答:oracle正常是不允许直接在存储过程中直接创建临时表的,所以只能使用动态SQL的方式。创建之前,请先确认执行存储过程的用户拥有create any table 的权限。否则会报错。
1) 可以在SQL中定义参数,然后执行的时候在传进去。例如:
sql := ‘select * from tableA where colA = :1 and colB = 1‘; execute immediate sql using ‘colA_value‘
2) 使用转义符,2个单引号,例如:
execute immediate ‘select * from tableA where colA = ‘‘a‘‘ and colB = 1‘;
3. 如何将结果集返回出去。
答:在存储过程定义中声明一个出参out_return out sys_refcursor,然后在最后open out_return for ‘select * from base_data‘;
create or replace PROCEDURE KD_Po_Weight_Avg_Price( fyear number, fmonth number, out_return out sys_refcursor ) AS --定义局部变量 month_diff NUMBER(6,2); input_date date; current_period date; input_year_month number(6); temp_sql varchar2(1000); insert_sql varchar2(2000); result_sql varchar2(200); table_count number(3); --开始业务处理 BEGIN --入参日期 input_date := to_date(fyear||‘-‘||fmonth,‘yyyy-mm‘); --入参日期(数字) input_year_month := fyear * 100 + fmonth; --查询当前账期和当前时间相差的月份 select TO_DATE(sy.FVALUE || ‘-‘ || sp.FVALUE, ‘YYYY-MM‘) into current_period from T_BD_ACCOUNTBOOK b inner join T_BAS_SYSTEMPROFILE sy on b.fbookid = sy.FACCOUNTBOOKID and sy.FKEY = ‘CurrentYear‘ and sy.FCATEGORY = ‘GL‘ inner join T_BAS_SYSTEMPROFILE sp on b.fbookid = sp.FACCOUNTBOOKID and sp.FKEY = ‘CurrentPeriod‘ and sp.FCATEGORY = ‘GL‘ where b.fnumber = ‘001‘; if months_between(input_date,current_period) >= 1 then --如果差值小于1证明,当前月份已经结账了.再查询当前表里是否已经有数据了, DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(‘继续处理,要求的日期已结账,当前账期‘||current_period); else DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(‘当前账期还未结账‘); --如果未结账直接抛异常,程序终止 RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20001, ‘当前账期还未结账.请结账后再试‘); end if; select count(1) into table_count from user_tables t where upper(t.TABLE_NAME) = upper(‘base_data‘); if table_count >= 1 then execute immediate ‘drop table base_data‘; end if; temp_sql := ‘create global temporary table base_data( year_month number(6), FYear number(4), FMonth number(4), KdYear number(4), FQuarter number(1), item_number varchar2(50), supplier_number varchar2(50), FAmount number(28,10), FQty number(28,10) ) ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS‘; execute immediate temp_sql; insert_sql := ‘insert into base_data select t.* from ( select extract(year from i.fdate)*100+extract(month from i.fdate) as year_month, extract(year from i.fdate) as year, extract(month from i.fdate) as month, decode(sign(extract(month from i.fdate) - 3), -1, extract(year from i.fdate) - 1, extract(year from i.fdate)) as kdyear, case when (extract(month from i.fdate) in (1,2,3)) then 4 when (extract(month from i.fdate) in (4,5,6)) then 1 when (extract(month from i.fdate) in (7,8,9)) then 2 when (extract(month from i.fdate) in (10,11,12)) then 3 end as kdquarter, m.fnumber as itemNumber, s.fnumber as supplierNumber, nvl(if.FALLAMOUNT,0) as famount,nvl(ie.FREALQTY,0) as fqty from T_STK_INSTOCK i inner join T_BAS_BILLTYPE b on i.fbilltypeid = b.fbilltypeid and b.fnumber = ‘‘RKD01_SYS‘‘ inner join T_STK_INSTOCKEntry ie on i.fid = ie.fid left join T_STK_INSTOCKENTRY_F if on IE.FENTRYID = if.FENTRYID left join T_BD_SUPPLIER s on i.fsupplierid = s.fsupplierid inner join T_BD_SUPPLIER_L sl on s.fsupplierid = sl.fsupplierid left join T_BD_MATERIAL m on ie.FMATERIALID = m.FMATERIALID inner join T_BD_MATERIAL_L ml on m.FMATERIALID = ml.FMATERIALID where I.FCANCELSTATUS = ‘‘A‘‘ ) t where t.year_month <= :1 ‘; execute immediate insert_sql using input_year_month; open out_return for ‘select * from base_data‘; /* exception when too_many_rows then DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(‘返回值多于1行‘); when others then DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(‘未知异常!‘); */ --结束业务处理 END KD_Po_Weight_Avg_Price;