(1)代码自动补全 tab
control+p 上一个代码
control+n 下一个代码
1 >>> movies = ["The Holy Grail","The life of brian"] 2 >>> print(movies) 3 [‘The Holy Grail‘, ‘The life of brian‘] 4 >>> print(movies[0]) 5 The Holy Grail
append() 列表末尾添加一个数据项
pop() 列表末尾删除数据
extend() 列表末尾添加一个数据集合
1 >>>movie.extend(["GOD","The girl"])
remove() 列表中删除特定数据项
insert() 特定位置前插入数据
>>> movies.insert(0,"Man")
(1)for 目标标识符 in 列表名:
1 >>> for each_mv in movies1: 2 print(each_mv)
while使用时要考虑状态信息,这就需要一个计数标识符。(for 不用考虑状态信息)
1 >>> count=0 2 >>> while count < len(movies1): 3 print(movies1[count]) 4 count = count+1
1 >>> movies1104 = ["体会生活",2010,"the first man",2011,["zhangyimou",["panjinlian","women","china"]]] 2 >>> print(movies1104[4][1][2]) 3 china
if 条件: 代码块 else: 代码块
>>> for movies1104_each in movies1104: if isinstance(movies1104_each,list): for each1 in movies1104_each: if isinstance(each1,list): for each2 in each1: print(each2) else: print(each1) else: print(movies1104_each)
查看python BIF(内置函数)的方式;查看够功能用 help(某个BIF)
>> dir(__builtins__)
def 函数名 (参数):
>>> def print_mo (the_list): for each_item in the_list: if isinstance(each_item,list): print_mo(each_item) else: print(each_item) >>> print_mo(movies1104) 体会生活 2010 the first man 2011 zhangyimou women china
python3 默认递归深度不能超过100。
list() 工厂函数,创建一个新的空列表。
range() 返回一个迭代器,可以根据需要生成一个指定范围的数字。
enumerate() 创建成对数据的一个编码列表,从0开始
int() 将一个字符串或一个数转为一个整数
next() 返回一个可迭代数据结构中的下一项。
1 >>> def print_mo (the_list,level): 2 3 for each_item in the_list: 4 if isinstance(each_item,list): 5 print_mo(each_item,level+1) 6 else: 7 for tab_stop in range(level): 8 print("\t",end="") 9 print(each_item) 10 11 12 >>> print_mo(movies1104,2) 13 14 体会生活 15 2010 16 the first man 17 2011 18 zhangyimou20 women 21 china
1 the_file = open(‘test.txt‘) 2 3 #处理代码木块 4 5 the_file.close()
1 >>> import os 2 3 >>> os.getcwd()#获取当前工作路径 4 ‘/Users/qanfuhong/Documents‘ 5 6 >>> os.chdir(‘/Users/qanfuhong/Desktop/HeadFirstPython/chapter3‘)#切换当前工作路径 7 8 >>> os.getcwd() 9 ‘/Users/qanfuhong/Desktop/HeadFirstPython/chapter3‘ 10 11 >>> data = open(‘sketch.txt‘) 12 13 >>> print(data.readline(),end=‘‘)#readline()从文件获取一个数据行 14 15 Man: Is this the right room for an argument? 16 17 >>> print(data.readline(),end =‘‘) 18 19 Other Man: I‘ve told you once. 20 >>> print(data.readline(),end =‘‘) 21 Man: No you haven‘t! 22 23 >>> data.seek(0)#返回文件起始位置 24 0 25 >>> for each_line in data : 26 print(each_line,end=‘‘)#循环遍历,将文件的数据按行打印 27 28 Man: Is this the right room for an argument? 29 Other Man: I‘ve told you once. 30 Man: No you haven‘t! 31 Other Man: Yes I have. 32 Man: When? 33 Other Man: Just now. 34 Man: No you didn‘t! 35 Other Man: Yes I did! 36 …… 37 Man: Yes it is! 38 >>>
1 >>>data = open(‘sketch.txt‘) 2 >>>for each_line in data: 3 (role,line_spoken) = each_line.split(":") 4 print(role,end=‘‘) 5 print(‘ said: ‘,end=‘‘) 6 print(line_spoken,end=‘‘)
Man said: Is this the right room for an argument?
Other Man said: I‘ve told you once.
Man said: No you haven‘t!
Other Man said: Yes I have.
1 >>> each_line = "i love you ,nana." 2 3 >>> each_line.find(‘:‘) 4 -1 5 >>> each_line.find(‘nana‘) 6 12
1 #!/usr/bin/env python 2 # coding: utf-8 3 # In[3]: 4 import numpy as np 5 import pandas as pd 6 import sys 7 def generator30(filein,fileout): 8 df = pd.read_csv(filein,sep = ‘\t‘,header = 0) 9 df[‘advantage_user‘]=0 10 df[‘sayhirate‘][df[‘sayhirate‘].isnull()]=0 11 df[‘sayhirate‘][df[‘sayhirate‘]>1]=1 12 for (k1,k2),group in df.groupby([‘age‘,‘province‘]): 13 p30 = 1 + int(group.index.shape[0]*.3) 14 df.loc[group.index[0:p30],‘adavantage_user‘] = 1 15 df.loc[group.index[p30:],‘adavantage_user‘] = 0 16 df[(df[‘adavantage_user‘]!=0) & (df[‘adavantage_user‘]!=1)]=-1 17 df[‘adavantage_user‘] = df[‘adavantage_user‘].astype(int) 18 df[‘sayhirate‘] = (df[‘sayhirate‘]*10000).astype(int) 19 df = df[[‘user_id‘,‘province‘,‘sex‘,‘age‘,‘sayhirate‘,‘adavantage_user‘]] 20 df.to_csv(fileout,sep=‘\t‘,index=0) 21 22 #filein, fileout分别为输入文件路径,输出文件路径 23 infile = sys.argv[1] 24 outfile = sys.argv[2] 25 generator30(infile,outfile)