下面这段代码摘自matplotlib的_init_.py文件中class RcParams的定义:
1 msg_depr = "%s is deprecated and replaced with %s; please use the latter." 2 msg_depr_set = ("%s is deprecated. Please remove it from your " 3 "matplotlibrc and/or style files.") 4 msg_depr_ignore = "%s is deprecated and ignored. Use %s instead." 5 msg_obsolete = ("%s is obsolete. Please remove it from your matplotlibrc " 6 "and/or style files.") 7 msg_backend_obsolete = ("The {} rcParam was deprecated in version 2.2. In" 8 " order to force the use of a specific Qt binding," 9 " either import that binding first, or set the " 10 "QT_API environment variable.")
tpl = "i am %s" % "alex" print(tpl)
tpl = "i am %s age %d" % ("alex", 18) print(tpl)
tpl = "i am %(name)s age %(age)d" % {"name": "alex", "age": 18} print(tpl)
tpl = "percent %.2f" % 99.97623 print(tpl)
tpl = "i am %(pp).2f" % {"pp": 123.425556, } print(tpl)
tpl = "i am %(pp).2f %%" % {"pp": 123.425556, } print(tpl)
i am alex
i am alex age 18
i am alex age 18
percent 99.98
i am 123.43
i am 123.43 %
total_times = 1000
roll_dict={"1":56, "2":65, "3":458, "4":25}
for i, result in roll_dict.items():
print(‘点数是{}的次数是:{},频率是:{}‘ .format(i, result, result/total_times))
1 tpl = "i am {}, age {}, {}".format("seven", 18, ‘alex‘) 2 print(tpl) 3 4 tpl = "i am {}, age {}, {}".format(*["seven", 18, ‘alex‘]) 5 print(tpl) 6 7 tpl = "i am {0}, age {1}, really {0}".format("seven", 18) 8 print(tpl) 9 10 tpl = "i am {0}, age {1}, really {0}".format(*["seven", 18]) 11 print(tpl) 12 13 tpl = "i am {name}, age {age}, really {name}".format(name="seven", age=18) 14 print(tpl) 15 16 tpl = "i am {name}, age {age}, really {name}".format(**{"name": "seven", "age": 18}) 17 print(tpl) 18 19 tpl = "i am {0[0]}, age {0[1]}, really {0[2]}".format([1, 2, 3], [11, 22, 33]) 20 print(tpl) 21 22 tpl = "i am {:s}, age {:d}, money {:f}".format("seven", 18, 88888.1) 23 print(tpl) 24 25 tpl = "i am {:s}, age {:d}".format(*["seven", 18]) 26 print(tpl) 27 28 tpl = "i am {name:s}, age {age:d}".format(name="seven", age=18) 29 print(tpl) 30 31 tpl = "i am {name:s}, age {age:d}".format(**{"name": "seven", "age": 18}) 32 print(tpl) 33 34 tpl = "numbers: {:b},{:o},{:d},{:x},{:X}, {:%}".format(15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15.87623, 2) 35 print(tpl) 36 37 tpl = "numbers: {:b},{:o},{:d},{:x},{:X}, {:%}".format(15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15.87623, 2) 38 print(tpl) 39 40 tpl = "numbers: {0:b},{0:o},{0:d},{0:x},{0:X}, {0:%}".format(15) 41 print(tpl) 42 43 tpl = "numbers: {num:b},{num:o},{num:d},{num:x},{num:X}, {num:%}".format(num=15) 44 print(tpl)
i am seven, age 18, alex
i am seven, age 18, alex
i am seven, age 18, really seven
i am seven, age 18, really seven
i am seven, age 18, really seven
i am seven, age 18, really seven
i am 1, age 2, really 3
i am seven, age 18, money 88888.100000
i am seven, age 18
i am seven, age 18
i am seven, age 18
numbers: 1111,17,15,f,F, 1587.623000%
numbers: 1111,17,15,f,F, 1587.623000%
numbers: 1111,17,15,f,F, 1500.000000%
numbers: 1111,17,15,f,F, 1500.000000%
从上述例子中 可以看出{}在语句中出现的位置依次与format中变量出现的位置从左到右依次对应,但如果{}中有整型数据,则整型数据值表示format中元素的索引位置:
1 tpl = "i am {0[0]}, age {0[1]}, really {0[2]}".format([1, 2, 3], [11, 22, 33]) 2 print(tpl)
i am 1, age 2, really 3
1 tpl = "i am {0}, age {1[1]}, really {1[2]}".format([1, 2, 3], [11, 22, 33]) 2 print(tpl)
i am [1, 2, 3], age 22, really 33