select * from 表名 # *所有 select distinct 字段 from 表名 #distinct 去重 where #条件 group by 字段 #分组 having #过滤 order by 字段 #排序 limit #限制条数
from where group by having select distinct order by limit
创建表 create table employee( id int not null unique auto_increment, name varchar(20) not null, sex enum(‘male‘,‘female‘) not null default ‘male‘, #大部分是男的 age int(3) unsigned not null default 28, hire_date date not null, post varchar(50), post_comment varchar(100), salary double(15,2), office int, #一个部门一个屋子 depart_id int ); #三个部门:教学,销售,运营 insert into employee(name,sex,age,hire_date,post,salary,office,depart_id) values (‘egon‘,‘male‘,18,‘20170301‘,‘老男孩驻沙河办事处外交大使‘,7300.33,401,1), #以下是教学部,全都是老师 (‘alex‘,‘male‘,78,‘20150302‘,‘teacher‘,1000000.31,401,1), (‘wupeiqi‘,‘male‘,81,‘20130305‘,‘teacher‘,8300,401,1), (‘yuanhao‘,‘male‘,73,‘20140701‘,‘teacher‘,3500,401,1), (‘liwenzhou‘,‘male‘,28,‘20121101‘,‘teacher‘,2100,401,1), (‘jingliyang‘,‘female‘,18,‘20110211‘,‘teacher‘,9000,401,1), (‘jinxin‘,‘male‘,18,‘19000301‘,‘teacher‘,30000,401,1), (‘成龙‘,‘male‘,48,‘20101111‘,‘teacher‘,10000,401,1), (‘歪歪‘,‘female‘,48,‘20150311‘,‘sale‘,3000.13,402,2),#以下是销售部门 (‘丫丫‘,‘female‘,38,‘20101101‘,‘sale‘,2000.35,402,2), (‘丁丁‘,‘female‘,18,‘20110312‘,‘sale‘,1000.37,402,2), (‘星星‘,‘female‘,18,‘20160513‘,‘sale‘,3000.29,402,2), (‘格格‘,‘female‘,28,‘20170127‘,‘sale‘,4000.33,402,2), (‘张野‘,‘male‘,28,‘20160311‘,‘operation‘,10000.13,403,3), #以下是运营部门 (‘程咬金‘,‘male‘,18,‘19970312‘,‘operation‘,20000,403,3), (‘程咬银‘,‘female‘,18,‘20130311‘,‘operation‘,19000,403,3), (‘程咬铜‘,‘male‘,18,‘20150411‘,‘operation‘,18000,403,3), (‘程咬铁‘,‘female‘,18,‘20140512‘,‘operation‘,17000,403,3) ;
select * from employee; select distinct post from employee; select name,salary*12 from employee; select name,salary*12 as annual_salary from employee; select concat(‘姓名:‘,name,‘年薪:‘,salary*12) as annual_salary from emplyee;
1.比较符:>< >= <= <> !=
2.between 80 and 100 值在80到100之间,90,100) 值是80或90或100 ‘egon%‘
#单表查询 select name from employee where post=‘sale‘; #多表查询 select name,salary from employee where post=‘teacher‘ and salar>10000; #关键字查询 select name,salary from employee where salary between 10000 and 20000; #关键字 is null 判断null只能用is select name,post_comment from employee where post_comment is null; #关键字in select name,salary drom employee where salary in (3000,3500,4000,9000); #关键字like模糊查询 select * from employee where name like ‘eg%‘; select * from employee where name like ‘al__‘;
查看mysql默认下的sql_mode: select @@global.sql_mode; 设置sql_mode set global sql_mode=‘STRICT_TRANS_TABLES,NO_ZERO_IN_DATE,NO_ZERO_DATE,ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO,NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION‘; select * from employee group by post; select post,group_concat(name) from employee group by post; select post,count(id) as count from employee group by post;
select count(*) from employee; select count(*) from employee where depart_id = 1; select max(salary) from employee; select min(salary) from employee; select avg(salary) from employee; select sum(salary) from employee;
select post,avg(salary) as new_sa from employee where age>=30 group by post having avg(salary) >10000;
select count(distinct post) from employee;
select * from employee order by salary; select * from employee order by salary asc;#升序 select * from employee order by salary desc; #降序 select * from employee order by age; select * from employee order by age,salary desc;
select * from employee order by salary desc limit 3; select * from employee order by salary desc limit 0,5; #从0开始显示5条 select * from employee order by salary desc limit 5,5; #从5开始显示5条
select * from employee where name regexp ‘^alex‘; select * from employee where name regexp ‘on$‘; select * from employee where name regexp ‘m{2}‘;