#include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #define LENGTH 100 //初始分配栈的长度 #define ADD_LEN 10 //栈长增量 typedef struct {//构造栈的数据类型 int *base; int *top; int stacksize; }SqStack; void CreateStack(SqStack &S);//初始化一个栈 void PushStack(SqStack &S,int e);//e进栈 void PopStack(SqStack &S);//栈顶元素出栈 void DestroyStack(SqStack &S);//销毁栈 void PrintfStack(SqStack &S);//输出当前的栈 void main() { SqStack Sa; int m,n; CreateStack(Sa); printf("Please input the total of inserting number:"); scanf("%d",&m); while(m>LENGTH) { printf("The number you input can't be larger than %d,please input again:\n",LENGTH); scanf("%d",&m); } while(m--) { printf("Please input a number to insert:"); scanf("%d",&n); PushStack(Sa,n); } PrintfStack(Sa); PopStack(Sa); PrintfStack(Sa); DestroyStack(Sa); } void CreateStack(SqStack &S) { S.base=(int *)malloc(LENGTH*sizeof(int)); if(!S.base) { printf("Fail to create stack!\n"); return; } S.top=S.base; S.stacksize=LENGTH; printf("Success to create stack!\n"); } void PushStack(SqStack &S,int e) { if(S.top-S.base>=S.stacksize)//考虑栈是否已满,如满,则从新分配空间 { S.base=(int *)realloc(S.base,(S.stacksize+ADD_LEN)*sizeof(int)); if(!S.base) return; S.top=S.base+S.stacksize; S.stacksize+=ADD_LEN; } *S.top++=e; printf("%d success to insert the stack!\n",e); } void PopStack(SqStack &S) { int m; if(S.top==S.base) { printf("The stack is empty!\n"); return; } m=*--S.top; printf("%d is out of the stack!\n",m); } void DestroyStack(SqStack &S) { free(S.base);//释放空间 S.base=NULL; *S.top=-1;//将其他成员设置成安全值 S.stacksize=0; printf("Success to destroy the stack!\n"); } void PrintfStack(SqStack &S) { int *p; p=S.top; printf("The stack is :"); while(--p>=S.base) printf("%d",*p); printf("\n"); }