Connected Standby是Windows 8全新的电源管理系统,即当系统进入休眠状态时,应用程式虽处於暂停(suspend)的状态,但依旧会与网路维持连线。这个新功能的优势就如同智慧型手机一般,虽然萤幕装置关闭或休眠,但其他应用程式会以低功耗的电源去持续的与远端连结,让资讯不会遗漏或延迟更新。并且Connected Standby的工作管理员会将未在萤幕上执行的应用程式暂时停止并储存其状态,也就是它不会占用CPU的功耗
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Windows*8 Store APP-Low Power Audio Playback(PDF)
One of the use cases for tablets with Intel@Atom processorrs and Microsoft Windows8 is low-power audio playback.This capability allows users to continue listening to misic after the device enters a low-power state commonly referred to as Connected Standby.Connected Standby is an Always On Always Connected scenario implemented in Microsoft Windows and manifest through the new Intel Atom S0ix low-power states.Using this state,devices can save dramatically on battery life while still allowing users to listen to music.
一个用例为平板电脑Intel@Atom processorrs和微软Windows8低功耗音频回放。此功能允许用户继续听阅读装置后进入低功耗状态通常被称为Connected Standby。Connected Standby一个总是连接场景中实现微软Windows和清单通过新的英特尔Atom S0ix低功耗状态。使用这个状态,设备可以节省对电池寿命显著,同时仍然允许用户听音乐。