产品评判(Product Critique)是修炼产品直觉的必修课,而评价一款产品,就是搞清楚用户对于产品的爱与恨。
这需要把握住 2 个核心原则:
下面以体验一款新 app 为例(即从应用商店下载 app,打开它,使用它…),分3个阶段共用14组问题来阐述产品评判的思路:
How did this app come to your attention?
What’s your one-line summary of what this app does at this stage?
What’s the buzz so far?
现在打开这款 app 开始把玩它。尽量按照正常的使用时间来用它(可能是几分钟也可能是半小时),然后问你自己以下几个问题:
What’s the experience of getting started or signing up?
How does this app explain itself in the first minute?
How easy to use was the app?
How did you feel while exploring the app?
Did the app deliver on your expectations?
How long did you spend using the app?
第一次使用 app 之后的几天甚至几周的时间也非常重要,能够让你看出产品的持久度和成长性。
How often have you used the app? When do you tend to use it? What compels you to open it?
How does this app compare to other similar apps?
What do other people think of this app?
Based on all that you know, how successful do you think the app will be a year from now?
(And eventually, after enough time has passed), were you right in your prediction of how this app was going to do?
原文出处: 《How to do a Product Critique》