3 7 ... ... .b. ... ... .a. ...
4 1 UDUHintHint: The following figures show the sample. The circle is the position of the pusher. And the squares are blocks (The two nested squares indicating a pile of two blocks). And this is the unique solution for this case.
#include <stdio.h> int n,m,total,sx,sy; char mp[25][26],ans[10000]; bool flag; void dfs(int x,int y,int cnt) { int i,t1,t2; if(flag) return; if(cnt==total) { printf("%d\n%d\n",sx,sy); ans[cnt]=0; puts(ans); flag=1; return; } if(x-1>0 && !mp[x-1][y])//U { for(i=x-2;i>=0;i--) if(mp[i][y]>0) break; if(i>0) { t1=mp[i-1][y]; t2=mp[i][y]; mp[i-1][y]+=mp[i][y]-1; mp[i][y]=0; ans[cnt]='U'; dfs(i,y,cnt+1); mp[i-1][y]=t1; mp[i][y]=t2; } else if(!i) { mp[i][y]--; ans[cnt]='U'; if(mp[i][y]) dfs(1,y,cnt+1); else dfs(0,y,cnt+1); mp[i][y]++; } } if(y-1>0 && !mp[x][y-1])//L { for(i=y-2;i>=0;i--) if(mp[x][i]>0) break; if(i>0) { t1=mp[x][i-1]; t2=mp[x][i]; mp[x][i-1]+=mp[x][i]-1; mp[x][i]=0; ans[cnt]='L'; dfs(x,i,cnt+1); mp[x][i-1]=t1; mp[x][i]=t2; } else if(!i) { mp[x][i]--; ans[cnt]='L'; if(mp[x][i]) dfs(x,1,cnt+1); else dfs(x,0,cnt+1); mp[x][i]++; } } if(y+1<m-1 && !mp[x][y+1])//R { for(i=y+2;i<m;i++) if(mp[x][i]>0) break; if(i<m-1) { t1=mp[x][i+1]; t2=mp[x][i]; mp[x][i+1]+=mp[x][i]-1; mp[x][i]=0; ans[cnt]='R'; dfs(x,i,cnt+1); mp[x][i+1]=t1; mp[x][i]=t2; } else if(i==m-1) { mp[x][i]--; ans[cnt]='R'; if(mp[x][i]) dfs(x,m-2,cnt+1); else dfs(x,m-1,cnt+1); mp[x][i]++; } } if(x+1<n-1 && !mp[x+1][y])//D { for(i=x+2;i<n;i++) if(mp[i][y]>0) break; if(i<n-1) { t1=mp[i+1][y]; t2=mp[i][y]; mp[i+1][y]+=mp[i][y]-1; mp[i][y]=0; ans[cnt]='D'; dfs(i,y,cnt+1); mp[i+1][y]=t1; mp[i][y]=t2; } else if(i==n-1) { mp[i][y]--; ans[cnt]='D'; if(mp[i][y]) dfs(n-2,y,cnt+1); else dfs(n-1,y,cnt+1); mp[i][y]++; } } } int main() { int i,j; while(~scanf("%d%d",&m,&n)) { for(i=0;i<n;i++) scanf("%s",mp[i]); total=flag=0; for(i=0;i<n;i++) { for(j=0;j<m;j++) { if(mp[i][j]!='.') { total+=mp[i][j]-'a'+1; mp[i][j]=mp[i][j]-'a'+1; } else mp[i][j]=0; } } for(i=0;i<n && !flag;i++) { for(j=0;j<m && !flag;j++) { if(!mp[i][j]) { sx=i; sy=j; dfs(i,j,0); } } } } }