Abstract Syntax Trees即抽象语法树。Ast是python源码到字节码的一种中间产物,借助ast模块可以从语法树的角度分析源码结构。此外,我们不仅可以修改和执行语法树,还可以将Source生成的语法树unparse成python源码。因此ast给python源码检查、语法分析、修改代码以及代码调试等留下了足够的发挥空间。
- Parse source code into a parse tree (Parser/pgen.c)
- Transform parse tree into an Abstract Syntax Tree (Python/ast.c)
- Transform AST into a Control Flow Graph (Python/compile.c)
- Emit bytecode based on the Control Flow Graph (Python/compile.c)
源代码解析 --> 语法树 --> 抽象语法树(AST) --> 控制流程图 --> 字节码
Module(body=[ Print( dest=None, values=[BinOp( left=Num(n=1),op=Add(),right=Num(n=2))], nl=True, )])
compile(source, filename, mode[, flags[, dont_inherit]])
func_def = """ def add(x, y): return x + y print add(3, 5) """
>>> cm = compile(func_def, ‘<string>‘, ‘exec‘) >>> exec cm
>>> 8
上面func_def经过compile编译得到字节码,cm即code对象,True == isinstance(cm, types.CodeType)。
compile(source, filename, mode, ast.PyCF_ONLY_AST) <==> ast.
(source, filename=‘<unknown>‘, mode=‘exec‘)
r_node = ast.parse(func_def) print astunparse.dump(r_node) # print ast.dump(r_node)
Module(body=[ FunctionDef( name=‘add‘, args=arguments( args=[Name(id=‘x‘,ctx=Param()),Name(id=‘y‘,ctx=Param())], vararg=None, kwarg=None, defaults=[]), body=[Return(value=BinOp( left=Name(id=‘x‘,ctx=Load()), op=Add(), right=Name(id=‘y‘,ctx=Load())))], decorator_list=[]), Print( dest=None, values=[Call( func=Name(id=‘add‘,ctx=Load()), args=[Num(n=3),Num(n=5)], keywords=[], starargs=None, kwargs=None)], nl=True) ])
除了ast.dump,有很多dump ast的第三方库,如astunparse, codegen, unparse等。这些第三方库不仅能够以更好的方式展示出ast结构,还能够将ast反向导出python source代码。
module Python version "$Revision$" { mod = Module(stmt* body)| Expression(expr body) stmt = FunctionDef(identifier name, arguments args, stmt* body, expr* decorator_list) | ClassDef(identifier name, expr* bases, stmt* body, expr* decorator_list) | Return(expr? value) | Print(expr? dest, expr* values, bool nl)| For(expr target, expr iter, stmt* body, stmt* orelse) expr = BoolOp(boolop op, expr* values) | BinOp(expr left, operator op, expr right)| Lambda(arguments args, expr body)| Dict(expr* keys, expr* values)| Num(object n) -- a number as a PyObject. | Str(string s) -- need to specify raw, unicode, etc?| Name(identifier id, expr_context ctx) | List(expr* elts, expr_context ctx) -- col_offset is the byte offset in the utf8 string the parser uses attributes (int lineno, int col_offset) expr_context = Load | Store | Del | AugLoad | AugStore | Param boolop = And | Or operator = Add | Sub | Mult | Div | Mod | Pow | LShift | RShift | BitOr | BitXor | BitAnd | FloorDiv arguments = (expr* args, identifier? vararg, identifier? kwarg, expr* defaults) }
上面是部分摘自官网的 Abstract Grammar,实际遍历ast Node过程中根据Node的类型访问其属性。
1 class CodeVisitor(ast.NodeVisitor): 2 def visit_BinOp(self, node): 3 if isinstance(node.op, ast.Add): 4 node.op = ast.Sub() 5 self.generic_visit(node) 6 7 def visit_FunctionDef(self, node): 8 print ‘Function Name:%s‘% node.name 9 self.generic_visit(node) 10 func_log_stmt = ast.Print( 11 dest = None, 12 values = [ast.Str(s = ‘calling func: %s‘ % node.name, lineno = 0, col_offset = 0)], 13 nl = True, 14 lineno = 0, 15 col_offset = 0, 16 ) 17 node.body.insert(0, func_log_stmt) 18 19 r_node = ast.parse(func_def) 20 visitor = CodeVisitor() 21 visitor.visit(r_node) 22 # print astunparse.dump(r_node) 23 print astunparse.unparse(r_node) 24 exec compile(r_node, ‘<string>‘, ‘exec‘)
Function Name:add def add(x, y): print ‘calling func: add‘ return (x - y) print add(3, 5) calling func: add -2
1 class CodeTransformer(ast.NodeTransformer): 2 def visit_BinOp(self, node): 3 if isinstance(node.op, ast.Add): 4 node.op = ast.Sub() 5 self.generic_visit(node) 6 return node 7 8 def visit_FunctionDef(self, node): 9 self.generic_visit(node) 10 if node.name == ‘add‘: 11 node.name = ‘sub‘ 12 args_num = len(node.args.args) 13 args = tuple([arg.id for arg in node.args.args]) 14 func_log_stmt = ‘‘.join(["print ‘calling func: %s‘, " % node.name, "‘args:‘", ", %s" * args_num % args]) 15 node.body.insert(0, ast.parse(func_log_stmt)) 16 return node 17 18 def visit_Name(self, node): 19 replace = {‘add‘: ‘sub‘, ‘x‘: ‘a‘, ‘y‘: ‘b‘} 20 re_id = replace.get(node.id, None) 21 node.id = re_id or node.id
22 self.generic_visit(node) 23 return node 24 25 r_node = ast.parse(func_def) 26 transformer = CodeTransformer() 27 r_node = transformer.visit(r_node) 28 # print astunparse.dump(r_node) 29 source = astunparse.unparse(r_node) 30 print source 31 # exec compile(r_node, ‘<string>‘, ‘exec‘) # 新加入的node func_log_stmt 缺少lineno和col_offset属性 32 exec compile(source, ‘<string>‘, ‘exec‘) 33 exec compile(ast.parse(source), ‘<string>‘, ‘exec‘)
def sub(a, b): print ‘calling func: sub‘, ‘args:‘, a, b return (a - b) print sub(3, 5) calling func: sub args: 3 5 -2 calling func: sub args: 3 5 -2
CJK Unified Ideographs
- Range: 4E00— 9FFF
- Number of characters: 20992
- Languages: chinese, japanese, korean, vietnamese
使用 unicode 范围 \u4e00 - \u9fff 来判别汉字,注意这个范围并不包含中文字符(e.g. u‘;‘ == u‘\uff1b‘) .
1 class CNCheckHelper(object): 2 # 待检测文本可能的编码方式列表 3 VALID_ENCODING = (‘utf-8‘, ‘gbk‘) 4 5 def _get_unicode_imp(self, value, idx = 0): 6 if idx < len(self.VALID_ENCODING): 7 try: 8 return value.decode(self.VALID_ENCODING[idx]) 9 except: 10 return self._get_unicode_imp(value, idx + 1) 11 12 def _get_unicode(self, from_str): 13 if isinstance(from_str, unicode): 14 return None 15 return self._get_unicode_imp(from_str) 16 17 def is_any_chinese(self, check_str, is_strict = True): 18 unicode_str = self._get_unicode(check_str) 19 if unicode_str: 20 c_func = any if is_strict else all 21 return c_func(u‘\u4e00‘ <= char <= u‘\u9fff‘ for char in unicode_str) 22 return False
1 class CodeCheck(ast.NodeVisitor): 2 3 def __init__(self): 4 self.cn_checker = CNCheckHelper() 5 6 def visit_Str(self, node): 7 self.generic_visit(node) 8 # if node.s and any(u‘\u4e00‘ <= char <= u‘\u9fff‘ for char in node.s.decode(‘utf-8‘)): 9 if self.cn_checker.is_any_chinese(node.s, True): 10 print ‘line no: %d, column offset: %d, CN_Str: %s‘ % (node.lineno, node.col_offset, node.s) 11 12 project_dir = ‘./your_project/script‘ 13 for root, dirs, files in os.walk(project_dir): 14 print root, dirs, files 15 py_files = filter(lambda file: file.endswith(‘.py‘), files) 16 checker = CodeCheck() 17 for file in py_files: 18 file_path = os.path.join(root, file) 19 print ‘Checking: %s‘ % file_path 20 with open(file_path, ‘r‘) as f: 21 root_node = ast.parse(f.read()) 22 checker.visit(root_node)
关于CPython解释器执行源码的过程可以参考官网描述:PEP 339
一个函数中定义的函数或者lambda中引用了父函数中的local variable,并且当做返回值返回。特定场景下闭包是非常有用的,但是也很容易被误用。
1 class LambdaCheck(ast.NodeVisitor): 2 3 def __init__(self): 4 self.illegal_args_list = [] 5 self._cur_file = None 6 self._cur_lambda_args = [] 7 8 def set_cur_file(self, cur_file): 9 assert os.path.isfile(cur_file), cur_file 10 self._cur_file = os.path.realpath(cur_file) 11 12 def visit_Lambda(self, node): 13 """ 14 lambda 闭包检查原则: 15 只需检测lambda expr body中args是否引用了lambda args list之外的参数 16 """ 17 self._cur_lambda_args =[a.id for a in node.args.args] 18 print astunparse.unparse(node) 19 # print astunparse.dump(node) 20 self.get_lambda_body_args(node.body) 21 self.generic_visit(node) 22 23 def record_args(self, name_node): 24 if isinstance(name_node, ast.Name) and name_node.id not in self._cur_lambda_args: 25 self.illegal_args_list.append((self._cur_file, ‘line no:%s‘ % name_node.lineno, ‘var:%s‘ % name_node.id)) 26 27 def _is_args(self, node): 28 if isinstance(node, ast.Name): 29 self.record_args(node) 30 return True 31 if isinstance(node, ast.Call): 32 map(self.record_args, node.args) 33 return True 34 return False 35 36 def get_lambda_body_args(self, node): 37 if self._is_args(node): return 38 # for cnode in ast.walk(node): 39 for cnode in ast.iter_child_nodes(node): 40 if not self._is_args(cnode): 41 self.get_lambda_body_args(cnode)
1 project_dir = ‘./your project/script‘ 2 for root, dirs, files in os.walk(project_dir): 3 py_files = filter(lambda file: file.endswith(‘.py‘), files) 4 checker = LambdaCheck() 5 for file in py_files: 6 file_path = os.path.join(root, file) 7 checker.set_cur_file(file_path) 8 with open(file_path, ‘r‘) as f: 9 root_node = ast.parse(f.read()) 10 checker.visit(root_node) 11 res = ‘\n‘.join([‘ ## ‘.join(info) for info in checker.illegal_args_list]) 12 print res
由于Lambda(arguments args, expr body)中的body expression可能非常复杂,上面的例子中仅仅处理了比较简单的body expr。可根据自己工程特点修改和扩展检查规则。为了更加一般化可以单独写一个visitor类来遍历lambda节点。