基本逻辑运算符(if ...elif...else)(0,False,None为假)
flag = False name = ‘luren‘ if name == ‘python‘: # 判断变量否为‘python‘ flag = True # 条件成立时设置标志为真 print(‘welcome boss‘) # 并输出欢迎信息 else: print(name) # 条件不成立时输出变量名称
1 num = 5 2 if num == 3: # 判断num的值 3 print(‘boss‘) 4 elif num == 2: 5 print(‘user‘) 6 elif num == 1: 7 print(‘worker‘) 8 elif num < 0: # 值小于零时输出 9 print(‘error‘) 10 else: 11 print(‘roadman‘) # 条件均不成立时输出
1 num = 9 2 if num >= 0 and num <= 10: # 判断值是否在0~10之间 3 print(‘hello‘) 4 # 输出结果: hello 5 6 num = 10 7 if num < 0 or num > 10: # 判断值是否在小于0或大于10 8 print(‘hello‘) 9 else: 10 print(‘undefine‘) 11 # 输出结果: undefine 12 13 num = 8 14 # 判断值是否在0~5或者10~15之间 15 if (num >= 0 and num <= 5) or (num >= 10 and num <= 15): 16 print(‘hello‘) 17 else: 18 print(‘undefine‘) 19 # 输出结果: undefine
age = 16 high = 170 success = True if age: print(‘ok‘) else: print(‘不OK‘) if age > 17: if success: print(‘咱们结婚吧!‘) else: print(‘去他妈的爱情!‘) elif high > 160: print(‘你好高‘) else: print(‘不表白‘)
score=input(‘>>: ‘) > 90:优秀 80 < 90 :良好 >=60 <80 :合格 <60:滚犊子 score = int(input(‘请输入你的成绩:‘)) if score > 90: print(‘优秀‘) elif score > 80 and score <= 90: print(‘良好‘) elif score >=60 and score < 80: print(‘合格‘) else: print(‘滚犊子‘)