select top 50 DengJiBH,sSuoYouQuanShenQingRen,sZuoLuo,sQiuHao,sQuanHao,ChaXun_BianHao,rownumber,zZhuCeLXBH,sMianJi,gDengJiLXBH from( select row_number() over(order by isnull(Zi.DengJiBH,‘00000000‘)) as rownumber, dj_DengJi.DengJiBH,dj_DengJi.sSuoYouQuanShenQingRen,Zi.sZuoLuo,Zi.sQiuHao, Zi.sQuanHao,isnull(Zi.DengJiBH,‘00000000‘) as ChaXun_BianHao,Zi.zZhuCeLXBH,Zi.sSuoYouQuanZH,zi.sMianJi,zi.gDengJiLXBH from dj_DengJi left join dj_DengJi Zi on dj_DengJi.DengJiBH=Zi.zPiDengJiBH where dj_DengJi.gQuanLi=4 and dj_DengJi.gWanCheng<>1 and dj_DengJi.sSuoYouQuanShenQingRen like ‘%鑫苑万卓%‘ and Zi.sZuoLuo like ‘%高铁新城%‘ --and dj_DengJi.DengJiBH=‘151004824 ‘ ) b where rownumber>(50*(1-1)) order by rownumber
superGridControl 复制单元格文本:
private void superGridControl2_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if (e.KeyCode == Keys.C && e.Modifiers == Keys.Control) { var pos = PointToClient(MousePosition); pos.Y -= this.superGridControl2.Parent.Location.Y; var cell = this.superGridControl2.PrimaryGrid.GetElementAt(pos.X, pos.Y); var col = this.superGridControl2.PrimaryGrid.GetColumnAt(pos); if (cell != null && col != null) { var txt = (cell as GridRow).Cells[col].Value.ToString(); Clipboard.SetDataObject(txt, true); ToastNotification.Show(this.Parent, "已复制" + txt, Xiang.Business.Properties.Resources.close_16px, 2000, eToastGlowColor.Blue, eToastPosition.TopCenter); } } }
this.superGridControl2.PrimaryGrid.ShowRowGridIndex = true;
this.superGridControl2.PrimaryGrid.RowHeaderIndexOffset = 1;
GridRow row = this.superGridControl2.PrimaryGrid.GetSelectedRows().FirstOrDefault() as GridRow;
var arc = row.DataItem as ArchivementDto;
private void superGridControl2_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter) { SelectedElementCollection col = this.superGridControl2.PrimaryGrid.GetSelectedRows(); if (col.Count > 0) { e.Handled = true; GridRow row = col[0] as GridRow; var item = row.DataItem as ApplySheetListDto; var dlg = new ApplyDetailDialog(item.applyId); var pos = PointToScreen(this.gridColumn3.LocationRelative); dlg.Location = pos; dlg.ShowDialog(); } } else if (e.KeyCode == Keys.C && e.Modifiers == Keys.Control) { var pos = PointToClient(MousePosition); pos.Y -= this.superGridControl2.Parent.Location.Y; var cell = this.superGridControl2.PrimaryGrid.GetElementAt(pos.X, pos.Y); var col = this.superGridControl2.PrimaryGrid.GetColumnAt(pos); if (cell != null && col != null) { var txt = (cell as GridRow).Cells[col].Value.ToString(); Clipboard.SetDataObject(txt, true); ToastNotification.Show(this.Parent, "已复制" + txt, Xiang.Business.Properties.Resources.close_16px, 2000, eToastGlowColor.Blue, eToastPosition.TopCenter); } } }
private void superGridControl1_GetCellStyle(object sender, GridGetCellStyleEventArgs e) { if (e.StyleType != StyleType.Default) { return; } var cell = e.GridCell as GridCell; if (cell == null) { return; } if (cell.Value.ToString() == "历史") { e.Style.TextColor = Color.Red; } }