Given a non-empty string s and an integer k, rearrange the string such that the same characters are at least distance k from each other.
All input strings are given in lowercase letters. If it is not possible to rearrange the string, return an empty string ""
Example 1:
Input: s = "aabbcc", k = 3
Output: "abcabc"
Explanation: The same letters are at least distance 3 from each other.
Example 2:
Input: s = "aaabc", k = 3
Output: ""
Explanation: It is not possible to rearrange the string.
Example 3:
Input: s = "aaadbbcc", k = 2
Output: "abacabcd"
Explanation: The same letters are at least distance 2 from each other.
1 class Solution { 2 public: 3 string rearrangeString(string str, int k) { 4 if (k == 0) return str; 5 string res; 6 int len = (int)str.size(); 7 unordered_map<char, int> m; 8 priority_queue<pair<int, char>> q; 9 for (auto a : str) ++m[a]; 10 for (auto it = m.begin(); it != m.end(); ++it) { 11 q.push({it->second, it->first}); 12 } 13 while (!q.empty()) { 14 vector<pair<int, int>> v; 15 int cnt = min(k, len); 16 for (int i = 0; i < cnt; ++i) { 17 if (q.empty()) return ""; 18 auto t =; q.pop(); 19 res.push_back(t.second); 20 if (--t.first > 0) v.push_back(t); 21 --len; 22 } 23 for (auto a : v) q.push(a); 24 } 25 return res; 26 } 27 };
Leetcode 358. Rearrange String k Distance Apart