------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Script: rolling_back.sql -- Purpose: to predict when transactions will finish rolling back -- For: 9.0+ -- -- Copyright: (c) Ixora Pty Ltd -- Author: Steve Adams -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @save_sqlplus_settings set serveroutput on set feedback off prompt prompt Looking for transactions that are rolling back ... prompt declare cursor tx is select s.username, t.xidusn, t.xidslot, t.xidsqn, x.ktuxesiz from sys.x$ktuxe x, sys.v_$transaction t, sys.v_$session s where x.inst_id = userenv(‘Instance‘) and x.ktuxesta = ‘ACTIVE‘ and x.ktuxesiz > 1 and t.xidusn = x.ktuxeusn and t.xidslot = x.ktuxeslt and t.xidsqn = x.ktuxesqn and s.saddr = t.ses_addr; user_name varchar2(30); xid_usn number; xid_slot number; xid_sqn number; used_ublk1 number; used_ublk2 number; begin open tx; loop fetch tx into user_name, xid_usn, xid_slot, xid_sqn, used_ublk1; exit when tx%notfound; if tx%rowcount = 1 then sys.dbms_lock.sleep(10); end if; select sum(ktuxesiz) into used_ublk2 from sys.x$ktuxe where inst_id = userenv(‘Instance‘) and ktuxeusn = xid_usn and ktuxeslt = xid_slot and ktuxesqn = xid_sqn and ktuxesta = ‘ACTIVE‘; if used_ublk2 < used_ublk1 then sys.dbms_output.put_line( user_name || ‘‘‘s transaction ‘ || xid_usn || ‘.‘ || xid_slot || ‘.‘ || xid_sqn || ‘ will finish rolling back at approximately ‘ || to_char( sysdate + used_ublk2 / (used_ublk1 - used_ublk2) / 6 / 60 / 24, ‘HH24:MI:SS DD-MON-YYYY‘ ) ); end if; end loop; if user_name is null then sys.dbms_output.put_line(‘No transactions appear to be rolling back.‘); end if; end; / prompt @restore_sqlplus_settings
Script:when transaction will finish rollback