is just a shorthand for "define, then decorate and reassign":
def function():
function = decorator(function)
For an extreme (and mostly useless) example:
def decorator5(__):
return 5
def square(x):
return x * x
print(square) # Prints 5 --- the function is gone.
square(10) # TypeError: ‘int‘ object is not callable