function [ output_args ] = ga_test clear; %解:X = [0, 0, ...] %nVar = 30 %dims: [-30, 30] function fitness = sphere(vals) prod = vals .* vals; fitness = sum(prod, 2); end %f(x) = 1/4000 * sum^n_1(x_i)^2 - prod^n_1 * cos(x_i/sqrt(i)) + 1 %f* = 0, x* = [0, 0, ...]; %nVar = 30 %dims: [-600, 600] function fitness = griewank(vals) [h w] = size(vals); p1 = vals.^2; p1 = 1/4000 .* sum(p1, 2); t = sqrt([1:w]); p2 = vals ./ repmat(t, h, 1); p2 = cos(p2); p2 = prod(p2, 2); fitness = p1 - p2 + 1; end %解: X* = [1, 1, 1, ...] %nVar: 30 function fitness = RosenBroek(vals) [k n] = size(vals); vals1 = vals(:, 1:n-1); vals2 = vals(:, 2:n); tmp = vals2 - vals1 .* vals1; tmp = 100 * tmp .* tmp; tmp1 = (vals1 - 1).^2; fitness = sum(tmp, 2) + sum(tmp1, 2); end %许多局部最小值,最优解:X = [0, 0], 固定2个变量 %nVar = 2 function fitness = Rastrigin (X) v = X.^2 - 10 .* cos(2 * pi .* X) + 10; fitness = sum(v, 2); end %参数 popSize = 50; % 群规模 Run = 4; % 测试轮次 option = gaoptimset('PopulationSize', popSize); %, 'UseParallel', true); Ans = {}; for r = 1:Run %轮次 Func = r; % 测试适应度函数 switch Func case 1 Func = @sphere Xmin = -100; Xmax = 100; nVar = 30; case 2 Func = @griewank Xmin = -600; Xmax = 600; nVar = 30; case 3 nVar = 30; Func = @RosenBroek Xmin = -100; Xmax = 100; case 4 nVar = 2; Func = @Rastrigin Xmin = -5.12; Xmax = 5.12; end; tic; [Ans{r}.bestGene, Ans{r}.bestFit] = ga(Func, nVar, [], [], [], [], repmat(Xmin, nVar, 1), repmat(Xmax, nVar, 1), [], option); costt = toc Ans{r}.costtime = costt; end %可运行30轮,查看结果 for r = 1:Run fprintf('fit=%f, costtime=%f(s) \n', Ans{r}.bestFit, Ans{r}.costtime); %Ans{r}.bestGene end; end运行结果:
Func =
Optimization terminated: average change in the fitness value less than options.TolFun.
costt =
Func =
Optimization terminated: average change in the fitness value less than options.TolFun.
costt =
Func =
Optimization terminated: maximum number of generations exceeded.
costt =
Func =
Optimization terminated: average change in the fitness value less than options.TolFun.
costt =
fit=0.000100, costtime=4.246814(s)
fit=0.000150, costtime=4.295222(s)
fit=1.511176, costtime=14.423554(s)
fit=0.000000, costtime=0.288025(s)