#include<queue> #include<cstdio> #include<cstring> #include<algorithm> using namespace std; const int N = 5050; const int M = 200050; const double eps = 1e-8; template<typename T> inline void read(T&x) { T f = 1,c = 0;char ch=getchar(); while(ch<‘0‘||ch>‘9‘){if(ch==‘-‘)f=-1;ch=getchar();} while(ch>=‘0‘&&ch<=‘9‘){c=c*10+ch-‘0‘;ch=getchar();} x = f*c; } int n,m,hed[N],cnt,heb[N],cnb; double lim; struct EG { int to,nxt; double w; }e[2*M],br[2*M]; void ae(int f,int t,double w) { e[++cnt].to = t; e[cnt].nxt = hed[f]; e[cnt].w = w; hed[f] = cnt; } void ab(int f,int t,double w) { br[++cnb].to = t; br[cnb].nxt = heb[f]; br[cnb].w = w; heb[f] = cnb; } double g[N]; bool vis[N]; struct Pair { int x; double d; Pair(){} Pair(int x,double d):x(x),d(d){} friend bool operator < (Pair a,Pair b) { return a.d>b.d; } }tp; void dij() { priority_queue<Pair>q; for(int i=1;i<n;i++)g[i]=1e18; q.push(Pair(n,0.0)); while(!q.empty()) { tp = q.top(); q.pop(); int u = tp.x; if(vis[u])continue; vis[u] = 1; for(int j=heb[u];j;j=br[j].nxt) { int to = br[j].to; if(g[to]-g[u]-br[j].w>eps) { g[to] = g[u]+br[j].w; q.push(Pair(to,g[to])); } } } } int ans,t[N]; void A_star() { priority_queue<Pair>q; q.push(Pair(1,g[1])); int kk = (int)(lim/g[1])+1; while(!q.empty()) { tp = q.top(); q.pop(); int u = tp.x; if(lim-tp.d+eps<0)break; if(u==n) { lim-=tp.d; ans++; continue; } t[u]++; if(t[u]>kk)continue; for(int j=hed[u];j;j=e[j].nxt) { int to = e[j].to; if(lim-(tp.d-g[u]+e[j].w+g[to])+eps>0) { q.push(Pair(to,tp.d-g[u]+e[j].w+g[to])); } } } } int main() { read(n),read(m); scanf("%lf",&lim); if(lim>1000000) { puts("2002000"); return 0; } int f,t;double w; for(int i=1;i<=m;i++) { read(f),read(t); scanf("%lf",&w); ae(f,t,w); ab(t,f,w); } dij(); A_star(); printf("%d\n",ans); return 0; }
/************************************************************** Problem: 1975 User: LiGuanlin Language: C++ Result: Accepted Time:600 ms Memory:56784 kb ****************************************************************/ #include<cmath> #include<queue> #include<cstdio> #include<cstring> #include<algorithm> using namespace std; const int N = 5050; const int M = 200050; const int MAXN = 10*M; const double eps = 1e-8; template<typename T> inline void read(T&x) { T f = 1,c = 0;char ch=getchar(); while(ch<‘0‘||ch>‘9‘){if(ch==‘-‘)f=-1;ch=getchar();} while(ch>=‘0‘&&ch<=‘9‘){c=c*10+ch-‘0‘;ch=getchar();} x = f*c; } int n,m,fa[N],tot,rt[N],pre[N]; double lim,g[N]; bool vis[N]; struct node { int ls,rs,dis,tl; double v; }p[MAXN]; int merge(int x,int y) { if(!x||!y)return x+y; if(p[x].v-p[y].v>=eps)swap(x,y); int u = ++tot; p[u] = p[x]; p[u].rs = merge(p[u].rs,y); if(p[p[u].ls].dis<p[p[u].rs].dis)swap(p[u].ls,p[u].rs); p[u].dis = p[p[u].rs].dis+1; return u; } struct Pair { int x; double d; Pair(){} Pair(int x,double d):x(x),d(d){} friend bool operator < (Pair a,Pair b) { return a.d>b.d; } }tp; int hed[N],cnt=1; bool cov[2*M]; struct EG { int to,nxt; double w; }e[2*M]; void ae(int f,int t,double w) { e[++cnt].to = t; e[cnt].nxt = hed[f]; e[cnt].w = w; hed[f] = cnt; } void dij() { priority_queue<Pair>q; for(int i=1;i<n;i++)g[i]=1e18; q.push(Pair(n,0.0)); while(!q.empty()) { tp = q.top(); q.pop(); int u = tp.x; if(vis[u])continue; vis[u] = 1; for(int j=hed[u];j;j=e[j].nxt) { if(j&1) { int to = e[j].to; if(g[to]+eps>g[u]+e[j].w) { g[to] = g[u]+e[j].w; q.push(Pair(to,g[to])); } } } } } void dfs(int u) { vis[u] = 1; for(int j=hed[u];j;j=e[j].nxt)if(j&1) { int to = e[j].to; if(fabs(g[to]-(e[j].w+g[u]))<=eps&&!vis[to]) { fa[to] = u; cov[j^1] = 1; dfs(to); } } } void topo() { priority_queue<Pair>q; for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)q.push(Pair(i,g[i])); for(int u,i=1;i<=n;i++) { u = q.top().x;q.pop(); if(fa[u])rt[u] = merge(rt[u],rt[fa[u]]); } } int main() { read(n),read(m); scanf("%lf",&lim); int f,t;double w; for(int i=1;i<=m;i++) { read(f),read(t); scanf("%lf",&w); ae(f,t,w); ae(t,f,w); } dij(); memset(vis,0,sizeof(vis)); dfs(n); for(int j=2;j<=cnt;j+=2) { if(!cov[j]) { int f = e[j^1].to,t = e[j].to; double w = g[t]+e[j].w-g[f]; p[++tot].v = w,p[tot].dis = 1,p[tot].tl = t; rt[f] = merge(rt[f],tot); } } topo(); priority_queue<Pair>q; int ans = 0; if(lim+eps>g[1])lim-=g[1],ans++; if(rt[1])q.push(Pair(rt[1],p[rt[1]].v)); while(!q.empty()) { tp = q.top(); q.pop(); if(lim+eps>tp.d+g[1])lim-=(tp.d+g[1]),ans++; else break; int u = tp.x,ls = p[u].ls,rs = p[u].rs; if(ls)q.push(Pair(ls,tp.d-p[u].v+p[ls].v)); if(rs)q.push(Pair(rs,tp.d-p[u].v+p[rs].v)); int t = p[u].tl; if(rt[t])q.push(Pair(rt[t],p[rt[t]].v+tp.d)); } printf("%d\n",ans); return 0; }