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Building Hybrid Systems with Boost.Python


Author: David Abrahams
Contact: dave@boost-consulting.com
Organization: Boost Consulting
Date: 2003-05-14
Author: Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve
Copyright: Copyright David Abrahams and Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve 2003. All rights reserved




Boost.Python is an open source C++ library which provides a concise IDL-like interface for binding C++ classes and functions to Python. Leveraging the full power of C++ compile-time introspection and of recently developed metaprogramming techniques, this is achieved entirely in pure C++, without introducing a new syntax. Boost.Python‘s rich set of features and high-level interface make it possible to engineer packages from the ground up as hybrid systems, giving programmers easy and coherent access to both the efficient compile-time polymorphism of C++ and the extremely convenient run-time polymorphism of Python.



Python and C++ are in many ways as different as two languages could be: while C++ is usually compiled to machine-code, Python is interpreted. Python‘s dynamic type system is often cited as the foundation of its flexibility, while in C++ static typing is the cornerstone of its efficiency. C++ has an intricate and difficult compile-time meta-language, while in Python, practically everything happens at runtime.


  • C-系列控制结构(if, while, for…)
  • 支持面向对象、函数式编程和泛型编程(它们都是多范式编程语言)。
  • 全面的操作符重载,认识到句法变化对可读性和表达性的重要性。
  • 高级概念,如集合和迭代器。
  • 高级封装工具(C++:名称空间,Python:模块)支持可重用库的设计。
  • 异常处理,以有效管理错误情况。
  • 常用的C++习惯用法,如句柄/主体类和引用计数的智能指针反映了Python的引用语义。

Yet for many programmers, these very differences mean that Python and C++ complement one another perfectly. Performance bottlenecks in Python programs can be rewritten in C++ for maximal speed, and authors of powerful C++ libraries choose Python as a middleware language for its flexible system integration capabilities. Furthermore, the surface differences mask some strong similarities:

  • ‘C‘-family control structures (if, while, for...)
  • Support for object-orientation, functional programming, and generic programming (these are both multi-paradigm programming languages.)
  • Comprehensive operator overloading facilities, recognizing the importance of syntactic variability for readability and expressivity.
  • High-level concepts such as collections and iterators.
  • High-level encapsulation facilities (C++: namespaces, Python: modules) to support the design of re-usable libraries.
  • Exception-handling for effective management of error conditions.
  • C++ idioms in common use, such as handle/body classes and reference-counted smart pointers mirror Python reference semantics.


Given Python‘s rich ‘C‘ interoperability API, it should in principle be possible to expose C++ type and function interfaces to Python with an analogous interface to their C++ counterparts. However, the facilities provided by Python alone for integration with C++ are relatively meager. Compared to C++ and Python, ‘C‘ has only very rudimentary abstraction facilities, and support for exception-handling is completely missing. ‘C‘ extension module writers are required to manually manage Python reference counts, which is both annoyingly tedious and extremely error-prone. Traditional extension modules also tend to contain a great deal of boilerplate code repetition which makes them difficult to maintain, especially when wrapping an evolving API.

这些限制导致了各种包装系统(wrapping systems)的开发。SWIG可能是用于集成C/C++和Python的最流行的包。最近的一个开发是SIP,它专门为将Python与Qt图形用户界面库连接而设计。SWIG和SIP都引入了自己的专用语言来定制语言间绑定。这有一定的优点,但是必须处理三种不同的语言(Python、C/C++和接口语言)也会带来实际和心理上的困难。CXX包演示了一个有趣的替代方案。它表明Python的“C”API至少有一部分可以通过一个更加用户友好的C++接口来包装和显示。但是,与SWIG和SIP不同,CXX不支持将C++类包装为新的Python类型。

These limitations have lead to the development of a variety of wrapping systems. SWIG is probably the most popular package for the integration of C/C++ and Python. A more recent development is SIP, which was specifically designed for interfacing Python with the Qt graphical user interface library. Both SWIG and SIP introduce their own specialized languages for customizing inter-language bindings. This has certain advantages, but having to deal with three different languages (Python, C/C++ and the interface language) also introduces practical and mental difficulties. The CXX package demonstrates an interesting alternative. It shows that at least some parts of Python‘s ‘C‘ API can be wrapped and presented through a much more user-friendly C++ interface. However, unlike SWIG and SIP, CXX does not include support for wrapping C++ classes as new Python types.


  • 支持C++虚拟函数,可以在Python中重写。
  • 为低级别C++指针和引用提供了全生命周期管理工具。
  • 支持将扩展作为Python包组织,并有一个用于语言类型转换的中心注册表。
  • 一个安全方便的机制,用于绑定Python强大的序列化引擎(pickle)。
  • 与处理C++ lvalues和rvalues的规则的一致性, 这只能来自于对Python和C++类型系统的深刻理解。

The features and goals of Boost.Python overlap significantly with many of these other systems. That said, Boost.Python attempts to maximize convenience and flexibility without introducing a separate wrapping language. Instead, it presents the user with a high-level C++ interface for wrapping C++ classes and functions, managing much of the complexity behind-the-scenes with static metaprogramming. Boost.Python also goes beyond the scope of earlier systems by providing:

  • Support for C++ virtual functions that can be overridden in Python.
  • Comprehensive lifetime management facilities for low-level C++ pointers and references.
  • Support for organizing extensions as Python packages, with a central registry for inter-language type conversions.
  • A safe and convenient mechanism for tying into Python‘s powerful serialization engine (pickle).
  • Coherence with the rules for handling C++ lvalues and rvalues that can only come from a deep understanding of both the Python and C++ type systems.


The key insight that sparked the development of Boost.Python is that much of the boilerplate code in traditional extension modules could be eliminated using C++ compile-time introspection. Each argument of a wrapped C++ function must be extracted from a Python object using a procedure that depends on the argument type. Similarly the function‘s return type determines how the return value will be converted from C++ to Python. Of course argument and return types are part of each function‘s type, and this is exactly the source from which Boost.Python deduces most of the information required.

这种方法导致了用户引导的包装: 在纯C++框架中,尽可能直接从要包装的源代码中提取尽可能多的信息,并且用户显式地提供一些额外的信息。大多数的引导是机械的,很少需要实际的干预。因为接口规范是用与公开代码相同的全功能语言编写的,所以当用户确实需要控制时,她拥有前所未有的能力。

This approach leads to user guided wrapping: as much information is extracted directly from the source code to be wrapped as is possible within the framework of pure C++, and some additional information is supplied explicitly by the user. Mostly the guidance is mechanical and little real intervention is required. Because the interface specification is written in the same full-featured language as the code being exposed, the user has unprecedented power available when she does need to take control.

设计目标 (Boost.Python Design Goals)

  1. 用户体验应该是直接从Python操作C++对象;
  2. 必须能够跨越接口的鸿沟;
  3. 避免C++崩溃和用更健壮的替代方案来替代容易出错的“C”接口;
  4. 支持基于组件的开发;
  5. 包装必须是非侵入的, 现有的C++库必须由只能访问头文件和二进制文件的第三方包装;


The primary goal of Boost.Python is to allow users to expose C++ classes and functions to Python using nothing more than a C++ compiler. In broad strokes, the user experience should be one of directly manipulating C++ objects from Python.

但是,也不要把所有接口都翻译得太过字面化,这一点也很重要: 每种语言的习惯用法都必须得到尊重。例如,虽然C++和Python都有迭代器的概念,但是它们的表达方式非常不同。Boost.Python必须能够跨越接口的鸿沟。

However, it‘s also important not to translate all interfaces too literally: the idioms of each language must be respected. For example, though C++ and Python both have an iterator concept, they are expressed very differently. Boost.Python has to be able to bridge the interface gap.


It must be possible to insulate Python users from crashes resulting from trivial misuses of C++ interfaces, such as accessing already-deleted objects. By the same token the library should insulate C++ users from low-level Python ‘C‘ API, replacing error-prone ‘C‘ interfaces like manual reference-count management and raw PyObject pointers with more-robust alternatives.


Support for component-based development is crucial, so that C++ types exposed in one extension module can be passed to functions exposed in another without loss of crucial information like C++ inheritance relationships.


Finally, all wrapping must be non-intrusive, without modifying or even seeing the original C++ source code. Existing C++ libraries have to be wrappable by third parties who only have access to header files and binaries.

Hello Boost.Python World


And now for a preview of Boost.Python, and how it improves on the raw facilities offered by Python. Here‘s a function we might want to expose:

char const* greet(unsigned x)
   static char const* const msgs[] = { "hello", "Boost.Python", "world!" };

   if (x > 2)
       throw std::range_error("greet: index out of range");

   return msgs[x];

要使用Python ‘C‘ API将这个函数封装在标准C++中,我们需要这样的东西:

To wrap this function in standard C++ using the Python ‘C‘ API, we‘d need something like this:

extern "C" // all Python interactions use 'C' linkage and calling convention
    // Wrapper to handle argument/result conversion and checking
    PyObject* greet_wrap(PyObject* args, PyObject * keywords)
         int x;
         if (PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "i", &x))    // extract/check arguments
             char const* result = greet(x);      // invoke wrapped function
             return PyString_FromString(result); // convert result to Python
         return 0;                               // error occurred

    // Table of wrapped functions to be exposed by the module
    static PyMethodDef methods[] = {
        { "greet", greet_wrap, METH_VARARGS, "return one of 3 parts of a greeting" }
        , { NULL, NULL, 0, NULL } // sentinel

    // module initialization function
    DL_EXPORT init_hello()
        (void) Py_InitModule("hello", methods); // add the methods to the module

Now here‘s the wrapping code we‘d use to expose it with Boost.Python:

#include <boost/python.hpp>
using namespace boost::python;
    def("greet", greet, "return one of 3 parts of a greeting");

and here it is in action:

>>> import hello
>>> for x in range(3):
...     print hello.greet(x)


  • 错误值传递. 原来的函数接受一个无符号整数, 而Python的 ‘C‘ API只给我们一种提取带符号整数的方法。如果我们试着传递一个负数到hello.greet, Boost.Python版本将会引发一个Python异常; 但是另一个(‘C‘API版)将继续执行C++实现, 并将负整数转换为无符号整数(通常包装为某个非常大的数字),并将错误的转换传递给包装的函数。
  • 这给我们带来了第二个问题: 如果C++ greet()函数使用大于2的参数, 它将抛出一个异常。通常, 如果一个C++异常在一个‘C‘编译器生成的代码之间传播, 它将导致崩溃. 正如您在第一个版本中看到的, 在这里没有C++脚手架来防止这种情况发生。通过Boost.Python包装的函数自动包含一个异常处理层, 它通过将未处理的C++异常转换为相应的Python异常来保护Python用户。
  • 一个稍微微妙的限制是,在Python“C”API案例中使用的参数转换只能以一种方式获得整数xPyArg_ParseTuple不能转换Python的long(任意精度的整数),这些对象恰好适合unsigned int,但不适合signed long,它也不能处理包装的C++类和用户定义的隐式operator unsigned int()转换. Boost.Python的动态类型转换注册表允许用户添加任意转换方法。

Aside from the fact that the ‘C‘ API version is much more verbose, it‘s worth noting a few things that it doesn‘t handle correctly:

  • The original function accepts an unsigned integer, and the Python ‘C‘ API only gives us a way of extracting signed integers. The Boost.Python version will raise a Python exception if we try to pass a negative number to hello.greet, but the other one will proceed to do whatever the C++ implementation does when converting an negative integer to unsigned (usually wrapping to some very large number), and pass the incorrect translation on to the wrapped function.
  • That brings us to the second problem: if the C++ greet() function is called with a number greater than 2, it will throw an exception. Typically, if a C++ exception propagates across the boundary with code generated by a ‘C‘ compiler, it will cause a crash. As you can see in the first version, there‘s no C++ scaffolding there to prevent this from happening. Functions wrapped by Boost.Python automatically include an exception-handling layer which protects Python users by translating unhandled C++ exceptions into a corresponding Python exception.
  • A slightly more-subtle limitation is that the argument conversion used in the Python ‘C‘ API case can only get that integer x in one way. PyArg_ParseTuple can‘t convert Python long objects (arbitrary-precision integers) which happen to fit in an unsigned int but not in a signed long, nor will it ever handle a wrapped C++ class with a user-defined implicit operator unsigned int() conversion. Boost.Python‘s dynamic type conversion registry allows users to add arbitrary conversion methods.

库概述 (Library Overview)


This section outlines some of the library‘s major features. Except as neccessary to avoid confusion, details of library implementation are omitted.

类公开 (Exposing Classes)

C++ classes and structs are exposed with a similarly-terse interface. Given:

struct World
    void set(std::string msg) { this->msg = msg; }
    std::string greet() { return msg; }
    std::string msg;

The following code will expose it in our extension module:

#include <boost/python.hpp>
        .def("greet", &World::greet)
        .def("set", &World::set)

虽然这个代码有某种python的熟悉性,但人们有时会发现语法有点混乱,因为它看起来不像它们所习惯的大多数C++代码。尽管如此, 这只是标准C++。由于灵活的语法和操作符重载, C++和Python对于定义特定于领域的(子)语言(DSLs)非常重要,这就是我们在Boost.Python中所做的。分解一下:

Although this code has a certain pythonic familiarity, people sometimes find the syntax bit confusing because it doesn‘t look like most of the C++ code they‘re used to. All the same, this is just standard C++. Because of their flexible syntax and operator overloading, C++ and Python are great for defining domain-specific (sub)languages (DSLs), and that‘s what we‘ve done in Boost.Python. To break it down:



constructs an unnamed object of type class_ and passes "World" to its constructor. This creates a new-style Python class called World in the extension module, and associates it with the C++ type World in the Boost.Python type conversion registry. We might have also written:

class_<World> w("World");


but that would‘ve been more verbose, since we‘d have to name w again to invoke its def() member function:

w.def("greet", &World::greet)

链式操作*, 在最初的示例中,用于成员访问的点的位置没有什么特殊之处: C++允许符号两侧有任何数量的空格, 并把点放在每行的开头可以让我们用统一的语法连接任意多的对成员函数的连续调用。允许链接的另一个关键事实是class_<>成员函数都返回对*this的引用。

There‘s nothing special about the location of the dot for member access in the original example: C++ allows any amount of whitespace on either side of a token, and placing the dot at the beginning of each line allows us to chain as many successive calls to member functions as we like with a uniform syntax. The other key fact that allows chaining is that class_<> member functions all return a reference to *this.


So the example is equivalent to:

class_<World> w("World");
w.def("greet", &World::greet);
w.def("set", &World::set);


It‘s occasionally useful to be able to break down the components of a Boost.Python class wrapper in this way, but the rest of this article will stick to the terse syntax.


For completeness, here‘s the wrapped class in use:

>>> import hello
>>> planet = hello.World()
>>> planet.set('howdy')
>>> planet.greet()

构造器 Constructors


Since our World class is just a plain struct, it has an implicit no-argument (nullary) constructor. Boost.Python exposes the nullary constructor by default, which is why we were able to write:

>>> planet = hello.World()

然而,任何语言中设计良好的类都可能需要构造函数参数来建立它们的不变量。与Python不同,在Python中__init__只是一个特殊命名的方法,在C++中构造函数不能像普通成员函数那样处理。特别是我们不能访问他们的地址: &World::World是一个错误。该库为指定构造函数提供了不同的接口. 给定:

However, well-designed classes in any language may require constructor arguments in order to establish their invariants. Unlike Python, where init is just a specially-named method, In C++ constructors cannot be handled like ordinary member functions. In particular, we can‘t take their address: &World::World is an error. The library provides a different interface for specifying constructors. Given:

struct World
    World(std::string msg); // added constructor

we can modify our wrapping code as follows:

class_<World>("World", init<std::string>())

of course, a C++ class may have additional constructors, and we can expose those as well by passing more instances of init<...> to def():

class_<World>("World", init<std::string>())
    .def(init<double, double>())

Boost.Python allows wrapped functions, member functions, and constructors to be overloaded to mirror C++ overloading.

数据成员和属性 Data Members and Properties

Any publicly-accessible data members in a C++ class can be easily exposed as either readonly or readwrite attributes:

class_<World>("World", init<std::string>())
    .def_readonly("msg", &World::msg)

and can be used directly in Python:

>>> planet = hello.World('howdy')
>>> planet.msg

这不会导致向World实例__dict__添加属性,这会在包装大型数据结构时节省大量内存。事实上,除非从Python中显式地添加属性,否则根本不会创建实例__dict__。Boost.Python将这种功能归功于新的Python 2.2类型系统,特别是描述符接口和property类型。

This does not result in adding attributes to the World instance __dict__, which can result in substantial memory savings when wrapping large data structures. In fact, no instance __dict__ will be created at all unless attributes are explicitly added from Python. Boost.Python owes this capability to the new Python 2.2 type system, in particular the descriptor interface and property type.


In C++, publicly-accessible data members are considered a sign of poor design because they break encapsulation, and style guides usually dictate the use of "getter" and "setter" functions instead. In Python, however, __getattr__,__setattr__, and since 2.2, property mean that attribute access is just one more well-encapsulated syntactic tool at the programmer‘s disposal. Boost.Python bridges this idiomatic gap by making Python property creation directly available to users. If msg were private, we could still expose it as attribute in Python as follows:

class_<World>("World", init<std::string>())
    .add_property("msg", &World::greet, &World::set)

上面的例子反映了Python 2.2+中属性的常见用法:
The example above mirrors the familiar usage of properties in Python 2.2+:

class World(object):
    __init__(self, msg):
        self.__msg = msg
    def greet(self):
        return self.__msg
    def set(self, msg):
        self.__msg = msg
    msg = property(greet, set)

操作符重载 Operator Overloading

为用户定义的类型编写算术运算符的能力是这两种语言成功进行数值计算的一个主要因素,而像NumPy这样的包的成功证明了在扩展模块中公开运算符的能力。Boost.Python为包装操作符重载提供了一种简洁的机制。下面的例子显示了Boost rational number库包装器的一个片段:

The ability to write arithmetic operators for user-defined types has been a major factor in the success of both languages for numerical computation, and the success of packages like NumPy attests to the power of exposing operators in extension modules. Boost.Python provides a concise mechanism for wrapping operator overloads. The example below shows a fragment from a wrapper for the Boost rational number library:

class_<rational<int> >("rational_int")
  .def(init<int, int>()) // constructor, e.g. rational_int(3,4)
  .def("numerator", &rational<int>::numerator)
  .def("denominator", &rational<int>::denominator)
  .def(-self)        // __neg__ (unary minus)
  .def(self + self)  // __add__ (homogeneous)
  .def(self * self)  // __mul__
  .def(self + int()) // __add__ (heterogenous)
  .def(int() + self) // __radd__


The magic is performed using a simplified application of "expression templates" [VELD1995], a technique originally developed for optimization of high-performance matrix algebra expressions. The essence is that instead of performing the computation immediately, operators are overloaded to construct a type representing the computation. In matrix algebra, dramatic optimizations are often available when the structure of an entire expression can be taken into account, rather than evaluating each operation "greedily". Boost.Python uses the same technique to build an appropriate Python method object based on expressions involving self.

继承 Inheritance

C++继承关系在Boost.Python可以通过添加一个可选的bases<…>参数到class_<…>模板参数列表, 如下:

C++ inheritance relationships can be represented to Boost.Python by adding an optional bases<...> argument to the class_<...> template parameter list as follows:

class_<Derived, bases<Base1,Base2> >("Derived")


  • class_<……>创建时,会在Boost.Python中类型对象注册表中查找与Base1Base2对应的Python类型对象,并用作新的PythonDerived类型对象的基类,因此,为Python Base1Base2类型公开的方法将自动成为Derived类型的成员。因为注册表是全局的,所以即使Derived类所在的模块与它任意一个基类公开在不同的模块中,也可以正确地工作。
  • Derived到它的基类的C++转换被添加到Boost.Python注册表中。因此,期望(指针或引用)基类型对象的封装C++方法可以通过封装Derived的实例调用。类T的包装成员函数被视为具有第一个参数隐式参数T&,因此,为了允许为派生对象调用基类方法,这些转换是必要的。

This has two effects:

  • When the class_<...> is created, Python type objects corresponding to Base1 and Base2 are looked up in Boost.Python‘s registry, and are used as bases for the new Python Derived type object, so methods exposed for the Python Base1 and Base2 types are automatically members of the Derived type. Because the registry is global, this works correctly even if Derived is exposed in a different module from either of its bases.
  • C++ conversions from Derived to its bases are added to the Boost.Python registry. Thus wrapped C++ methods expecting (a pointer or reference to) an object of either base type can be called with an object wrapping a Derived instance. Wrapped member functions of class T are treated as though they have an implicit first argument of T&, so these conversions are neccessary to allow the base class methods to be called for derived objects.


Of course it‘s possible to derive new Python classes from wrapped C++ class instances. Because Boost.Python uses the new-style class system, that works very much as for the Python built-in types. There is one significant detail in which it differs: the built-in types generally establish their invariants in their new function, so that derived classes do not need to call init on the base class before invoking its methods :

>>> class L(list):
...      def __init__(self):
...          pass
>>> L().reverse()


Because C++ object construction is a one-step operation, C++ instance data cannot be constructed until the arguments are available, in the init function:

>>> class D(SomeBoostPythonClass):
...      def __init__(self):
...          pass
>>> D().some_boost_python_method()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
TypeError: bad argument type for built-in operation
: todo 理解不清楚部分

这种情况发生是因为Boost.Python在D实例中无法找到SomeBoostPythonClass实例数据; D在基类上的__init__函数的隐式构造。它可以通过删除D的__init__函数或调用SomeBoostPythonClass.__init__(…)显式来纠正它。

This happened because Boost.Python couldn‘t find instance data of type SomeBoostPythonClass within the D instance; D‘s init function masked construction of the base class. It could be corrected by either removing D‘s init function or having it call SomeBoostPythonClass.__init__(...) explicitly.

虚函数 Virtual Functions


Deriving new types in Python from extension classes is not very interesting unless they can be used polymorphically from C++. In other words, Python method implementations should appear to override the implementation of C++ virtual functions when called through base class pointers/references from C++. Since the only way to alter the behavior of a virtual function is to override it in a derived class, the user must build a special derived class to dispatch a polymorphic class‘ virtual functions:

// interface to wrap:
class Base
    virtual int f(std::string x) { return 42; }
    virtual ~Base();

int calls_f(Base const& b, std::string x) { return b.f(x); }

// Wrapping Code

// Dispatcher class
struct BaseWrap : Base
    // Store a pointer to the Python object
    BaseWrap(PyObject* self_) : self(self_) {}
    PyObject* self;

    // Default implementation, for when f is not overridden
    int f_default(std::string x) { return this->Base::f(x); }
    // Dispatch implementation
    int f(std::string x) { return call_method<int>(self, "f", x); }

    def("calls_f", calls_f);
    class_<Base, BaseWrap>("Base")
        .def("f", &Base::f, &BaseWrap::f_default)

Now here‘s some Python code which demonstrates:

>>> class Derived(Base):
...     def f(self, s):
...          return len(s)
>>> calls_f(Base(), 'foo')
>>> calls_f(Derived(), 'forty-two')


  • 在Python中允许重写的关键元素是call_method调用,它使用与C++函数包装相同的全局类型转换注册表,将参数从C++转换为Python,并将返回类型从Python转换为C++。
  • 您希望包装的任何构造函数签名都必须使用初始PyObject*参数进行复制
  • dispatcher必须存储这个参数,以便可以使用它调用call_method
  • 当被公开的函数不是纯虚函数时,需要使用f_default成员函数;在BaseWrap类型的对象上不能调用Base::f,因为它覆盖了f

Things to notice about the dispatcher class:

  • The key element which allows overriding in Python is the call_method invocation, which uses the same global type conversion registry as the C++ function wrapping does to convert its arguments from C++ to Python and its return type from Python to C++.
  • Any constructor signatures you wish to wrap must be replicated with an initial PyObject* argument
  • The dispatcher must store this argument so that it can be used to invoke call_method
  • The f_default member function is needed when the function being exposed is not pure virtual; there‘s no other way Base::f can be called on an object of type BaseWrap, since it overrides f.

Deeper Reflection on the Horizon?


Admittedly, this formula is tedious to repeat, especially on a project with many polymorphic classes. That it is neccessary reflects some limitations in C++‘s compile-time introspection capabilities: there‘s no way to enumerate the members of a class and find out which are virtual functions. At least one very promising project has been started to write a front-end which can generate these dispatchers (and other wrapping code) automatically from C++ headers.

Pyste is being developed by Bruno da Silva de Oliveira. It builds on GCC_XML, which generates an XML version of GCC‘s internal program representation. Since GCC is a highly-conformant C++ compiler, this ensures correct handling of the most-sophisticated template code and full access to the underlying type system. In keeping with the Boost.Python philosophy, a Pyste interface description is neither intrusive on the code being wrapped, nor expressed in some unfamiliar language: instead it is a 100% pure Python script. If Pyste is successful it will mark a move away from wrapping everything directly in C++ for many of our users. It will also allow us the choice to shift some of the metaprogram code from C++ to Python. We expect that soon, not only our users but the Boost.Python developers themselves will be "thinking hybrid" about their own code.

序列化 Serialization


Serialization is the process of converting objects in memory to a form that can be stored on disk or sent over a network connection. The serialized object (most often a plain string) can be retrieved and converted back to the original object. A good serialization system will automatically convert entire object hierarchies. Python‘s standard pickle module is just such a system. It leverages the language‘s strong runtime introspection facilities for serializing practically arbitrary user-defined objects. With a few simple and unintrusive provisions this powerful machinery can be extended to also work for wrapped C++ objects. Here is an example:

#include <string>

struct World
    World(std::string a_msg) : msg(a_msg) {}
    std::string greet() const { return msg; }
    std::string msg;

#include <boost/python.hpp>
using namespace boost::python;

struct World_picklers : pickle_suite
  static tuple
  getinitargs(World const& w) { return make_tuple(w.greet()); }

    class_<World>("World", init<std::string>())
        .def("greet", &World::greet)

Now let‘s create a World object and put it to rest on disk:

>>> import hello
>>> import pickle
>>> a_world = hello.World("howdy")
>>> pickle.dump(a_world, open("my_world", "w"))
:todo ?不理解

In a potentially different script on a potentially different computer with a potentially different operating system:

>>> import pickle
>>> resurrected_world = pickle.load(open("my_world", "r"))
>>> resurrected_world.greet()

Of course the cPickle module can also be used for faster processing.

Boost.Python的pickle_suite完全支持标准Python文档中定义的pickle协议。就像Python中的__getinitargs__函数一样,pickle_suite的getinitargs()负责创建将用于重构pickle对象的参数元组。Python pickle协议的其他元素__getstate____setstate__可以通过C++ getstatesetstate函数选择性地提供。C++的静态类型系统允许库在编译时确保不使用无意义的函数组合(例如getstate没有setstate)。

Boost.Python‘s pickle_suite fully supports the pickle protocol defined in the standard Python documentation. Like a getinitargs function in Python, the pickle_suite‘s getinitargs() is responsible for creating the argument tuple that will be use to reconstruct the pickled object. The other elements of the Python pickling protocol, getstate and setstate can be optionally provided via C++ getstate and setstate functions. C++‘s static type system allows the library to ensure at compile-time that nonsensical combinations of functions (e.g. getstate without setstate) are not used.


Enabling serialization of more complex C++ objects requires a little more work than is shown in the example above. Fortunately the object interface (see next section) greatly helps in keeping the code manageable.

对象接口 Object interface


Experienced ‘C‘ language extension module authors will be familiar with the ubiquitous PyObject*, manual reference-counting, and the need to remember which API calls return "new" (owned) references or "borrowed" (raw) references. These constraints are not just cumbersome but also a major source of errors, especially in the presence of exceptions.


Boost.Python provides a class object which automates reference counting and provides conversion to Python from C++ objects of arbitrary type. This significantly reduces the learning effort for prospective extension module writers.


Creating an object from any other type is extremely simple:

object s("hello, world");  // s manages a Python string


object has templated interactions with all other types, with automatic to-python conversions. It happens so naturally that it‘s easily overlooked:

object ten_Os = 10 * s[4]; // -> "oooooooooo"


In the example above, 4 and 10 are converted to Python objects before the indexing and multiplication operations are invoked.

The extract class template can be used to convert Python objects to C++ types:

double x = extract<double>(o);

If a conversion in either direction cannot be performed, an appropriate exception is thrown at runtime.


The object type is accompanied by a set of derived types that mirror the Python built-in types such as list, dict, tuple, etc. as much as possible. This enables convenient manipulation of these high-level types from C++:

dict d;
d["some"] = "thing";
d["lucky_number"] = 13;
list l = d.keys();

This almost looks and works like regular Python code, but it is pure C++. Of course we can wrap C++ functions which accept or return object instances.

考虑混合编程 Thinking hybrid


Because of the practical and mental difficulties of combining programming languages, it is common to settle a single language at the outset of any development effort. For many applications, performance considerations dictate the use of a compiled language for the core algorithms. Unfortunately, due to the complexity of the static type system, the price we pay for runtime performance is often a significant increase in development time. Experience shows that writing maintainable C++ code usually takes longer and requires far more hard-earned working experience than developing comparable Python code. Even when developers are comfortable working exclusively in compiled languages, they often augment their systems by some type of ad hoc scripting layer for the benefit of their users without ever availing themselves of the same advantages.


Boost.Python enables us to think hybrid. Python can be used for rapidly prototyping a new application; its ease of use and the large pool of standard libraries give us a head start on the way to a working system. If necessary, the working code can be used to discover rate-limiting hotspots. To maximize performance these can be reimplemented in C++, together with the Boost.Python bindings needed to tie them back into the existing higher-level procedure.


Of course, this top-down approach is less attractive if it is clear from the start that many algorithms will eventually have to be implemented in C++. Fortunately Boost.Python also enables us to pursue a bottom-up approach. We have used this approach very successfully in the development of a toolbox for scientific applications. The toolbox started out mainly as a library of C++ classes with Boost.Python bindings, and for a while the growth was mainly concentrated on the C++ parts. However, as the toolbox is becoming more complete, more and more newly added functionality can be implemented in Python.



This figure shows the estimated ratio of newly added C++ and Python code over time as new algorithms are implemented. We expect this ratio to level out near 70% Python. Being able to solve new problems mostly in Python rather than a more difficult statically typed language is the return on our investment in Boost.Python. The ability to access all of our code from Python allows a broader group of developers to use it in the rapid development of new applications.

开发历史 Development history

第一个版本的Boost.Python是在2000年由Dave Abrahams在龙系统开发,在那里他很有机会让蒂姆·彼得斯(Tim Peters)成为“Python的禅宗”的指南。戴夫的一个工作就是开发一个基于python的自然语言处理系统。由于它最终将锁定嵌入式硬件,所以通常假设计算-密集型核心将是C++以优化速度和内存占用。该项目还希望通过Python测试scripts测试所有的C++代码。我们已知的绑定C++和Python的唯一工具是SWIG,在它处理C++时,它很弱。在这一点上,声称对Boost.Python方法的可能优点有深入的了解是错误的。Dave对花式C++模板技巧的兴趣和专业知识刚刚达到可以对其进行一些真正破坏的程度,Boost.Python就这样出现了,因为它满足了需求,而且它看起来是一种很酷的尝试。

The first version of Boost.Python was developed in 2000 by Dave Abrahams at Dragon Systems, where he was privileged to have Tim Peters as a guide to "The Zen of Python". One of Dave‘s jobs was to develop a Python-based natural language processing system. Since it was eventually going to be targeting embedded hardware, it was always assumed that the compute-intensive core would be rewritten in C++ to optimize speed and memory footprint1. The project also wanted to test all of its C++ code using Python test scripts2. The only tool we knew of for binding C++ and Python was SWIG, and at the time its handling of C++ was weak. It would be false to claim any deep insight into the possible advantages of Boost.Python‘s approach at this point. Dave‘s interest and expertise in fancy C++ template tricks had just reached the point where he could do some real damage, and Boost.Python emerged as it did because it filled a need and because it seemed like a cool thing to try.

这个早期版本的目标是我们在本文中描述的许多相同的基本目标, 最明显的不同在于语法稍微有些笨拙,缺乏对操作符重载、pickling和基于组件开发的特殊支持。最后三个功能由Ullrich Koethe和Ralf Grosse-Kunstleve快速添加,其他热情的贡献者为嵌套模块和静态成员功能提供支持。

This early version was aimed at many of the same basic goals we‘ve described in this paper, differing most-noticeably by having a slightly more cumbersome syntax and by lack of special support for operator overloading, pickling, and component-based development. These last three features were quickly added by Ullrich Koethe and Ralf Grosse-Kunstleve3, and other enthusiastic contributors arrived on the scene to contribute enhancements like support for nested modules and static member functions.

到2001年早期,发展已经稳定,但还没有增加一些新功能,然而,一个令人不安的新事实出现了:Ralf已经开始测试Boost.Python使用EDG前端的编译器的预发布版本, 而Boost.Python的核心机制,负责处理Python和C++类型之间的转换,却无法编译。事实证明,我们在所有经过测试的C++编译器的实现中都利用了一个非常常见的bug. 我们知道,随着C++编译器迅速变得更加符合标准,库将开始在更多平台上失败。不幸的是,由于该机制对库的功能至关重要,解决这个问题看起来非常困难。

By early 2001 development had stabilized and few new features were being added, however a disturbing new fact came to light: Ralf had begun testing Boost.Python on pre-release versions of a compiler using the EDG front-end, and the mechanism at the core of Boost.Python responsible for handling conversions between Python and C++ types was failing to compile. As it turned out, we had been exploiting a very common bug in the implementation of all the C++ compilers we had tested. We knew that as C++ compilers rapidly became more standards-compliant, the library would begin failing on more platforms. Unfortunately, because the mechanism was so central to the functioning of the library, fixing the problem looked very difficult.

幸运的是,那年晚些时候,劳伦斯·伯克利(Lawrence Berkeley)和后来的劳伦斯·利弗莫尔(Lawrence Livermore)的国家实验室与Boost咨询公司签订支持和开发Boost.Python的合同,这是一个解决基本问题和确保库未来的新机会。重新设计的工作开始于低级别的转换架构,按照标准构建并支持基于组件的开发(???与版本1相反,转换必须跨模块边界显式地导入和导出???)。对Python和C++对象之间的关系进行了新的分析,从而更直观地处理了C++的lvalues和rvalues。

Fortunately, later that year Lawrence Berkeley and later Lawrence Livermore National labs contracted with Boost Consulting for support and development of Boost.Python, and there was a new opportunity to address fundamental issues and ensure a future for the library. A redesign effort began with the low level type conversion architecture, building in standards-compliance and support for component-based development (in contrast to version 1 where conversions had to be explicitly imported and exported across module boundaries). A new analysis of the relationship between the Python and C++ objects was done, resulting in more intuitive handling for C++ lvalues and rvalues.

Python 2.2中出现了一个功能强大的新类型系统,这使得是否要保持与Python 1.5.2的兼容性变得很容易:仅仅为了模拟经典Python类而丢弃大量复杂代码的机会实在是太好了,不能错过。此外,Python迭代器和描述符为表示类似的C++结构提供了关键而优雅的工具。通用object接口的开发使我们能够进一步保护C++程序员免受Python“C”API的危险和语法负担。在此期间还添加了许多其他特性,包括C++异常转换、对重载函数的改进支持,以及最重要的处理指针和引用的调用策略。

The emergence of a powerful new type system in Python 2.2 made the choice of whether to maintain compatibility with Python 1.5.2 easy: the opportunity to throw away a great deal of elaborate code for emulating classic Python classes alone was too good to pass up. In addition, Python iterators and descriptors provided crucial and elegant tools for representing similar C++ constructs. The development of the generalized object interface allowed us to further shield C++ programmers from the dangers and syntactic burdens of the Python ‘C‘ API. A great number of other features including C++ exception translation, improved support for overloaded functions, and most significantly, CallPolicies for handling pointers and references, were added during this period.

2002年10月,Boost.Python发布了版本2。从那时起,开发工作就集中在改进对C++运行时多态性和智能指针的支持上。Peter Dimov巧妙的boost::shared_ptr设计使我们能够为混合开发人员提供一个一致的界面,以便在不丢失信息的情况下跨语言障碍来回移动对象。起初,我们担心Boost.Python v2实现的复杂性和复杂性可能会阻碍贡献者,但是Pyste和其他几个重要特性的出现消除了这些担忧。关于Python C++ -sig的日常问题和所需改进的积压说明这个库正在被使用。对我们来说,未来是光明的。

In October 2002, version 2 of Boost.Python was released. Development since then has concentrated on improved support for C++ runtime polymorphism and smart pointers. Peter Dimov‘s ingenious boost::shared_ptr design in particular has allowed us to give the hybrid developer a consistent interface for moving objects back and forth across the language barrier without loss of information. At first, we were concerned that the sophistication and complexity of the Boost.Python v2 implementation might discourage contributors, but the emergence of Pyste and several other significant feature contributions have laid those fears to rest. Daily questions on the Python C++-sig and a backlog of desired improvements show that the library is getting used. To us, the future looks bright.

总结 Conclusions


Boost.Python achieves seamless interoperability between two rich and complimentary language environments. Because it leverages template metaprogramming to introspect about types and functions, the user never has to learn a third syntax: the interface definitions are written in concise and maintainable C++. Also, the wrapping system doesn‘t have to parse C++ headers or represent the type system: the compiler does that work for us.


Computationally intensive tasks play to the strengths of C++ and are often impossible to implement efficiently in pure Python, while jobs like serialization that are trivial in Python can be very difficult in pure C++. Given the luxury of building a hybrid software system from the ground up, we can approach design with new confidence and power.

引文 Citations

[VELD1995] T. Veldhuizen, "Expression Templates," C++ Report, Vol. 7 No. 5 June 1995, pp. 26-31. http://osl.iu.edu/~tveldhui/papers/Expression-Templates/exprtmpl.html

补充说明 Footnotes

[1] In retrospect, it seems that "thinking hybrid" from the ground up might have been better for the NLP system: the natural component boundaries defined by the pure python prototype turned out to be inappropriate for getting the desired performance and memory footprint out of the C++ core, which eventually caused some redesign overhead on the Python side when the core was moved to C++.
[2] We also have some reservations about driving all C++ testing through a Python interface, unless that‘s the only way it will be ultimately used. Any transition across language boundaries with such different object models can inevitably mask bugs.
[3] These features were expressed very differently in v1 of Boost.Python



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