1 #购物车
2 #商品信息
3 product_list=[
4 (‘mac‘,10000),
5 (‘car‘,10000),
6 (‘book‘,50),
7 (‘shoes‘,200),
8 (‘kindle‘,800),
9 (‘food‘,10),
10 ]
11 shopping_car=[]
12 saving=input("please input your money:")
13 if saving.isdigit():
14 saving=int(saving)
15 else:
16 print("invalid input")
17 while True:
18 for i ,v in enumerate(product_list,1):
19 print(i,"<<<",v)
20 choice=input("please input the number of these "
21 "goods which you want to buy(press q to eixt)")
22 if choice.isdigit():
23 choice=int(choice)
24 if choice>0 and choice < len(product_list):
25 p_iterm=product_list[choice-1]
26 if saving >=p_iterm[1]:
27 saving-=p_iterm[1]
28 shopping_car.append(p_iterm)
29 else:
30 print("don‘t have ennough money")
31 print(p_iterm)
32 else:
33 print("the number is not exit")
34 elif choice==‘q‘:
35 print("---------you have buy somethings as follows------- ")
36 for i in shopping_car:
37 print(i)
38 print("the rest of money%s"%saving)
39 break
40 else:
41 print("invalid input")